DRC Application

Document Library

Assessment Info

Design Guidelines

Dear Wendell Falls Residents,

Happy New Year! We hope you all enjoyed the holidays and are welcoming in 2024! In regards to Compliance, community drives and inspections are continuing to be completed into the new year. As a reminder, during inspection drives, management team members will be examining all of the homes to verify that the exterior components are in line with the governing documents of the association. Community drives are wonderful during the holiday season as it allows us to see all the beautiful decor! We hate to see it go, but please be aware that we have to start issuing courtesy reminders to remove such decor (per page 42 of the HOA Design Guidelines).

If you can take a moment to review the Compliance Spotlight items listed below to ensure you are in compliance, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

~ Your Management Team

  1. Holiday decor should have been removed on/by January 9th, 2024.
  2. Trash Cans properly stored behind screenings.
  3. Signs and Flags in compliance with size and location requirements.
  4. Landscape is maintained with lawns mowed and free of weeds.


We would like to take a moment to remind the community of the expectations for common areas. To ensure enjoyment of the common areas, Exhibit C (Section e & f) of the CCRs does not allow any activity on a unit or common area that emits obnoxious odors, produces harsh noise levels, unreasonably disturbs to peace or any threat to safety nor any activity that violates local, state or federal laws/regulations. This includes picking up your pet's waste, no riding of motorbikes or golf carts on trails/sidewalks/common areas, inflatable bounce houses, etc.

View the Declaration

If you are renting out your property, please remember to submit a copy of the lease to management via jsmith@ccmcnet.com. Approval of the lease must be obtained in advance by the Board of Directors. If you have already submitted a lease, which was approved, make sure to send any updates to the term to management. The Association may not have more than 10% of the units being rented at any given time.

Owners are reminded of a few important aspects of the DRC Process:

  • Once a complete application is received, the DRC committee has up to 45 days to respond with denial or approval.
  • When project is complete, let management know so a final inspection can occur. Once verified, the project will be closed out of the SmartWebs system.

In order to confirm we are in the office to assist you,

please schedule an appointment by reaching out with the contact information below. Thank you!

Community Association Office

The Farmhouse

Lower Level

320 Vintage Point Lane

Wendell, NC 27591



Office Hours

Monday: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm

Tuesday-Friday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

CCMC Onsite Management Team

General Inquiries


Taylor Brock

Maintenance Technician


Joseph Smith

Operations Coordinator


Kasia Charles

Compliance Coordinator


Wendell Falls Community Association | Website

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