Well Badger Resource Center Update
September 2020
You're receiving this update because you've either opted-in to communications from the Well Badger Resource Center as a partner organization, or your agency has a listing in the Well Badger Resource Center's Online Directory.
Well Badger Continues To Assist
Through COVID-19
As the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects continue to affect Wisconsin individuals and families, we want to remind our partners Well Badger is here and ready to assist families. Several services and resources are available to help people navigate the questions and challenges they might have related to healthcare, urgent needs, mental health, and more.
Those services include:
1:1 Information, Navigation, and Referrals: we connect families with important services such as COVID-19 testing sites, pandemic unemployment assistance, energy assistance, health insurance, food assistance, and more. There are a variety of ways to connect with our Specialists (phone, text, email, live chat or web form on our website, and Facebook Messenger). We take the time to listen to a person's unique situation and identify programs and services to meet their needs.
Well-Badger-Link: a text and email opt-in program where families can get updates on COVID-19-related resources and services.
COVID-19 Resource Hub: an aggregate of "urgent needs" resources such as food and financial assistance, mental health needs, housing, unemployment issues, and more.
August was our busiest month on record with an increase in COVID-19 and electronic (email, texting, and Facebook) cases. Wisconsin residents continue to need assistance navigating the programs and resources right for them, and the variety of ways to connect and our focus on COVID-19 means more people are finding that help.
Service Status Updates: If you're an agency that needs to update your services due to COVID-19 (reduced or expanded hours, change in intake procedures, etc.), click the button below to fill out a Service Status Update.
Children's Mental Health Wizard
Launching Soon: Agency Info Needed!
You may remember that we've been working on a Children's Mental Health Resource Navigator tool. This is an online tool that parents and caregivers who have concerns about their child's mental health can use to receive a customized list of local mental health resources that best match their needs. We've been fortunate to have over 100 parents, caregivers, and professionals around the state provide feedback on the initial version of the tool, and we're almost ready for launch.
However, before we do, we'd like to get as many children's mental and behavioral health agencies, organizations, and resources loaded into the navigator as possible.
If you're a partner who has a service listed in the Well Badger Directory, please make sure you respond to our verification request email so that we know we have the correct information. If you don't remember seeing a verification email, reach out to us.
If you don't yet have a service listed, please fill out our Intake Form, or email us at agencyinfo@wellbadger.org to get started.
We're looking forward to rolling out this valuable resource for our clients and partners!
Humans of Well Badger:
Meet Peggy, Nora, & Emily
We're excited to introduce you to three of our Well Badger Resource Center team members through the stories below. Meet Peggy, our newest Information & Referral Specialist; Nora, our Program Logistics Manager who's responsible for making sure our online directory is up-to-date and easy to navigate; and Emily, our Database & Evaluation Manager who's responsible for creating our database.
Each one of these women brings a wealth of knowledge and experiences to their roles at Well Badger, and we hope you enjoy learning more about our team!
“It's an honor to have someone call and be willing to share their questions and concerns with you. That's the sacred space — the connection between two human beings."
“Getting information out to women and families who in turn can pass that information to other women and families, or be advocates for their own health, or take preventative measures — that's what it's all about."
“Someone who specializes in technical work is not immediately who you think of when you think of someone who works with an I&R service, but there are plenty of people who have a specialized skill and a big heart — and want to use both.”
Questions? Feedback?
We'd love to hear from you.
Well Badger Direct Line (for partners): (608) 571-1481
Please Note: Our 1-800 number and help@wellbadger.org email are for families
in need, but partners can use this number/email if they are referring a client
or patient on their behalf for services.
Racism has no place in our communities, or at the Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation. We stand with our Black employees, board members, participants, and partners. We stand united against violence, discrimination, and injustice. We will continue to listen and look at new ways to improve as we work toward inclusion and addressing socioeconomic disparities. Our shared values will lead us forward: health equity, respect, compassion, and humanity.