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Week of October 14th, 2024

3rd Grade Ohio English Language Arts (ELA) Assessment

Third grade students will be taking the state English Language Arts assessment the week of October 14th.

This is a very important test for third grade students across the state of Ohio, as students must pass the state test in order to be promoted to fourth grade

The state calls this the Third Grade Guarantee

Because this test is taken on the computer we are asking that you expose your third graders to the practice test at home. Most students will need to practice using the computer to be prepared for the test. This includes use of the mouse to click & drag and general typing. 


Attention Wells Families: Please be sure to label all of your child's personal items. This includes jackets, sweaters, lunch boxes, water bottles, etc. Thanks for your continued support!

Gymnasium Doors will be open for students arrival at 8:25AM. Latchkey is available for students starting at 7:30AM and is also available after school until 5:30PM. Fees are $10 per day, per child. Cash or Checks made out to Steubenville City Schools are the only forms of payment for the Latchkey services. Balances should be paid on a weekly basis. Non-payment within 2 weeks will result in suspension of latchkey privileges. Thank you for your continued support!

Buses will be dropping off in front of the auditorium doors. They will have a designated spot to drop off. Anyone dropping off a child please pull to the gymnasium doors and do not exit your vehicle. Staff will be on the street to help your child get out of the vehicle. If you would like to get out of your vehicle park in a parking lot and walk your child to the doors. Do not park and exit your vehicle on the street. Steubenville City Schools will not be responsible for any damages to vehicles. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. The safety of everyone is our top priority.  

Reminder: No Parking in front of Wells Academy from Dock Street to Logan Street from 2:00PM-4:00PM. This is to ensure the safety of our students and to eliminate additional traffic issues. This area will be a dedicated bus lane. If picking up a student for Early Dismissal anytime after 2:00PM please park across the street. Thanks for your continued support!