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Letter From the Pastor

Dear John Wesley Church,

As we begin this advent season, I want to invite you to join me as I delve into the book of Isaiah and explore what it means to believe in Jesus, whom the prophet Isaiah calls the Prince of Peace. 

But I must confess that peace has been in my mind lately. Let me rephrase that, the absence of peace has been in my mind lately. Like me, perhaps many of you have been watching the news about the war in Israel/Palestine. Although we can now celebrate the release of some hostages by Hamas, the suffering and devastation of the war will be around for years to come. I have also noticed that the war against Ukraine has faded out of the news media, as if it’s over, but that’s far from the facts. Needless to say, this is all heartbreaking! 

Wars and conflict do not only break our hearts. They break God’s heart. When our only choice is to be at odds with one another or to see another as an enemy, we begin to lose a little bit of what it means to be loved and be made in the image of God. On top of all that conflict that we watch on TV or hear in the radio news, I have also been thinking about the conflict and divisions in our beloved United Methodist Church. That is also heartbreaking! But I thought, what about me? What about us?  

What does it mean to live as people who profess to believe in a God who calls us to peace, forgiveness and reconciliation, in a world ridden with wars? As Christians who represent Jesus, whom the prophet Isaiah called the Prince of Peace, how should we behave? At home? At work? In church? In the world? What about inside ourselves? Are we at peace with who we are? Is God’s peace able to reach the innermost parts of ourselves which often feel at war with each other? 

The gospel of Luke narrates that as Jesus approached “Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, ‘If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes.’” (19:41-42). Jesus grieved because people did not understand what brought them peace. He believed that their peace at home was deeply connected with the quality of peace God could offer them, yet they were missing it entirely. Perhaps this is also what the prophet Isaiah meant when he called Jesus the prince of peace. God wants us to live in peace, but it can only come when we understand that peace is the one thing we need. 

Every Sunday, during this season of Advent 2023, I want to invite you to explore with me how we can live in peace with each other in a warring world, and what it takes for people of faith to follow a Jesus who suffered violence, but was called a Prince of Peace. 

Pastor René

Children and Youth

Sunday School: Every Sunday at 9:30am and 11am for Kindergarten-4th grade

We're Using Simply Loved Curriculum. Our children stay with their loved ones in Church at the start of the service; after the Children's Moment we will move to the Education Wing. Parents and Grandparents pick up their children after the benediction. A fully staffed Nursery is also available during the 9:30 and 11am service for children under 4.


Just as the teacher in Ecclesiastes wrote words of wisdom for future generations; we invite you to share your wisdom and love of Jesus with our Children. if interested please contact Amy @ 508.274.1904 or email Amy 

Youth News from the Pier

Bill Dorfner, Director of Children, Youth, and Young Adults

It’s almost Christmas! I absolutely love this time of year, and this year has been extra special to me with the addition of my new church family. I honestly can’t remember the last time I have been so excited in the anticipation of Christmas. 

As we gear up for our Christmas celebrations, decorating, visits with family, and presents under the tree, let’s all try to remember the reason for the season; the newborn King!

I have truly enjoyed getting to know everyone in our student ministry, and am looking forward to celebrating with you, and for all the great things we have coming in the new year. Here are just a few things on the horizon:

Sunday night youth group is back! After a couple weeks off around the Thanksgiving holiday, it is time to get back to the games, the food, and the great talks. We will soon be wrapping up our discussion series on Dear Evan Hansen.

This has been a source of some great discussions, and is certain to prompt some even better questions and challenges as we wrap things up this month. We meet Sunday nights from 5:30-7pm in the Youth Center (back side of the church). All youth in grades 7-12 are welcome to attend. 

Our Winter Retreat at Camp Berea is January 19-21. We have a number of youth signed up for this annual event, and I am looking forward to a weekend of fun, group bonding, and spiritual growth. We only have a few spots left, so please go to Pier270.com and sign up on the events page!

Our Sub fundraiser is coming soon. We will be discussing this more at upcoming youth meetings. This is a great annual fundraiser leading up to the Super Bowl.

Our summer mission trip to Harrisburg, PA is a long way off, but will be here before we know it. More information will be coming out in the new year, but go ahead and block your calendars off now for July 28-August 3, 2024.

Worship ~ Betty Smith

Thank you, everyone that participated in this year’s Hanging of the Greens! We tried something new this year, having “area captains” and staging decorations in the Sunday School wing Youth Room. The fellowship hall, captained by Karen Camp, and chapel, captained by Matt O’Connor, were decorated after the 9:30 service on Sunday. Both areas look great. Decorating the narthex was delayed a day due to area captain, Chris Quesnel, being ill on Sunday. She put in 8 hours on Monday, and I am sure you will agree that the result is gorgeous. A team of five people started decorating the sanctuary after the 11:30 service. A second team came in on Tuesday to finish the job. I cannot forget to mention the men that set up the outdoor Advent wreath the previous Friday. Everyone pulled together and did a super job. Thanks again!

The First Sunday of Advent is December 3rd, which is also Communion Sunday. Each week in Advent we will have different people share a reading and light a candle on the Advent wreath. On Christmas Eve, both the fourth candle and the Christ candle will be lit.

Christmas Eve falls on Sunday this year, an uncommon occurrence. We will have three worship services. At 9:30 in the morning of December 24, we plan on a chapel service with communion. A family-friendly service, with candle-lighting, and participation of children will be at 5:00 PM. A traditional worship service with special music and candle-lighting will be at 7:00 PM.

From 4:00 to 4:45 there will be a Community Celebration including a firepit for making s’mores; caroling, hot chocolate and cookies, a NEW Nativity Photo Opportunity in the fellowship hall; and a story corner in the narthex where Karen Camp will read Christmas books to the children. Music Director, Paula King, has a special surprise to wrap up the celebration. We will then invite folks into the sanctuary for the 5:00 family-friendly service.

“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14

Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace to You!

Have a blessed Christmas!

Stewardship Update - Tom Hoke

Stewardship Spotlight~ Kate Finemore

We are so grateful for the tremendous and generous response to the Stewardship Campaign this year! It was a challenge, and we responded by prioritizing how we will use our treasures, time and talents. Our collective commitment of using our treasures to support our beloved church is awesome. This month’s Stewardship spotlight is shining brightly on the entire John Wesley Christmas Fair 2023! Talk about using our God given time and talents! 

The Christmas Fair is Stewardship in action! Let’s pause, with gratitude, for the tremendous effort that so many put into the fair. Stewardship is about giving our time...time in countless hours of prepping our products to sell, time spent setting up, time spent in promoting and organizing, time spent working at the Fair, time spent cleaning up after the Fair…so much time! All spent with a generous spirit, a friendly smile, loving support, kindness, and Christian love for our church family and our community.

Stewardship is also about giving or our talents, and we have abundant talent among us!

Talented and creative folks made one of a kind crafts, knit goods, wooden treasures, wreaths,

arrangements, and jewelry. And the food! Talented people made delicious jams, salsas, baked

goods, and candy. Talented cooks worked happily together in the kitchen, preparing delicious

meals for all. Talented and generous people obtained donations, and meticulously organized

and executed our popular silent auction. Talented and patient folks sorted through our attic

treasures, clothing, books, games, and hardware and made sure each sale was made with

Christian kindness and respect.

The Christmas Fair is Stewardship in action…everyone felt the love! As always, our generous

spirit of Christian love shines through!

John Wesley is truly committed to “Love God, Love Others and Serve the World”!

Holiday Fair Committee

Big Christmas thank you from Brent and Marilyn


We would like to take one last opportunity to thank all who helped in anyway to make the 2023 Christmas Fair such a success. You rocked it! A special thanks goes to the Department Chairs who start planning very early in the year and ensured we were ready go the day of the Christmas Fair.

  • Colleen Barrows and Irene Murray: Attic Treasures
  • Henry Brown: Hardware
  • Lynn Brown: Jewelry
  • Ted Burt : Greeters
  • Penny Dean: Baked Goods
  • Becky Dickens: Kid, Books and Puzzles
  • Danna Dimock & Patrick Shanley: Saturday Breakfast & Lunch
  • Linda Duane: Crafts
  • Kate Finemore: Wreaths and Greens
  • Donna Fish & Sharon Mulcahy: Money Counters
  • Maryellen Geoghan & Christine Quesnel: Silent Auction
  • Marti Jeglinski: Boutique
  • Mark Karsner: Wood Decoratives
  • Michelle Lowry: Friday Dinner
  • Matt O’Conner: Jams & More
  • Sue Sievert: Candy and Chocolates
  • Tracey Family: Linens

Music Ministry ~ Paula King

Christmas is coming! Get ready by sharing your love of music singing familiar Christmas Carols. Join the Choir voices for the 7 pm Christmas service. Rehearsals will be on  Wednesdays in December at 7pm in the Sanctuary. Children's Music group practices 15 minutes after fellowship time between the 9:30am and 11am services.

Children's choir/ music ensemble practices in the Chapel each Sunday 15 minutes after the start of coffee hour. We will be preparing music for Advent/Christmas. Grades K through 8 are invited to join. Some of the instruments we play may include bells, percussion, recorder and even ukulele!

Bell choir is looking for more people to "ring those bells." The more, the merrier! 

Did you know that John Wesley UMC is the proud owner of 3 ukuleles?

Have you ever heard of a Ukulele band? It is becoming very popular. Have you ever played a ukulele before? Well now's the time to start! All ages welcome. 

This weekend get ready to hear some ukuleles and other instruments to celebrate All Saints Day at the 9:30am service. After the service get ready to try out a ukulele in Fellowship Hall. We would love to show you a few chords, so that you can join in the fun! 

If you have any questions contact Paula King at [email protected]"

Spiritual Growth

Advent Study

Let’s celebrate advent with a book study on Monday nights at 6 pm which started November 27th in the library. Join us! Karen Camp


I feel blessed to have been a part of this church family. 

I thank you for letting me share in the joys, prayers, hard work and sorrows that being a part of a church family entails. You have trusted me, embraced me with your kindness, included me in your prayer. I know that I would not be as well as I am today without you. You are exceptional, inspiring, people. 

When Tom Hoke offered me an opportunity to interview for the Parish Administrator position a few years ago, I truly felt God’s grace. I still do. My love and my blessings to all of you.


Prayer Teams If you are interested on being on the prayer teams at church (after the service) or on the prayer chain (via email), please contact Karen Camp at 508-737-1636 or [email protected].

Men's Breakfast ~ Matt O'Connor

Men’s Breakfast: Men of John Wesley, please come join us for an hour of fellowship and discussion on Tuesday, December 19th from 7:30 – 8:45 am in the Fitzgerald Room. This month’s speaker will be our very own Ken Peal, the author of the recently published book, The Bells of Falmouth. Ken will share some of the amazing stories he’s learned and discoveries he’s made while researching the many large bells that are hidden around Falmouth. If you have any questions or would like to help with the breakfast, please contact Matt O’Connor at [email protected]

Outreach/Missions ~ Bonnie Valade

Changing The World for December will be used to purchase socks for our homeless neighbors. We will provide them with brand new socks when they come into the shelters this winter.


Falmouth Service Center Donations of the most needed food items for the Falmouth Service Center for the holiday months are, apple juice, quick bread mixes, canned corn, spaghetti, tomato sauce and of course and always CHEERIOS. The food items can be placed in the box in the Fellowship Hall. THANK YOU to all who have continued to support the need of food for our neighbors in need. 


Allison's newsletter for November is in the Fellowship Hall for anyone who would like to have one. Please continue to pray for her during these very dangerous times.


Bonnie Valade - Chairperson for Outreach/Missions Committee

December Meetings and Events at JWUMC



See what's happening this December

Other dates of note:

Saturday December 2nd ~ Advent Retreat 9am - 1:30

Monday December 25th ~ Christmas Holiday Observed - The office will be closed

Birthday Wishes for December: 

Let us celebrate life among our church family. 20th - Dick MacKenzie ~ 21st - Walter Chisolm III ~ 26th - Jeff Warburton ~ 29th - Hannah Stelter

It's a great thing to have a birthday, a gift from God. Please give your birthday information by recording it on the calendar on the Fellowship bulletin board.

John Wesley United Methodist Church, 270 Gifford Street, Falmouth, MA 02540

(508) 548-3050 


John Loewen, Sexton

Eloise Harmon, Treasurer

Bill Dorfner, Director of Children, Youth and Adult Ministries

Lisa Marie Fullerton, Church Administrator

Paula King, Director of Music Ministries

Myles Lowery, Audio Visual

Rev. René A. Perez, Pastor


Strive to be enthusiastic;

There is much to enjoy in life;

Be grateful to God every day,

And do not be burdened with strife.

Remember Christ is there with you,

And alone you will never be;

So count your blessings every day,

And from all worries you’ll be free.

Striving not to be complacent

Will help you your life to enjoy;

Each day feeling more ambitious

If good thoughts your mind will employ.

Enthusiasm is the key

To make life more enjoyable;

So to the Lord give thanks for it

Knowing good thoughts make your days full.

Joy Stosz

November 18, 2023

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