Do we really know what this means?
It’s about being reliable, keeping our promises, and treating people fairly.
Being kind, sympathetic, generous. It’s about being there for each other, even when it’s not easy. Showing compassion when mistakes are made, practicing forgiveness when others hurt you, and always showing kindness and respect.
This applies to others but it also applies to how you treat yourself.
Ways to Improve Mental health and Heart health:
Lifestyle changes: Eat healthily, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep
Self-care activities: Practice gratitude, focus on positivity, and try relaxing activities
Therapy: Talk it Out! Whether it’s a bad day or something more, you can gain clarity on the situation, release built-up tension, understand your emotions better, potentially identify new solutions, feel less alone, and overall improve your emotional well-being by processing the issue with someone you trust.