Celebrating the Success of

Wellfit Adventure Camp '23

Wellfit Adventure Camp 2023 was an incredible experience!

We hope your camper remembers the adventures, the friendships made, and the skills they learned. We hope that the bonds they formed will last a lifetime and when they look back on challenges they overcame, we hope they see resilience and strength within themselves. Our ultimate hope is that each camper left feeling more empowered and confident than before.

Thank you again to all of the campers who made this year's Wellfit Girls Adventure Camp such a success. We can't wait to see them again next year for another unforgettable experience.

HEY, campers going into 9th grade!

🙌🏼 💛 ✌🏼 🏔 🥾 💪🏽

We hope to see you for our high school program, Summit Sisters!

Summit Sisters is a transformative experience that combines outdoor adventure with personal growth. Summit Sisters meets twice a week and culminates with a life-changing backpacking expedition. Throughout the program, participants will be challenged to step out of their comfort zone, participate in activities & discussions that promote wellbeing and have a meaningful experience that will stay with them for a lifetime. Join us for Summit Sisters and embark on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery. Check out the newsletter featuring highlights from our 2023 program HERE

Please reach out to Natalie at to be put on our Summit Sisters 2024 waiting list. Be sure to follow us on social media to keep up with announcements!

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Parents, we would like to invite you to participate in our annual camp survey. Your feedback is extremely important to us as it helps us improve our programs for next year. Your input will not only benefit us, but it will also help us better serve you and our community. Thank you for your time and support.

Camp Survey


We are excited to share that the camp photos are now available for download! To access them, please click on the link below. We encourage you to share your favorite photos on social media and tag Wellfit Girls. Thank you for being a part of our community and we hope you enjoy reliving the memories from camp.

Camp Photos

Check out highlights from the camper surveys:

We have the girls complete a camp survey, too. This helps us get an idea of their experience to help us improve and make adjustments for following years.

Every camper said that they would recommend this program to others. Some of their reasons included;

"It is very inspiring and I made lots of new friends and it is overall a great experience"

"It is great program and it builds trust and friendships"

"its super fun and all the activities are extremely creative such as the ribbon ceremonies, the rock throwing in the lake, the journals, and being able to customize them, i love it"

What will you do differently in your life as a result of this program?

"Not judge others and be understanding of others, being myself and not please others just because I want to fit in, and also show integrity and be honest to others and myself."

"i will speak up for my self"

"keep more of an open mind and use the braving skills in my daily life such as boundaries because i didnt set them before, non judgement because i want people to not feel judged, and reliability so people can trust me more."

Below is a snapshot of the top answers to the question, what was your favorite part of this program, with NEW FRIENDS as one of the top answers.

What skills did you learn from this experience that you didn't expect?

"that talking to new people isnt as bad as i thought it would be"

"i learned how to express myself better which i did not expect because in the beginning i was thinking like "no way ill be like pouring my heart out to random girls" but we got so close and you guys are amazing!"

"Learning that it's okay to express myself and speak up, and also being myself in front of people"

A HUGE thank you to our facilitators and mentors!

As a nonprofit employing 2, the support from previous program participants is not only vital to the success of our programs but also a testament to the past success of our programs. Each year, girls from previous programs apply to come back to further their Wellfit experience and to build their leadership skills as mentors and facilitators.

Leadership pictured: Alexa Bustamante (Summit Sisters 2018, WAC 2023 Facilitator), Emily Luna (WAC 2020, 2021, 2022 mentor, 2023 facilitator, Summit Sisters 2022, 2023), Bianca Spicer (WAC 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 mentor, Summit Sisters 2023), Brooke Spencer (Wellfit Girls volunteer 2015, Staff, including Program Director & Executive Director, from 2016-2022). Not pictured: Reagan Conroy (WAC 2021, 2022, 2023 mentor)

Want to further support Wellfit Girls?

Wellfit Girls mission is to inspire, challenge and empower teen girls to climb high in all areas of life through our programs.

We need your help to ensure that all girls can participate in this life-changing adventure. Wellfit Girls is a nonprofit organization that offers scholarships and financial aid to ensure that every girl, regardless of her ability to pay, can attend our programs. With no state or federal funding, we rely on the generosity of donors like you to offer at least 30% of our girls scholarships. This year, we sponsored $4500 for WAC campers. Your donation today can help us do even more next year!

Support a camper

Join us at California Pizza Kitchen for another opportunity to support Wellfit Girls and to celebrate National Nonprofit Day!

Pizza with a Purpose

On August 16 &17, California Pizza Kitchen will donate 20% of your check to Wellfit Girls.

Purchases include all food and beverage sales for dine-in, take-out, and online orders - enter code BACK20% when you place an online order at

Valid only at the Naples location:

5555 Tamiami Trail at Waterside Shops. You must mention WELLFIT GIRLS as the charity.

We appreciate your support and are happy to have you in the Wellfit Community! We look forward to continue to empowering teen girls to climb high in all areas of their lives!

Natalie Bradley

Program Director

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