What to Do When You Lack Motivation 
A lack of motivation can be the biggest obstacle to reaching your goals. When you have no motivation to complete a task (or even start one), consider the possible reasons why you’re struggling. Then, develop a plan to help motivate yourself to get going. Below are some tips from Verywell Mind to help you overcome the motivation roadblock:

  • Consider the Reasons “Why”. At times, lack of motivation is the symptom of a bigger problem. Take a few minutes to consider why you might have trouble motivating yourself. Some common reasons might be being over-extended, having self-doubt, lack of commitment to a goal, depression or anxiety.
  • Act as If You Feel Motivated. Trick yourself into feeling motivated by changing your behavior. Act as if you felt motivated, and your actions may change your emotions.
  • Argue the Opposite. When you think that you are going to fail, argue all the reasons why you might succeed; when you think that you can’t finish a job, list all the evidence that shows you will be able to complete the task. Arguing the opposite can help you see both ends of the spectrum and remind you that a negative outcome isn’t completely accurate.
  • Pair a Dreaded Task With Something You Enjoy. Boost your mood by adding a little fun or a more exciting task to something you are not motivated to do. Listen to music while you run; take a break from a work task that you don’t enjoy by switching to a more motivating work task; turn on your favorite TV show while you are folding laundry.
  • Practice Self-Care. Create a healthy self-care plan to take care of your mind and body. For example take regular breaks, go for a walk at lunch, meditate each morning, enjoy a good book or leisure activity. 
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