Four days spent with leaders in Zugdidi were transforming. These apostles and evangelists are reaching with the Gospel all the vilLages in the whole region of Mengrelia ( Western Georgia area) and start home churches. .

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Iya and Guiya are Biblical Priscilla and Aquila!

Iya and Guiya are from eastern Georgia and when God called them to move to the west - they obeyed. Culture and traditions here are very strong here  and  local people  do not receive those from outside world easily.  But Iya and Guiya humbled themselves to respect and love people but to obey God. God approved their ministry. God did so many miracles through them in the villages. Healed people's bodies, changed lives... through the years a lot of locals came to the Lord through them and became disciples of Jesus Christ. 

Iya and Giuya just like Priscilla and Aquila are powerful teachers and trainers of disciples!

Keso asked me to pray for her husband to come to the Lord. 

Likuna's husband Emeri is powerful evangelist. Wherever he goes and whatever he does - he preaches the Gospel! Their daughter's name is Tsitsi. 

Tamuna is soon going to be married. She is is amazingly talented. She asked me to pray for her to grow in the knowledge of God more and more.

We worshiped together and prayed for each other.

Giving wheels to the Gospel!


As you remember during my visit we agreed to help two young men - Bezho and Devizy who are key leaders and hardworking apostles. - to purchase two vehicles. 

We already shared with you  our praise report! They travel by bus or bicycle or even walk from village to village often. Vehicles ( car or a van) will help them not to depend on public transportation and be effective.

Ministry in Tbilisi, capital of Georgia.

I was so happy to see a lot of friends in Tbilisi church where pastor Mamuka and his wife Eka are leaders.  We are old friends and Village Gospel Harvest is very fruitful in Georgia because of their leadership.

On the picture you see Iya, Giuya, Pastor Memuka and his wife Eka and two thirds of me)))

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 World Missions Advance

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