How to Make Walking More Fun
It is recommended that adults engage in 2.5 hours of physical activity per week (Government of Canada) and walking can be a great way of achieving this. Walking is simple, free, and can be done practically anywhere but can also become monotonous. Try the following 5 activities to make walking more interesting:
  1. Add a Workout. Combine walking and bodyweight fitness movements to create the ultimate fitness routine. Try squats, lunges/walking lunges, tree push ups at various points of your walk. Or add intervals to your walk. Switch between slow, regular and fast-paced walking;
  2. Meditate. Meditation doesn’t have to be done only when you are seated. While walking, try a Guided Meditation to Savor the Day from Mindful;
  3. Learn Something. Listen to a Podcast, audio book or learn a new language while you walk. Visit Babbel Magazine for some interesting ways of incorporating language learning into your walk.
  4. Work on Your Photography. Bring a small camera or use your smartphone to photograph interesting things you see such as a beautiful sunrise/sunset, ducks in a pond, trees and flowers, etc. Share those on your social media or with friends and family. 
  5. Catch-up with Family and Friends. Walking is a perfect time to phone your friends/family and enjoy a good conversation.