Tips for Healthy Social Media Use
  1. Evaluate your “why.” If you are spending a lot of time on social media, reflect on the reasons. Are you searching for specific information? Do you feel lonely or bored? Understanding the "why" is the first step towards finding healthier ways to meet and fulfill your needs.
  2. Pay attention to your emotions. Your emotions say a lot about how you are being impacted by social media. If social media is having a negative impact on your emotional state, pay attention to the messages that you are being exposed to online and avoid those that cause negative thoughts and emotions.
  3. Tailor your experience to be uplifting. Social media algorithms tailor your experience based on what you have viewed in the past. Be intentional about what you click on. Choose uplifting posts to begin changing the stream of content in your social media channels.
  4. Limit your time on social media. Try limiting your exposure to social media to specific windows of time during the day. Think about adding an activity to your day such as reading or going out for a walk, or a new hobby to lessen the temptation to be online.
  5. Try a social media detox. Consider muting social media apps on your devices for a period of time to help you develop new habits. Try the social media detox for a week and assess your results at the end.
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