“Lt. Gen. Steve Gilland said the phrase would be replaced in the mission statement with the words, “Army Values.” Hence the problem. “Army Values” means anything that culture elitists determine, and those values are fluid. “Duty, Honor, and Country” are eternal values that should never be altered. Gilland was quick to mention that the change to the mission statement is nothing to worry about because “Duty, Honor, and Country” hasn’t always been in it. But in today’s cultural climate, we are not ignorant to the fact that the new phraseology is just another step toward dismantling tried and true military standards and traditions.”
"I spent 30 years in the Army. I love it when high ranking Generals spin the decision(s) made. In this case, this so-called General is wrong. Duty, Honor, Country is not just a motto for our Army, it's a motto for our country."
"Hmmmm, a little strange...."working with leaders from across West Point and external stakeholders," who are these "external stakeholders"? 'Duty, Honor, Country' is as core to the U.S. Army, not just the Academy, as 'God, Country, Flag'! When we see efforts to change 'words' or redefining 'words' there is normally more going on than just wordsmithing!"
"There is no doubt what "Duty, Honor, Country" means to an intelligent person. When nebulous terms are recited, the meaning can change, to hide the real agenda. This is not good."
"Sounds like the general and those who bowed to the change are progressives. We continue to allow words to be redefined and meanings changed which is detrimental to the country. Duty, Honor and Country would be hard to redefine so lets just eliminate them and make it our motto. If I were a betting man the motto will be eliminated or replaced within a few years. Sad situation we find ourselves in as a country."
"A military veteran with 26 years of service to this country, I am speechless at the absurdity of what is happening to our military today. I would have never joined when I became of age under the conditions that exist today. Patriots know there are many ways to serve one’s country outside the military. I would encourage our patriotic youth to seek those other avenues of service until such time as the military returns to those traditional values we hold In common as Americans."
“I’m old enough that I heard Gen. MacArthur speak those words in person. They were embedded into me. I served as an Army officer.”