Coping with Stress 
People have different tolerance levels for stress. The way one person copes with stress, another person may not find helpful. The first step is to know yourself and understand your personal coping style (source: www.heartandstroke.ca):
  • Task-oriented: You feel comfortable analyzing the stressor and taking appropriate, positive action to deal directly with the situation.
  • Emotion-oriented: You prefer to deal with your feelings and find social supports.
  • Distraction-oriented: You use external sources such as music or physical activity to take your mind off your predicament.

Take charge of stress and look for healthy ways to increase your ability to cope with it. For example:
  • Exercise regularly
  • Spend time with people who make you feel good
  • Engage your senses (listen to music, pet your dog)
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Get enough rest
  • Incorporate relaxation techniques into your day