Trash or Treasure?
West Texas District NMI Storyteller, Susan Downs
They shared everything…toys, clothes, coats, shoes. Rarely did the dozens of physically and mentally disabled orphans and older sibling groups who lived in the Angel’s Haven Orphanage in Seoul have anything they could call their own. So, years before we even moved to Korea to serve as missionaries, we joined together with friends and church family to provide something special for each one of these precious kids on Christmas.
We first visited Angel’s Haven in the summer of 1984. It was then, through the help of Pastor Cho, Kyu-Hwan, Director of Angel’s Haven, that we first met our oldest daughter, Kimberly, and started the process of adoption. And from that day forward, this compassionate children’s home held a special place in our hearts. Their needs were so great, but with the Lord’s help, donations from Stateside corporations, and generous individual contributors, we were able to provide things like washers and dryers, winter clothing, sneakers, and lots and lots of toys. (One sporting-goods company provided us one year with 200 leather basketballs, among other things. An airline arranged to transport this rather large international shipment without charge. But we all got a good laugh when Pastor Cho informed us that when he started to open the boxes with the basketballs, they were all stamped MADE IN KOREA.)
One particular Christmas, though, when we were living in Seoul, our annual gift presentation didn’t go as planned. We had collected donations from the mission community and foreign school patrons and were ready to transport the gifts from our apartment across town to Angel’s Haven. We loaded the packages into large lawn-and-leaf bags and packed our Kia van to the brim. When our family arrived at the orphanage, our boys lined the director’s office with all the bags of gifts. Many of the children gathered around Pastor Cho, their eyes sparkling with anticipation. He walked to the first bag and opened it. But when he looked up at David, his expression was one of shock, not gratitude or joy. David crossed the room and took a peek into the bag. It was filled with our family’s trash. Our boys had gathered it up and tossed it in among the bags of gifts when they were loading the van. Thankfully, all the others were filled with Christmas presents.
When we were living on the mission field, our family LOVED getting packages and boxes from our LINKS churches. (This program is now called Care & Connections.) I received a still-treasured handsewn quilt from a LINKS church in Indiana. Our boys were gifted their favorite packs of trading cards and sporting goods. Our girls found beloved babydolls nestled in those boxes. David received a valuable antique fountain pen, picked from the prized collection of an elderly Nazarene layman in the States especially for the missionary.
While almost all of the LINKS packages our family received contained welcomed items that reminded us of home, we heard lots of stories of boxes sent to other missionaries that contained more trash than treasure… clothing and coats with all the buttons removed…teabags that had only been used once so that they should be good for at least one more cuppa…used hairnets…worn items that were destined for the trash as soon as they arrived but for which the missionary had been forced to spend precious funds on customs and duty taxes.
Our current assigned West Texas District Care & Connections/LINKS are the Douglas and Jennifer Mann family. (Doug was our missionary speaker at Family Camp this past summer and did a fantastic job!) Your WT District NMI council encourages you to include them in your Christmas giving this year. For information on how to give, please follow this link:
As we enter this Holy season of Christmas and prepare for gift-giving, I’m reminded of the old song, “Give of Your Best to the Master” (page 540 of the Nazarene Hymnal, Sing to the Lord.) And from my heart, I pray, “Lord, in light of the great and sacrificial gifts of love, mercy, grace, and salvation that you so freely give, may I, too, give to others as unto you!”