Tips to Keep Your Brain Fit 
Many people don’t start thinking about brain health until they notice some cognitive changes and memory loss but there are things we can do throughout our lifetime to help improve mental performance, and keep our mind sharp and healthy:
  1. Learn something new. Learning something new causes the brain’s neurons to form new connections while making existing pathways stronger or weaker (referred to as “plasticity” in the brain). For example, take an online course, learn a new language, or take up chess.
  2. Start a jigsaw puzzle. The act of finishing a puzzle helps connect brain cells, enhances short-term memory, and increases your brain’s speed.
  3. Cook complicated recipes. Consider picking up a recipe that requires more detailed measurements and more complicated steps. This can help improve your memory over time.
  4. Read more books. Reading helps activate the parietal lobe, which is responsible for turning letters into words and making sense of those words. It can also enhance your writing skills and help develop the occipital lobe, which processes visual information.
  5. Take up a musical instrument. Learning how to play a musical instrument can help change the brain function and structure for the better. It can also help you be more mentally alert.
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