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Letter From the Pastor

Even though we just started it, February is already a good month… Congratulations! 2024 is a leap year. That means that, this month, we get to enjoy God’s creation one day longer; and if you were born on February 29, you get to celebrate your birthday on your birth date. That’s definitely an added blessing! Yet, February will be about much more. 

As it was announced on Sunday by Penny Dean, starting next Tuesday, we will be welcoming our new Administrative Assistant, Lyndsey Melchiono. After meeting her during the interviews, I can tell you that Lyndsey comes with lots of energy, knowledge and humor. She seemed to be the right choice for us as we considered our own personality and our needs. I am hopeful that Lyndsey will be with us for a while. If you get a chance, please stop by and welcome her. In the meantime, we get to enjoy Ruth for a little while longer. 

Something new that has been happening is the new series of videos by the Stewardship Team. At the helm is Tom Hoke, and producing the videos is Tracy Jaekel. Thank you to Tom and Jackie and of course, the many other people involved in making this happen.

Although there are quite a few things in the calendar, I would like to make you aware of a couple of things going on over the next week or so. This Saturday, the Leadership Team is holding a ½ day Retreat with all church teams to revisit the strategic plan we finalized last year. Next Wednesday, our new Welcoming and Invitation Team, which is led by Lianne Carbone, is hosting an informational dinner, where we plan to share our plans with those involved in welcoming people at church. 

February is also the month of love. Maybe not necessarily the month of love but right in the middle of the month (February 14) we get to celebrate Valentine’s Day. That day also happens to be Ash Wednesday, which begins our season of Lent. That's about a greater love. On Ash Wednesday, we will have two services: Noon and 7:00pm. 

This year, the Worship team will be using the theme “Wandering Heart,” for Lent, based on the life of the apostle Peter. The Spiritual Growth Team will also follow the same theme and sponsor a Bible study based on the book by Adam Hamilton “Simon Peter.” If you have never done a deep dive into the life of Peter, this would be a great time to do so. He was so much like many of us, yet through him, God did amazing things. 

February is also Black History month. We hope to find ways to remember and celebrate the people, events and music in the history of the African American Methodist diaspora. February is about so much… so we also remember the “good and faithful servants” among us who have gone to their heavenly home: Gary Bernhardt and Dick Sherman. 

May your February be about God’s love in your life,

Pastor René

Children and Youth

The Children, Youth and Young Adult Ministry Team is looking for additional members. We have been tasked by the 2023 Strategic Planning Committee to create more opportunities for younger people in our loving community at John Wesley. We hope to recruit members who have an open heart for the younger people in our Upper Cape community and are ready to reach out to them. 

There will be a CYYAMT meeting on Tuesday March 12 at 5:30  

If you would like to talk to me or Bill Dorfner, Director of Children, Youth and Young Adults please email either or both of us. (youth.jwumc@gmailcom or [email protected]


Amy - CYYAMT Chair  

Youth News from the Pier

Bill Dorfner, Director of Children, Youth, and Young Adults

Youth Winter Retreat January 2024 - Camp Berea DEEP FREEZE

What a way to start a year off! We had an amazing (and very chilly) time at Camp Berea for our annual winter retreat. I learned a few things from this trip. First, jumping in a freezing cold lake is never really a good idea. Second, the name of the retreat is Deep Freeze for a reason. And finally, we have an amazing group of young people and volunteers in this church! (alright, I already knew that, but it continues to become more and more apparent). After having this Deep Freeze experience, I am even more excited for what God has in store for our student ministry. In the coming weeks, we will have a highlight video as well as sharing some of the music and spiritual themes from this year’s retreat. 

I would like to give a very special thank you to Matt O’Connor, who gladly accepted an invitation to chaperone on this retreat. Matt not only filled the need of a driver and chaperon, but truly exemplified what it is to be a shepherd to our students. There is even a rumor out there about a video of him tubing down a hill in sub-zero weather!

Our summer mission trip to Harrisburg, PA is a long way off, but will be here before we know it. More information will be coming out in the new year, but go ahead and block your calendars off now for July 28-August 3, 2024.

Super Bowl Sunday Festivities

Our Sub fundraiser is here! This year, we are asking everyone to order their subs online through our student ministry website. There is a tab specifically for the Sub Sale, and your orders will be recorded automatically. Go to pier270.com and click on the Sub Sale tab. Ham, Turkey, or a combination of Ham & Turkey subs are available along with custom fixings. Subs are $8 each, or $9 if you choose the Ham & Turkey option. 

All are welcome to a Super Sunday Tailgate Party!

Our youth will be having a Super Bowl tailgate party on February 11 from 2-4pm, and we would like the rest of the church to join us! Feel free to bring your tailgate tents, team apparel, favorite tailgate snacks, tailgate games, and team spirit. We will have some organized games and activities as well as some casual time to hang out, eat, play, and share in the fun. The party will take place in the parking lot and fellowship hall.  

Youth Adult Ministry

It’s time to go on a “Quest”

We are now putting together some events for our young adults at JWUMC. This exciting new ministry is geared toward 18-30-somethings who are in that time of their life where they are no longer considered youth and are finding their way through their "adulting" years as students, job seekers, or wherever they are finding themselves in their early adult years. 

One event that is coming up is the Chris Tomlin concert. The concert is on April 20 at Agganis arena in Boston. I have a limited number of tickets available for our young adults for $25 each. See me or email me if you are interested. Other upcoming events will include trivia nights, curling, and more!

You can find more information on the newly added Young Adult tab of our student ministry website, pier270.comYoung Adult Ministry page

Worship ~ Betty Smith

Didn’t we just take the Christmas decorations down?? Ash Wednesday is WHEN??? Yes, Lent and Easter are right around the corner. Ash Wednesday shares the date with Valentine’s Day, February 14. Valentine’s Day makes me think of cards shaped like hearts, so it is appropriate that we will be starting a Worship Series entitled “Wandering Heart.” Join the disciple, Peter, as we journey through the season of Lent into Easter. Peter’s journey of faith and love had its difficulties. I am sure that most of us can relate to that. Ash Wednesday is a good place to start the journey. There will be two Ash Wednesday services to choose from, one at noon and one at 7:00 PM. Please join us.

After many years of heading up the altar flower ministry, Donna Fish is taking a step back. Special thanks to Donna for her dedication to this ministry and thank you to Linda Adams for stepping forward to be our liaison to Windfall Market Flower Shop and Mahoney’s. There will be a few changes in how things are done, but we will continue to remember or honor loved ones through donations for weekly arrangements, the Easter “Garden of Flowers,” and Christmas poinsettias. Remember to check the Altar Flower Chart in the lobby and sign up for a date! Open dates will also be noted in each Sunday bulletin. The cost is still $50 for an arrangement.

There will also be an opportunity to donate to the Easter “Garden of Flow A sign-up sheet will be available for that. Checks should be made payable to John Wesley UMC with the words “altar flowers ” included on the memo line of your check. Thank you for helping to beautify our worship space!


Spiritual Growth ~ Jennifer Linton

Throughout the season of Lent (starting February 14), you can access two resources for your personal Spiritual Growth. 

In conjunction with the Wandering Heart program used in Worship services, a booklet of weekly reflections, poetry and art will be available at no charge. You're encouraged to use it to keep learning about and applying each week's theme. 

Also, a 6-week church-wide study of the book Simon Peter (by Adam Hamilton) will be offered, with meetings at several different times each week. Cost of the book will be announced soon.

Sign up for either or both opportunities in the Narthex before and after Worship services. Contact [email protected] with questions.

Simon Peter—an ordinary fisherman who heard an extraordinary call.

He left everything to follow his teacher and possessed a passion that would change the world. That’s one way to describe Peter. Here’s another: poor, uneducated, quick-tempered, and full of doubts and fears. Doesn’t even sound like the same man. And that’s the point of Simon Peter, a six-week adult Bible study by Adam Hamilton. Peter was just an ordinary guy who heard and followed God’s extraordinary call. Discover how you, too, have special gifts, talents, and abilities that God can use to make a difference today. (Publisher's discription)

Stewardship in Action ~ Tom Hoke

The Stewardship Ministry Team has launched an initiative to create a library of short videos that are informational and encourage stewardship at John Wesley. They will be useful not only to our parishioners who may be wondering about a particular ministry team or event, but to outsiders who are trying to learn about JWUMC.

One video will be produced each month and will debut at our Sunday worship services. They will then be posted on a special page on our website. There will be videos in the following categories: Community Events, Worship, Children & Youth, and Ministry Teams. Tracy Jaekel is taking the lead in producing these videos. Please have a look at the first which is a Community Events video of the Christmas Fair.

Music Ministry ~ Paula King

Hymn Sing! February 11th at 3pm at the Corpus Christi Church, 324 Quaker Meeting House Rd, E. Sandwich. The event is free and is sponsored by the Cape and Island American Guild of Organists. Come and join with other choirs to celebrate the great tradition of hymnody from multicultural sources, Celebrate the unity of music!

(You do not need to be in a choir to join us.) For more information contact Paula King [email protected]

Hospitality ~ Maryellen Geoghan & Christine Quesnel

The Hospitality team has posted a coffee hour sign up sheet on the board as you enter the Fellowship Hall on the left of the entrance.


Although Ministry Teams are assigned by month, we all value any help you can offer. Reach out to a partner to make coffee hour easier on yourselves as well as on the Ministry Teams.

The Ministry Teams have a lot on their shoulders. So many hours of dedication to John Wesley Falmouth.

Assistance with cleanup is always appreciated.


Always Grateful,

Maryellen & Christine


Prayer Chain 

It is an email confidential prayer chain list. The prayer requests are sent out, and the team prayer warriors are asked to pray for those requests. We generally keep them on the list for about a month unless they are requested to continue. If you are interested in joining in praying for others, contact Karen Camp at 508-737-1636 or [email protected].

Prayer Team

On the second and fourth Sundays of the month, there is a prayer team to pray for those who would like to have confidential prayers for themselves or others.

If you are interested in joining as a prayer team member, contact Karen Camp at 508-737-1636 or [email protected].


Hello! Welcome! Thanks for coming to JWUMC!  Greeters are the first impression to our church. If you are interested in being part of the welcome, contact Karen Camp at 508-737-1636 or [email protected].

Lenten Bible study 

There will be a Lenten Study Group on Monday nights at 6 PM in the library. We will be using the Adam Hamilton study being offered church-wide.  If you are interested in joining, contact Karen Camp at 508-737-1636 or [email protected].

Card Ministry 

If you know if someone who’s ill or could use a “thinking of you” card, contact Karen Camp at 508-737-1636 or [email protected].

Men's Breakfast ~ Matt O'Connor

Men’s Breakfast: Hello Men of John Wesley! On Tuesday, Feb. 20th at 7:30 am in the Fitzgerald Room, come for an hour of food, fellowship, and discussion. At our next breakfast, Frank O’Connor will lead a discussion on issues relating to mental health. Make plans to attend and gain insights into this important topic. If you have questions, or would like to contribute something for the breakfast, please contact Matt O’Connor at [email protected].

Outreach/Missions ~ Bonnie Valade

Changing Our World for February will be to purchase food items for the Service Center. There are certain items they are unable to receive from the Food Bank and depend on donations to help. The items are some of the most requested and provide nutritious benefits for all in need.


We were able to purchase brand new socks for our homeless neighbors with the generous donations to Changing Our World that was collected over the past few months. Socks are a much-needed commodity they cannot afford...not only for warmth but also for health reasons. THANKYOU all for that. 


We will continue to collect food for the Service Center. The drop box is located in the Fellowship Hall. The most requested is Cheerios and Apple Juice. 


The members from the Outreach/Missions Committee gives all that contribute for our neighbors in need, a Great Big Thanks.


Deuteronomy 15:11 " For the poor will never cease to be in the land: therefore I command you, saying, you shall open your hand wide unto your brother, to the poor, and to the needy".


Bonnie Valade

Birthday Wishes for February: 

Let us celebrate life among our church family. 7th Fred Sievert ~ 14th Larry Ward ~ 19th Andy Dahl & Penny Dean ~ 27th Tim Cline.

It's a great thing to have a birthday, a gift from God. Please give your birthday information by recording it on the calendar on the Fellowship bulletin board.

John Wesley United Methodist Church, 270 Gifford Street, Falmouth, MA 02540

(508) 548-3050 


John Loewen, Sexton

Eloise Harmon, Treasurer

Bill Dorfner, Director of Children, Youth and Adult Ministries

Ruth Moulton, Interim Church Administrator

Paula King, Director of Music Ministries

Myles Lowery, Audio Visual

Rev. René A. Perez, Pastor

Love God; Love Yourself; Love Others

Let’s love God, ourselves and others,

And be thankful for everything.

God will always be there for us

Despite the stress that life may bring.

No matter what we say or do

Know that God is there by our side

To help us in the trials of life,

And never from Him can we hide.

Nothing can ever separate

From us, God and His love for all;

Let’s be there to do His bidding

And be prepared to hear His call.

We are unique and different from

Everyone else, let’s strive to be

Loving to the Lord and others

Knowing that God loves you and me.

Joy Stosz

January 14, 2024

Based on a sermon by Pastor Rene

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