Keeping Your Home Cool
As the summer days get hotter, you may be looking for ways to cool your home without using the air conditioner or would like to reduce your energy bill. Below are 5 tips to help you keep the indoor temperature down:

  1. Keep your blinds/curtains closed, especially on north and west-facing windows, to significantly cool your home.
  2. If you have a ceiling fan, set the fan speed high and adjust it to rotate counter-clockwise to push the air straight down which can help create a cooling effect.
  3. Close doors and vents in rooms that you are not using to keep the cool air where you need it most and not waste energy cooling rooms that no one is using.
  4. Place a shallow bowl or pan of ice in front of a fan to create an icy-cool breeze. 
  5. If you are using incandescent light bulbs, make the switch to CFL (compact fluorescent lamps) or LED bulbs to help you keep your home cool as incandescent light bulbs give off the most heat.