Wesley Update

April 8th, 2024

Pastor's Corner

I talk to a lot of folks about Wesley. I'm telling students on campus who we are, I'm reassuring parents that their child is cared for, I'm weaving stories in sermons and Sunday School classes about the amazing work God is doing here.... and yet, no matter how much I tell someone about Wesley, it's never enough, it's only a piece of who we are.

Words only go so far, truly the best way to experience the life-changing moments that go on at campus is to see it for yourself. Listen to the student who shares that Wesley has been a light amongst the darkness. See the unlikely community of students that calls Wesley safe and a home.

That's why when I invite folks to bring lunch each week, I also invite them to spend time just sitting with some students and talking with them. There's something special about seeing God's work happen right before your eyes. And so, I want to expand that opportunity to everyone!

On Friday, April 26th at 6 pm we are hosting

the Taste of Wesley Fundraising Dinner and you are invited!

Hear from these students and more at Taste of Wesley Dinner!

Buy Tickets!

Taste of Wesley is exactly that, you will get a taste of what amazing things are going on at Lamar Wesley! Students will share their stories of why Wesley is essential to their life on campus while sharing a wonderful meal catered by Billy Joe's BBQ in Port Neches! We're hosting this event right on campus at the Wesley because we want you to get a real sense of what ministry looks like here at Lamar!

We will have a wide range of speakers, from student interns to Lamar Faculty, sharing how Wesley is a force for good here on campus.

We hope to raise $10,000 at this event to ensure that we can continue to change lives here on campus.

Tickets cost $15 and are available for purchase now at this link. Tables of 8 can be purchased as well for the price of $100 (that's a $20 savings!)

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Kyle Tremblay

Ministry like this, building community for all students, is only possible with your support!

Ministry Updates

Cardinal Pantry and Closet

April Showers don't stop us!

Students helped at Food Pantry: 129

April Total: 129

Semester Total: 1,575

Articles of Clothing Given Out: 75

Total This Semester: 250

One of the fascinating things of our food and clothing closet is that no matter how many students we sign-up, there are always new students learning about us. Just in one week in April, we had 17 students come by for the very first time!

Donate to our Food Pantry!

Lunch and Worship

Thank you to Wesley UMC in Orange for cooking and volunteering this week! This is the first time in a few years that Wesley UMC has brought a meal and it was wonderful to show them the Wesley and how campus has changed since they were last here!

Interested in providing a meal? Send us an email!

Consider Becoming a Monthly Donor

Our mission is to serve the students of Lamar and help them see God at work in their lives.

Your gifts help make this mission possible.

By becoming a monthly donor of as little as $10/month, you can provide 3 scholarships that send students to UM ARMY.

Donate Today

Circuit Rider

Each week Pastor Kyle visits a different church to preach, to teach Sunday School classes, and just to worship alongside people.

In addition to preaching at local churches here in SETX, I occasionally get to expand my circle and visit other churches around the conference. This Sunday I preached at Aldersgate UMC in Santa Fe for my good friend Pastor Amy Peters. Amy and I went to seminary together with a few other pastors in our conference and we still stay in regular communication with each other. So when Amy said she had a prayer retreat she was leading and needed someone to fill in, I jumped at the chance!

It was a wonderful time getting to meet so many folks and I look forward to one day coming back!

Easter is not a day, but a season! He is Risen!

Want Pastor Kyle to speak to your Sunday School class? Send us an email!

Lamar Wesley Foundation

Phone: (409) 728-7473

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