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Letter From the Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, 

“Good news! You’re a sinner and Lent is here!” So says United Methodist Bishop Will Willimon.

Now my guess is that, after this introduction, you may be less than enthusiastic about reading the rest of my article! But the Lenten season is upon us. It begins with Ash Wednesday on March 2nd, and goes until Easter Sunday, April 17th. Lent is a time specifically set aside in the church calendar for us to reflect on the fact that the reason Christ had to suffer and die is because we are sinners. We may not want to hear this, but it’s true. The Bible tells us, “For everyone has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23. Now this is not to say we are bad people. It just means we are human – we often times “miss the mark” of living the way Christ calls us to live. And Lent is a time for us to face this reality. As Willimon writes, “Lent is that time when we all-too-worldly ones learn and relearn the difficult truth that lies at the heart of the Christian faith — Christ came to save sinners. Much of the time we get away with the fiction that we are rather nice people who have no need of salvation. We know we may not be the best people in the world, but we are not the worst. We are making spiritual progress, lifting ourselves (by ourselves) out of the muck and mire of what once was called “sin.” And then comes the church smearing ashes upon our foreheads, forcing us to our knees in confession, teaching us to say, ‘Lord, have mercy, Christ have mercy upon us sinners.’ That’s not something many of us want the church to do anymore.” 

Yet, when we are honest with ourselves, we know that there is truth in what the Bishop is telling us. There are things we need to change. We know we are not always the people we should be. And Lent provides us the opportunity to admit this to ourselves and to God. And, because of Christ’s sacrifice, we know that we are assured of forgiveness and mercy and grace to move forward. That’s why Lent is good news. It is a time when the church reminds us the joy of letting go of our illusions about ourselves. For when we finally acknowledge who we are, then the journey of who we want to be, and who God wants us to be, can begin. 

And so, it is my prayer that you will take seriously this season of Lent. Come to the Ash Wednesday service at 7:00, or watch it livestream. Sign up for one of the Lenten studies, “The Chosen, Series 2.” Work on those things you need to change. Be more intentional about making time for God so that you can pray and listen to what God has to say to you. Give up something if it will make you think more of Christ’s sacrifice for you. Make this a holy season in your life. 

Yes, it’s true – “everyone has sinned,” but there’s good news. Lent is here! 

Pastor Rebecca




Link to SERMONS.


Lenten studies Read More


See what's happening this MARCH

Children and Youth ~ Hannah Stelter

Personal Note: I will be on vacation March 10th-15th!

Weekly Activities:

Inductive Lent Bible Study - Every Thursday from 4:00-5:00 starting March 17 through April 14. Throughout Lent, all youth (5th-12th grade) are invited to participate in an Inductive Bible Study. Each week, we will focus on specific Scripture passages in the New Testament and together, we will work through three main questions: what does the text say, what does the text mean, and how should this change me. Each week, the Scripture passage will change, but we are going to mainly focus on Jesus' ministry leading up to Easter. The Youth are welcome to come to the church earlier if that works better for your schedule! 

Sunday School

Every Sunday morning during the 9:30 Service, all Kindergarten through 4th grade students are invited to join us for Sunday School! Each week, we have a Bible lesson paired with activities and games. For the first part of March, we are going to continue to learn about the Israelites before talking about Jesus! Nursery Care is available during the 9:30 Service for the younger children of John Wesley!

Youth Group

Every Sunday evening, all youth (5th - 12th grade) are invited to join us for our youth group activities! Middle School meets in the Youth Room at 4:00 for their weekly Bible lesson. At 5:00, all youth enjoy dinner together before playing a mix of high energy and strategy games! After the middle schoolers leave at 6:00, the high schoolers gather in the Youth Room for their Bible lesson. If you would like to make a meal for the youth one Sunday, please click this link to sign up! There is NO Youth Group on March 6 because of winter retreat.

Worship Ministry Team ~ Diane Huban

For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.   1 Corinthians 1:18 (English Standard Version)


What is Lent?

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 2nd and ends Saturday, April 16th. It is the forty day period leading up to Easter, in which we are encouraged to consider our own faith journey. We remember that it was sin that put Christ on the cross, and we reflect on our own sin, and need for forgiveness. We examine our thoughts, attitudes and actions, and see where we need to repent and change to become more like Jesus Christ. Here are some Lenten facts:

During Lent you will notice a few changes in our worship service:

-         Pastor Rebecca will wear her black robe, signifying the solemnity of the season.

-         There will be no flowers on the altar, and some other parts of the service will change, symbolizing the somber tone of the season.

-         The altar cloths, choir vestments and Rebecca’s stole will be purple, a color of penitence. It is also a color of royalty, and so anticipates the victory that Christ will conquer death.

A few other Lenten facts:

-         The word Lent stems from an Anglo-Saxon word meaning “spring.”

-         The earliest observances of Lent were in the days of the apostles, when they observed 40 hours between Good Friday and Easter morning. At the Council of Nicaea, in AD 325, Lent was extended to 40 days.

-         Sundays are not included in the 40 days, as they are considered “little Easter’s.”

-         Lents reminds us of the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness, the 40 days of the flood; the 40 years the Israelites wandered in the desert and the 40 days between Jesus’ resurrection and his ascension.

-         Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the day of the vernal equinox (first day of spring.)

Ash Wednesday ~ We will begin our Lenten journey on Ash Wednesday March 2nd. There will be two opportunities to receive communion and ashes. Pastor Rebecca will be in the chapel from Noon-12:30pm for the imposition of ashes and to offer communion. You are free to stop by whenever you can during that time. Then at 7:00pm, there will be a service in the sanctuary with scripture, music, communion and the imposition of ashes. This service will also be livestreamed. 


We encourage you to do something each day of Lent and remember Christ’s sacrifice. (The 40 days do not include Sundays). Listed below are things you can do as part of your Lenten discipline. There are more than 40 options, as not all of them will apply to everyone.


___ Go to an Ash Wednesday service

___ Drive to an appointment in silence and relish the peace and quiet

___ Sign up for the Lenten study

___ Write a thank you note to someone who is under-appreciated

___ Compliment a stranger

___ List 10 things you’re thankful for

___ Drop off goodies to fire/police

___ Read through one chapter of the Gospels

___ Bring coffee or a treat to someone

___ Clean up on area of your house that needs it

___ Send a random text or email to brighten someone’s day

___ Bring in extra change for “Change the World”

___ Give a gift to a service worker (dry cleaner, bank teller, store clerk, etc.)

___ Say a prayer for John Wesley UMC

___ Do a random act of kindness

___ Return a grocery cart

___ Introduce yourself to someone at church you don’t currently know

___ When you go out to eat, stop and say a prayer with whoever you are with

___ Contact a close friend and tell them how they have impacted you

___ Post a Bible verse on Facebook

___ Fast from one meal and think about your blessings

___ Think of your favorite hymn, and say it as a prayer

___ Turn off your phone or TV for an hour and read, take a walk, call a friend, etc.

___ Pray for someone you wouldn’t consider a friend

___ Forgive someone who hurt you or apologize to someone you hurt.

___ Forgive yourself for something

___ Read Psalm 8 and reflect on what it says to you

___ Look for someone in need and pray for that person

___ Go through the closet and donate something you don’t need

___ Think of something that’s bothering you and spend 5 minutes in prayer

___ Say the Lord’s Prayer through and really think about the words

___ Come to the Maundy Thursday service

___ Come to the Good Friday service

___ Compliment your spouse or child

___ Intentionally refrain from gossip

___ Fast from an unhealthy food choice

___ Leave a thank you note for your food server

___ Recycle – use a zip lock bag more than once

___ Park away from the store to walk and get more exercise

___ Go through the Holy Week Prayer Walk

___ Invite a friend to church

___ Talk to a child/youth from our church

___ Commit to being joyful for a full day

___ Talk with and listen to someone you would normally brush aside

___ Think what Jesus’ death means to you

___ Put a prayer on our prayer wall

___ Make a dinner for the youth group

___ Come to Wednesday Prayer group during Lent

___ Fast from something meaningful and think about Christ’s sacrifice for you

Healing Service – Sunday, March 20th

During Lent, we are encouraged to look at the dis-ease in our lives, to see where we need change, healing and the wholeness God offers. This dis-ease can be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or a combination. Through the ages, the Church has offered services where healing is preached, prayers are offered, and those who wish may receive an anointing of holy oil. This is a normal worship service, but you will be invited to come forward, if you wish, and have the sign of the cross placed on your forehead for healing you need in your life. If you have any questions, please see Pastor Rebecca.

Lenten Prayer Vigil ~ As we all know prayer is an important part of our spiritual journey especially during the Lenten Season. We will be having a Lenten Prayer Vigil beginning at 6am on Monday March 21. The Prayer Vigil affords you time to sit quietly and share your thoughts and prayers with God. More importantly, when we come together to offer a continuous chorus of prayers to the Lord, our prayers and connection to each other and to God are made even stronger. You may participate in the prayer vigil by coming to pray in the chapel at John Wesley or you may pray from home. Prayer guides will be made available. The prayer vigil will extend at least until 6am Tuesday March 22. Our past two prayer vigils have been remarkable in that they have lasted for over 48 hours. Details about how to sign up for an hour time slot will be made available as we get closer to the event. 

Prayer Wall ~ In conjunction with the Prayer Vigil, we will once again set up our Prayer Wall outside the church. We encourage everyone to take a moment to add your hopes, needs and prayers to our wall. All prayers posted on the wall will be collected and placed on the altar on Easter Sunday. During the Easter Sunday Service, Pastor Rebecca will raise them up offer a special blessing upon them. Besides giving you another opportunity to offer you prayers to God and to come together as a community of faith, it makes a huge statement to the community-at-large about the importance of having a relationship with God. 

Prayer Walk ~ During Holy Week we will once again set up our Prayer Walk in the sanctuary providing you with a chance for further reflection on some of the scripture readings you will hear throughout the Lenten season. We will have a Maundy Thursday Service on April 14 at 7:00pm and a service at noon on Good Friday April 15. On Easter Sunday, April 17, services will be at 8:30am and 10:30am. Look to the April Newsletter for details on these events. 

Masks ~ As of Sunday, February 27th, we no longer require that masks be worn during Sunday morning services. However, we encourage those that feel more comfortable wearing a mask to continue to wear one.  Thank you again for your patience and understanding as we have moved through this pandemic. Let’s pray that the worst is behind us once and for all!

Church Leadership Changes

New Leaders for John Wesley

One of the strengths of John Wesley is our leadership. And although change in our church is happening, we have new leaders who will bring their gifts and talents to bear fruit for Christ and our church. We are pleased to announce the following:

- Matt O’Connor will be our new Leadership Team Leader, effective immediately. Matt has been an “At Large” member for several years, and knows well the workings of The Leadership Team and the church.  

- Heather Smith will become the new “At Large” member and will be “officially” welcomed at our March TLT meeting.

- Steve Adams became the new Trustees Chairperson effective with the February meeting, and will assume the role of Facilities and Grounds Ministry Team leader in April. Rob Blomberg, Russ Brown and Oz Stelter all joined Trustees

- Ben VanMooy will lead our Strategic Planning Team as they look at the future of John Wesley. This team consists of Amy Clatanoff Brown, Tim Meissner, Jenn McCarthy, Matt O’Connor, and Hannah Stelter

Thank you very much to Larry Ward who has led our Leadership Team and to Donna Fish who has led our Trustees, both for the past several years. We sincerely appreciate all the time, effort and talent they have given John Wesley!  

Music Ministry ~ Linda Brouder

Hi everyone! From the music department: Thank you to our children's parents and guardians for staying after church so our children can experience the joy of making music while praising God!  Our schedule for the children's choir is as follows: rehearsals on March 6, March 20, April 3 at 10:45 am after church.

The children's choir will sing and/or participate with music on Palm Sunday, April 10th! The children's choir is open to K-5th grade. 

Chancel Choir and Bell Choir! Despite numerous illnesses, vacations, and Covid-restrictions, these groups have continued to make music each Sunday and should be commended for their dedication and service-to our service! I thank you all for participating with great faith on Wednesdays and Sundays. It is NEVER too late to join these groups of wonderful people! We are in need of more balance, also known as Tenors, Baritones and Basses! And of course Sopranos and Altos-but the altos are strong in number and voice! So lower and higher voices are needed! We have not started working on our Easter Anthem yet, so please if you have thought about joining us, say hello to me and we will chat! We have big things planned for our Lenten and Post-Easter Season of praising God with song!

Always remember, "He who sings, prays twice!" Linda

Spiritual Growth ~ Sheldon Keller

Lenten Study ~ Last year during Lent, our church studied the widely popular series, “The Chosen,” which looks at the life of Jesus Christ and how he may have interacted with the people around him. Because so many found this series to be a compelling one, we are offering “The Chosen – Season 2” this year.   The publisher describes this season as follows:   The word is spreading that Jesus is the Messiah. Increased fame brings growing crowds, new disciples, and more miracles. It also brings trouble. Mary is confronted with old demons. The tension between Simon and Matthew explodes. James & John battle their prejudices and fiery tempers. But they all continue to passionately pursue the man they don’t always understand but will always follow.


Study Sessions will begin the week of March 6th at the following times:

Sunday after worship with Mel Trott and Kim Black in the library.

Tuesday at 10:30 am with Betty Smith in the library.

Thursday at 1:00 pm with Pastor Rebecca in the library.


Each week on Friday, Pastor Rebecca will send out the link to a new episode, along with study questions for you to consider.  We ask that you watch each episode prior to coming to the study.  And if you can’t make your session one week, you are still welcome to attend the next one. There are eight episodes, and Lent is only six weeks.  Therefore, the groups will meet six times during Lent, and then each group will decide if they want to continue to meet as a group for two more times. 


The link and questions will be sent out in an all-church email. And if these times do not work for you, we encourage you to either contact me, Sheldon Keller, via email at [email protected] to talk about possible additional times; or you can form your own group that will meet a more convenient time. 


We hope you will consider getting involved in this Lenten study! All are welcome!

Outreach/Missions ~ Julie Immelt Wheldon

Change the World:  

Your loose change can make a huge impact on the world. The next two months your change will impact our locals in need. We will be collecting for a new program “A Place At The Table”. This program will launch on Tuesday, March 8, at the St. Barnabas parish house. Free meals will be available to anyone in need between 11:30 AM and 1:30 PM on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Meals will be homemade, by our own chefs Bonnie and Tim Valade who will handle the shopping, meal prep and cooking. Entrees will range from favorites like American chop suey to spaghetti and meatballs to special culinary creations from the Valades’ recipe book. Soup or salad will be included, as will dessert and beverages. This program is just getting off the ground. Twice a month a substantial lunch will be provided at St. Barnabas for those who really need a hot meal. 

Food Donations:                                                                                    

We are collecting for “A Place at the Table” to help support this amazing program. Canned Vegetables, Chicken & Beef Broth, Diced Tomatoes, Tomato Sauce, Tomato Paste, Boxed Pasta, Cannellini Beans, Kidney Beans NO EXPIRED ITEMS. Please place these items in the bin in the fellowship hall. 

Belonging to Each Other:                                                                               

DRIVERS: There is a huge need for drivers on Friday for Belonging to Each Other. This is to help the people staying in the 2 homeless houses get to appointments or run errands. You will know the night before if they are in need. Please email Julie [email protected] to connect and find out how to help.   


ITEMS: Some of the people staying in the Belonging to Each Other homes are moving out and into their own places. A few of them have some small needs. Please email me if you have coffee pots, microwaves, small dining sets, etc. I will send out an updated list in Thursdays update or you can email me for a list. [email protected]

In From the Streets Emergency Hotel Shelter Program: This program is a part of Belonging To Each Other that helps current homeless people sleep in a hotel for nights that are super cold or severe weather conditions. They are asking for meals, snacks, drinks for these homeless to have during there stay and some possibly for them to take with them. If you would like to be a part of this program please email me and I will put you on the list. 

Habitat for Humanity: Third Saturday of the month we are providing much needed nourishment for the 6 houses being built in East Falmouth. Baked Breads, Muffins, Bananas, Clementines, anything edible by hand. They are so very thankful for our contribution. These are for all volunteers that work on the houses. 

Altar Flowers: If you have received altar flowers in the past and still have the white containers could you please return them to the church. We save money by reusing these flower buckets when we get our flowers. Thank you so much. 

Missions & Outreach Committee meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:30. Our meetings usually run from 1 hour to 1.5 hours. If you are interested in finding out more please contact me Julie Immelt Whelden. We love to have many people on our committee to help with so many ideas and projects. It is a lot of fun to be a part of this and work in the mission field!



Yes…it’s time to think of the Christmas Fair and to find a willing partner who will work with me to coordinate this year’s event.  

The date has been set…….Fri & Sat.   Nov. 11-12th

The majority of the station chairs have agreed to return…we THANK them all…..

Crafters: Linda Duane

Sweet Treats: Sue Sievert

Jewelry: Lynne Brown

Wooden Treasures: Mark Karsner

Wreaths & Greens: Kate Finemore

Luncheon: Danna Dimrock & Patrick Shanley

Dinner: Bonnie & Tim Valade

Baked Table: Eileen Burt

Jams & More: Matt O’Connor

Silent Auction: Maryellen Geoghan & Christine Quesnel

Boutique Clothing: Marti Jeglinski 

Boutique: looking for 2-3 volunters

Hardware: Henry Brown

Kids Room: Becky Dickens & looking for another volunteer

Attic Treasures Looking for 2-3 volunteers to help with this room

Table Set-Up: Tom Hoke

Money/Finances: Jean Dawson

Advertising poster creation: Lynne O'Brien….Poster distribution: Lynne Brown

With our relocation to Holly Springs, NC starting April 15th I unfortunately will not physically be at this year's Fair but I am more than happy to assist the next Chairperson/YOU through the process. As you can see by above, much of the work has been done. The individual chair people know their roles well, tables will be set up with the table cloths and the chairpeople will set up their tables.  

Many of you know I’m an organized person so in the church office (see Ruth) there are binders for Fundraising. One binder is of course Christmas Fair. This binder will provide the new Chairperson a timeline with what functions should be done and when. All functions are recorded…just need someone to be the conductor to make sure everything runs smoothly...again, with my assistance if it is needed.  The binder also includes all the historical data of past years.  

How about two of you? Two friends?  Husband and wife? Or just YOU!

The church needs YOU more than ever….our Fair is important for the community and of course, the church.  PLEASE consider it…if you’d like to talk to me about it, please call me at 603-566-3482. Let’s gather together to make this 2022 Fair another great success! We can do this!!!

Blessings,  Aline Ward


The Racial Justice Committee will meet on March 9 at 5pm to continue to discuss Nice Racism by Robin DiAngelo. There is much to discuss. We are learning and reflecting on how race has shaped our lives, how niceness protects and upholds racism, how we are complicit in maintaining a system of white privilege and much more. Please contact Ali Armitage ([email protected]) with any questions.

Methodist Men Sharing their Faith…

The JWUMC Men’s Group has met monthly, more or less regularly, for several years. Pre-covid our gathering included breakfast prepared by John Mincieli and / or Larry Ward. Since early in 2020 we have been unable to gather for breakfast, though we have continued our program of ‘sharing our faith’ with different topics and leaders. There is hope that eventually a breakfast could once again become part of the agenda. In the meantime, with Larry moving to NC and John (and Rebecca) having to step away from the church for a period of time, we are looking toward the men of JWUMC to step forward and lead this important ministry - whether on a stand-alone one-month basis or ideally as an ongoing ministry. The leader need not ‘DO’ every meeting, simply coordinate a leader for the month and send reminders to the men of JWUMC. We hope you will consider this call to share your faith with other men of JWUMC. Please contact Larry Ward ([email protected] or 617 803 6019) with any questions and help in getting your first meeting scheduled.

In HIS Service,

Larry Ward and John Mincieli

Daylight Savings Reminder

March 13th we spring forward so set your clocks ahead one hour. You don't want to be late for church! At least it is getting lighter earlier and spring begins the following Sunday.

Staff Vacations!

Ruth will be away on vacation from February 28th to March 4th.

Pastor Rebecca and John will be away on vacation March 9th to the 15th.

Hannah will be away on vacation from March 10th to the 15th.

Now Hiring Pianist/Organist - Part Time

We are looking for a part--time, year-round Pianist/Organist. Responsibilities of the Pianist/Organist include: playing hymns and worship music for Sunday services or other special services throughout the year; attending weekly choir rehearsals; and providing accompaniment for the choir, soloists and/or special musicians during services We are looking for someone with a strong Christian faith, experience providing piano and organ accompaniment and preferably a Bachelor’s Degree in music. 

Click here for a complete job description and information on how to apply.

Please feel free to pass this information along to anyone who you think might be interested in applying for the job. The position is available on an interim or permanent basis. 

Community Garden



$20 EACH

It’s not too early to start thinking about gardening. Something to look forward to. Are you interested in having a garden plot? I have a few available. They are approximately 12’ x 8’. We have it rototilled for you and it is fenced in and lots of sun for great produce. We have tools available to use. You can plant whatever you want and keep what you need and/or donate any access to the church. All we ask is that you keep it neat and weeded. If you had a plot last year, please let me know if you want to continue with the same one. Thank you.

Contact Sharon Mulcahy

At (508) 457-0950 or [email protected]

I came across this old photo of the church last week. There isn't any date on it. I didn't notice that the steeple was not up and the front windows were not installed. That gives me an idea of when this might have been taken. Does anyone remember seeing this?


A couple years ago Eversource had a drone in the air over the church where they were recording powerline placements. The Eversource contractor shared some of the video with me so I have this fun photo of JWUMC from the sky! How many years have passed between the two photos? Any guesses?

March Meetings and Events at JWUMC

Wednesday 2nd - Ashes in the chapel - 12:00 - 12:30 - come and go as you please

Wednesday 2nd - Ash Wednesday Service 7 pm

Thursday 3rd - Strategic Planning Comm. 7 pm

Friday 4th - Youth Winter Retreat Begins

Sunday March 6th - Children's Choir Rehearsal 10:45 am

Monday 7th - TLT 6:30 pm

Tuesday 8th - Investment Team 11:15 am

Monday 14th - Blood Drive 10-4 pm

Thursday 17th Staff Parish Relations Ministry Team 5 pm

Thursday 17th - Strategic Planning Comm. 7 pm

Sunday March 20th - Children's Choir Rehearsal 10:45 am

Monday March 21st to Tuesday March 22nd - Prayer Vigil 6:00 am

Tuesday 22nd - Worship Ministry 3 pm

Tuesday 22nd - Finance Ministry Team 4 pm

Tuesday 22nd - Trustees 3:30 pm

Thursday 24th - Outreach Missions 6:30 pm

Thursday 31st - Strategic Planning Comm. 7 pm

Weekly Meetings:

Sunday - Lenten Study 10:30 am

Sunday - Middle School Youth Group 4 pm

Sunday - All Youth Free Dinner & Games 5 pm

Sunday - High School Youth Group 6 pm

Tuesday- Bible Discussion Group with Tim Cline 10 am

Tuesday - Lenten Study 10:30 am

Wednesday- Prayer Meeting 11 am

Wednesday- Handbell Rehearsal 5:45 pm

Wednesday- Chancel Choir Rehearsal 7 pm

Thursday - Lenten Study 1 pm

Thursday - Youth Lenten Study 4 pm

Birthday Wishes for March: 1st ~ Sally Tracy, 11th ~ Karl Jurentkoff & Diane Huban, 14th~ Gus Clough, 17th Pat Dinsmore, 18th ~ Lee Phillips, 20th ~ Sue Sievert, 26th ~ Lisa Asendorf, 31st ~ Bob McIntire

Let us celebrate life among our church family. It's a great thing to have a birthday, a gift from God. Please give your birthday information by recording it on the calendar on the Fellowship bulletin board.

John Wesley United Methodist Church, 270 Gifford Street, Falmouth, MA 02540

(508) 548-3050 www.johnwesleyumc.org

Rev. Rebecca Mincieli, Pastor

Hannah Stelter, Dir. of Children & Youth Ministries

Ruth Moulton, Office Administrator

Linda Brouder, Director of Music Ministries

George Cary, Treasurer

John Loewen, Sexton 

March Happenings

March heralds a new beginning,

Welcome respite from ice and snow,

Buds appearing on the bushes,

Showers and sun helping them grow.

Birds make their journey from the south.

Bulbs slowly peek out of the earth.

Warmer days bring forth wind and rain,

As Nature reveals a new birth.

Spring will soon burst forth in splendor,

As birds will mate and build a nest.

The drab colors of winter fade,

And trees awaken from their rest.

Daylight Savings begins in March,

As Good Friday approaches, too,

A time to praise and pray to God,

A time for our souls to renew.

Harsh weather will be behind us.

Sunshine will help make spirits soar.

We give God thanks for the springtime,

For the season of green once more.

Joy Stosz

January 23, 2018

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