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Letter From the Pastor

Hello Church,

As we end this year and begin a new one, it is my prayer that God will be with you, your families and friends, and will also bless you with good things and many accomplished hopes and plans. 

Personally, as I look back, especially over the last few weeks, I am grateful for the time we spent at church preparing for Christmas. It felt long but it felt so good. So many of you got involved and helped out with all the preparations we had to make and with the events and worship services. Thank you. It was great to see the church feel so alive and energized. I loved the children’s participation during the 5:00pm service, the time of fellowship and fun during the community event, the music at the 7:00pm service; and I have to tell you, I was so surprised to see so many of you come to the 9:30am chapel service. It was so inspiring to see you all! 

I also want to share on behalf of the staff and I how grateful we are for the generous Christmas gift you gave us. Because you did not have to give us anything and yet you still chose to do so, the gift makes it much more special. I guess, in a sense, that’s the kind of love God wants us to show one another. We don’t show our love because we have to, but because we want to. I hope you know how much this meant to the staff. Thank you. 

Believe it or not, I am already thinking about what is next in the coming year. I can’t be the only one, am I? I am not only talking about church stuff, but everything. I already have my list and it’s long. (so much for one day at a time, but I am trying) As I was sitting at the airport, I was reminded of the words of the prophet Isaiah in chapter 40, when he writes, which the gospel of Mark 1 also mentions. “prepare the way of the Lord.” It made me reflect on how I was preparing my own life for the Lord’s way in 2024. I am still thinking and that’s probably going to be another list, although at this time it might be short. 

I want to invite you to reflect on the same question as me, how are you preparing your life for God for 2024? Are you willing to take some time to pray to find out? How about taking a little bit of time during your busy day to read the scriptures and ask God to lead you to what God may want you to do? 

Whatever we all come up with, I personally want to do all I can to be open to God’s guidance through the Holy Spirit. It may take a little more effort than usual, but I feel in my heart God has great hopes for our church, and I want to do my part in preparing for God’s plans for 2024.

May you have a blessed and prosperous new year!

Pastor René

Children and Youth

The Children, Youth and Young Adult Ministry Team is looking for additional members. We have been tasked by the 2023 Strategic Planning Committee to create more opportunities for younger people in our loving community at John Wesley. We hope to recruit members who have an open heart for the younger people in our Upper Cape community and are ready to reach out to them. 


Our next meeting is Tuesday January 16 at 5:30. Please consider joining us. 


If you would like to talk to me or Bill Dorfner, Director of Children, Youth and Young Adults please email either or both of us. (youth.jwumc@gmailcom or [email protected]


Amy - CYYAMT Chair  

Youth News from the Pier

Bill Dorfner, Director of Children, Youth, and Young Adults

As 2023 wraps up, and we look to a new year in 2024, I look back on all the changes and twists in my life over the last year. If I was playing Family Feud on January 1st, 2023 and the question was to name something I would be doing at the end of the year, I am pretty sure that “leading a youth ministry at my church” would not have been in the top five answers on the board. I am so blessed to be a part of this church and to work with our amazing students. We never know what life is going to bring to us, but when we leave things up to God and stop trying to control our lives by ourselves, amazing things can happen.

Speaking of Family Feud, we had a great time at our youth Christmas party playing a holiday version of family feud, exchanging some mystery gifts, and having a great discussion on how different the real nativity scene was through the eyes of a teenager: Mary.

Youth Group resumes on January 7. Earlier in December, we wrapped up our series on “Dear Evan Hansen”. As we move into January, we will begin a journey through the Bible that allows us to gain Biblical and historical perspectives on current events and discover how the stories from the Bible apply to our lives in today’s ever-changing world.

Youth Winter Retreat to Camp Berea is here! Included in the fun for January is our Winter Retreat to Camp Berea on January 19-21. We have a great group signed up, and I am looking forward to our first road trip together! 

Our Sub fundraiser is coming soon. We will be discussing this more at upcoming youth meetings. This is a great annual fundraiser leading up to the Super Bowl.

Our summer mission trip to Harrisburg, PA is a long way off, but will be here before we know it. More information will be coming out in the new year, but go ahead and block your calendars off now for July 28-August 3, 2024.

Some words of Thanks

Finally, I would like to say a very special “Thank You” to everyone at JWUMC for your warmth, your time, and your generosity throughout these last few months. I am grateful to those who have supported me throughout the transition this year, who have volunteered to provide meals at youth group, work with the children at VBS and Sunday mornings, volunteer with the youth, and who gave generously to our staff’s Christmas bonus. It is an honor and privilege to be a part of the JWUMC family, and I am so appreciative of everything this church does for our staff and students.    

Worship ~ Betty Smith

Happy New Year! The Worship Ministry Team hopes that you were blessed by our Advent and Christmas services and enjoyed the Community Celebration on Christmas Eve.

January brings with it new beginnings and the EPIPHANY. One definition of epiphany is “the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi as found in Matthew 2:1-12.”

One source states that “many submerge themselves in ice water to celebrate Epiphany” on January 6. I wonder if this is where the “Polar Bear Plunge” originated? 

We will be celebrating Epiphany on January 7th. While I won’t be asking you to take an icy dip in Vineyard Sound, I do have a request. Please plan on participating in the “UN-HANGING OF THE GREENS” after the 9:30 service on January 7th. It would be helpful if you could work in the same area where you put decorations up, but anything you do is most appreciated. We will need to return items to storage areas as well. Remember that we have a worship service at 11:00 in the sanctuary, so that area will be taken care of at a later time.

Take the time on December 31 and January 7 to watch the Skit Guys video before worship. “Praying in the New Year” is a timely message that fits right in with Pastor René’s new sermon series, “First Comes Love.”

I look forward to growing in faith with you in 2024!


Stewardship Update ~ Tom Hoke

Stewardship Spotlight ~ Kate Finemore

One of the first lessons we learn as kids is how to take turns. Remember being so eager to do something, but having to wait your turn? Remember playing a game and you couldn’t wait to make your move? Remember the sweet anticipation of waiting for your opportunity to be at bat, or take that shot on goal, or get on stage, or play or sing your song? How about being in a discussion, or a meeting, or a gathering around a table, and having to hold your thought until it’s your turn to speak. When will it be my turn? 

As you know, Matt O’Conner is very involved in our church family. He has multiple leadership roles right now, and he is always pitching in with a smile on his face. He has served on the TLT as member at large, oversaw the updating of the church directory, served on the Spiritual Growth Team, Discipleship Team, Strategic Planning Team, helped in the AV booth, beach services and men’s breakfasts. Matt also likes to teach ESL, take Bible studies, and join in church activities that allow us all to get to know each other better. Matt is a “step up” guy! When asked about his ideas about stewardship, Matt talks about being committed to contributing, or pitching in, in any way he can. He admits to feeling a little overwhelmed when he was asked to take the lead of TLT, but agreed “because I felt God was pointing His finger at me saying ‘It’s your turn!’”


What a concept! We don’t have to eagerly wait in anticipation of our turn anymore! It’s here! JWUMC has opportunities for every church family member to actively be involved in its ministries. We can follow Matt’s example of stepping up. We don’t need to wait in the wings, or on the sidelines, and watch “someone else” have all the fun….it's our turn now! What a blessing!


Speaking of blessings, The Stewardship Ministry Team is very thankful for the tremendous support that our church family has demonstrated over the recent Stewardship Campaign. We recognize that we had a challenging campaign, and the John Wesley Church family responded with generosity!


So now it's our turn to prayerfully prioritize how each of us is going to use our God given talents, time and treasures to fulfill our JW mission of Love God, Love Others and Serve the World.

It’s our turn!!! 

Music Ministry ~ Paula King

Did you know that John Wesley UMC is the proud owner of 3 ukuleles?

Have you ever heard of a Ukulele band? It is becoming very popular. Have you ever played a ukulele before? Well now's the time to start! All ages welcome. 

This weekend get ready to hear some ukuleles and other instruments to celebrate All Saints Day at the 9:30am service. After the service get ready to try out a ukulele in Fellowship Hall. We would love to show you a few chords, so that you can join in the fun! 

If you have any questions contact Paula King at [email protected]

Hospitality Ministry ~ Maryellen Geoghan

The Hospitality Team would like to say thank you for all your guidance and direction in making this an easy transition into the New Year.

The coffee hour assignments are listed below.

January and February weeks are all scheduled.


We will continue to reach out to all ministry team members to make coffee hour go smoothly for all

We will also recruit church members who are not on a ministry team.


Our team will fill in when necessary and we have covered all months with 5 weeks.



The Hospitality Ministry Team


Prayer Teams If you are interested on being on the prayer teams at church (after the service) or on the prayer chain (via email), please contact Karen Camp at 508-737-1636 or [email protected].

Men's Breakfast ~ Matt O'Connor

Men’s Breakfast: Men of John Wesley, please come join us for an hour of fellowship and discussion on Tuesday, January 23rd from 7:30 – 8:45 am in the Fitzgerald Room. The topic for the breakfast discussion is still to be determined. Details regarding the topic should be available in future notices regarding the breakfast. If you have any questions or would like to help with the breakfast, please contact Matt O’Connor at [email protected]

Outreach/Missions ~ Bonnie Valade

Falmouth Service Center: Collection for January will be for the Service Center / Food Pantry. Food items can be placed in the box in the Fellowship Hall. THANK YOU to all who have continued to support the need of food for our neighbors in need. 


Allison's newsletter for December is in the Fellowship Hall for anyone who would like to have one. Please continue to pray for her during these very dangerous times.


Bonnie Valade - Chairperson for Outreach/Missions Committee

Birthday Wishes for January: 

Let us celebrate life among our church family. 1st Loretta Croft and Rebecca Mincieli ~ 2nd Donna Fish ~ 4th Eileen Burt ~ 12th Jay Stosz ~ 15th Denise Sievert and Jamie Sterling ~ 19th John Simison ~ 20th Marilyn Mugno ~ 28th Maryellen Geoghan ~ 31st Louise Clarke

It's a great thing to have a birthday, a gift from God. Please give your birthday information by recording it on the calendar on the Fellowship bulletin board.

John Wesley United Methodist Church, 270 Gifford Street, Falmouth, MA 02540

(508) 548-3050 


John Loewen, Sexton

Eloise Harmon, Treasurer

Bill Dorfner, Director of Children, Youth and Adult Ministries

Lisa Marie Fullerton, Church Administrator

Paula King, Director of Music Ministries

Myles Lowery, Audio Visual

Rev. René A. Perez, Pastor

Winter’s Blessings

I look upon the falling snow;

Its drifts reaching to the sky.

How can no two flakes be alike?

Awesome work from God on high.

Warm within my comfortable home,

Giving thanks for heat and light,

Such precious gifts in raging storms

Welcome on a frigid night.

I think of all those who have not

The blessings bestowed on me,

With grateful heart I thank the Lord,

And pray that He hears my plea.

That those less fortunate he’ll bless,

So they in winter will be

Comforted by His lasting love,

And from winter’s cold set free.

Joy Stosz

January 29, 2015

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