Check out highlights from the camper surveys:
We have the girls complete a camp survey, too. This helps us get an idea of their experience to help us improve and make adjustments for following years.
Every camper said that they would recommend this program to others. Some of their reasons included;
"It is very inspiring and I made lots of new friends and it is overall a great experience"
"It is great program and it builds trust and friendships"
"its super fun and all the activities are extremely creative such as the ribbon ceremonies, the rock throwing in the lake, the journals, and being able to customize them, i love it"
What will you do differently in your life as a result of this program?
"Not judge others and be understanding of others, being myself and not please others just because I want to fit in, and also show integrity and be honest to others and myself."
"i will speak up for my self"
"keep more of an open mind and use the braving skills in my daily life such as boundaries because i didnt set them before, non judgement because i want people to not feel judged, and reliability so people can trust me more."
Below is a snapshot of the top answers to the question, what was your favorite part of this program, with NEW FRIENDS as one of the top answers.