October 24, 2023

Dear Pastor/Friends, 

It has certainly been a busy season for us all! I’ve received numerous reports of exciting things happening in our churches around the district.

I was pleased to participate in a strong pastoral review of one of our veteran pastors! Congratulations to Zack and Corey Smithson of Euless First. The Smithsons just completed 14 Years in Euless! I am very proud of this great couple and consider myself honored to serve alongside them in ministry.  

This has also been a month of special anniversary celebrations. I was very honored to be with Pastor Lowell and Debbi Schmidt for the 60th-anniversary celebration of our Amarillo South Georgia congregation. I am so grateful for this good congregation’s faithfulness over the years.

Yesterday, Susan, Kai, and I visited two of our metro-area Korean congregations and enjoyed two wonderful Korean feasts! After visiting Pastor Joshua Lee, and Julia, at Watered Garden Church in Carrolton, we Joined Pastor Kwang- Hun, and Eun-Young, Choi at Arlington Antioch Korean Church of the Nazarene for their tenth-anniversary celebration. 

Reaching the ten-year anniversary mark is a major blessing. We have so many new congregations on our district. The Lord has certainly favored these precious pioneer congregations with a very solid success rate. We give Him all of the glory!

Cactus Nazarene Ministry Center celebrated their 10th anniversary this past weekend as well. What a miraculous journey it has been. We are so grateful to the Lord for the directors and staff and countless volunteers He has given us in Cactus. By His grace, CNMC has become a major ministry to the migrants and refugees living in the Panhandle. Be sure to check out the CNMC website at www.CNMCstories.org.

Congratulations to Pilot Point CotN as they celebrated their 115th anniversary this past Sunday. Pastor Dwayne Edwards was pleased to host Nazarene archivist, Ryan Griffin for the event. 

I want to express our gratitude to Pastor Vicky Palacios of Denton Familia de Naciones Church of the Nazarene for coordinating this year’s highly successful Hispanic Women’s Conference. Again this year, this powerful event was hosted by Pastor Lynn Nichols and Ft. Worth Northside Church.  

Last weekend Susan and I enjoyed our district’s annual Discovery Weekend (held this year in Amarillo) with newly district-licensed ministers and their spouses. It is always a pleasure to get to know these awesome couples much better as we work through their Strength Finders assessments together. We have been so privileged to have Drs. Linda and Rich Cantwell as our outstanding presenters. I want to express special appreciation to our district secretary, Pastor Zack Smithson, who organizes this event each year. Next year, it will be held in the Metroplex.

Finally, I was able to break away for five days in early October for the annual Pastors Motorcycle Trip. This year, we rode over into New Mexico, staying at “The Barn” in Lubbock and at the NM district campgrounds while touring the nearby mountains and riding down to White Sands National Monument. Needless to say, we enjoyed great fellowship together.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the upcoming zone Christmas parties!

For you and with you,

Pastor David Downs

We wish to express our most sincere sympathy to Rev. Bill Bowers and his family following the death of his wife, Jane Bowers, our long time District Missionary President, who entered into glory last night. Visitation will be this Thursday night at 6:00-8:00 pm and the funeral will be Friday at 11:00am. Both will be at Fort Worth Renovation Community (formerly Wedgwood) Church of the Nazarene located at 6301 Granbury Road, Fort Worth TX 76133.


Jane served 18 years as West Texas District NMI (and formerly, NWMS) President. 

On April 16, 1991, Jane Bowers was elected President and took her new role upon the retirement of Mrs. Octava Fike at the end of that convention.

On April 7, 1992, Jane brought her first President’s Report to the District NWMS Convention. She thanked West Texas pastors, district council members, and local presidents for being willing participants of the Lord to provide helpful advice and encouragement throughout her first year. That year’s convention theme was, “Carry the Light.” Jane reminded attendees that we are Christ’s disciples, and we bear the responsibility of the great commission to go into all the world carrying the light. She thanked West Texas Nazarenes for carrying the light through giving to world missions.


It was during Jane’s reign as President, in 1993, that the Octava Fike Mission Scholarship was established in the previous District President’s honor. It was specifically for SNU students from our district who were preparing for a career in world evangelism. Jane said the new scholarship would encourage and assist young people in answering the call of God to mission service. The scholarship is still available today, to students who qualify.


During four of her years as District NMI President, Jane also served as the South Central USA (SNU) Region Representative to the Global NMI Council.


Previously, Jane served in other positions on the District Council such as NWMS Secretary and World Mission Radio Coordinator.


In 2009, Jane retired from the position of NMI President. At the April 2010 Vision Conference, Dr. Charles Jones presented her with a Distinguished Service Award from the District NMI Council in thanks for her many years of faithful service. 

Jane’s family members were very supportive of her important work. They were involved in planning and executing many portions of the District NMI Conventions. Her mom, Mrs. Dorothy Roberts, directed Wednesday night Mission theme presentations to the congregation for several years. Husband, Rev. Bill Bowers, and daughters, Sarah and Susan, helped behind the scenes as well as during the worship sessions. Jane, Sarah, and Susan delivered beautifully harmonized trios as their voices blended so perfectly together. One year, Bill even built an amazing lighthouse prop to accompany the convention theme of “Jesus, Light of the World.”  Jane’s family gave their full support of Nazarene Missions International in ways most of us will never know.


In 2017, the District NMI Council revamped the former “District 100% Church Award.” We renamed it, Bowers Blue Ribbon Church Award to honor Jane’s many years of service and countless contributions to this district. At that 2017 Vision Conference, we surprised Jane by presenting the framed, new certificate to her and her family. During that service, then-President Cheryl Crouch asked the representatives from the churches in the congregation receiving this new certificate to please stand. The audience burst into applause in appreciation for Jane and her family! 

Jane Bowers has left an amazing legacy in helping the West Texas family remain a Missions-minded district. We thank her for her love of Nazarene missionaries and her faithful service to NMI, to the Church of the Nazarene, and to our Lord and Savior!


Our bookkeeper, Griselda Sierra, has prepared the West Texas District 2023-2024 "Funding The Mission" report as of October 18, 2023. Pastors, please pay close attention to your church's contributions so far this year. Please make every effort to encourage your people to faithfully maintain their giving for others. 

Click here to download the report.



The Global Ministry Center has announced a new mailing address for receipt of checks and correspondence from local churches.


Continue to make checks payable to General Treasurer but mail to:

Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center

Attn: Donor Services

17001 Prairie Star Pkwy.

Lenexa, KS 66220-7900

Retire Well with the New Match from NBUSA!
 Nazarene Benefits USA (NBUSA) has simplified and expanded the benefit we contribute to the accounts of Nazarene 403(b) participants, so you could receive a match of up to $2,500 annually. That’s $2,500 which, with earnings and contributions from you and your employer, could grow into a substantial retirement nest egg.
We will explain how the match works in a live one-hour Zoom workshop called The Path to Retire Well. NBUSA Executive Director Kevin P. Gilmore will share details and answer questions.
The workshop will be presented on four dates, each at noon Central time. To register, just select the date below that works best for you:
Now’s the time to get on a secure path to retirement with valuable financial resources from Nazarene Benefits USA. If you have questions or need assistance with registering, please contact us at [email protected] or at 888-888-4656.

Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for? (Audience) Why should they care? (Benefit) What do I want them to do here? (Call-to-Action)

Create a great offer by adding words like "free" "personalized" "complimentary" or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take an action, so think about inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining"!


Hello West Texas KidMin Leaders!

We hosted our annual Children's Council & KidMin Leader meeting on Saturday, October 14 via Zoom. We will be sending out minutes from this meeting, the Zoom recording and several resources for this coming year to all KidMin Leaders we have contact information for. Pastors, if you want to make sure your KidMin leader receives this email and information, please contact me directly at [email protected] Thank you!

CLICK HERE to download an informational flyer about our WTX KidMin Journey virtual small group. All WTX KidMin Leaders are invited to participate in this special group. Details are attached below. I do not have any more books - Ministry Insights by Josh Denhart - so you will need to purchase one from Amazon. I can send copies while you wait for yours to come in if needed. 

If you are not a member of our West Texas Children's Ministry Facebook group please reach out to Renae Fowler or Jennifer Sommers, on Facebook, for an invite.

FREE Training Opportunity!

KidzMatter is offering something new that is FREE and available HERE link: https://www.kidminacademy.com/masterclasses  

KidMin Academy Master Classes that you can access for FREE on specific topics relating to Children's Ministry. I sent a Marco out to our WTX KidMin Journey group a couple weeks ago announcing this new opportunity and we discussed it at our council meeting. They ask you to sign up and create a log in to participate in the classes, but it is all free. 

Upcoming Dates:

BLAST! March 1-2 at Lubbock First Church

SPARK! Regional Children's Leaders Event - March 14-16 at Arrowhead Camp 

ACTIVATE-kids camp - July 15-19 at Arrowhead Camp

Because Jesus loves Kids!

Jennifer Sommers


Register Here





Costa Rica Work & Witness Trip July 17-27, 2024

Join Lantana Church as we partner with San Pablo de Gracia Church in Heredia, Costa Rica to provide much needed repairs to their church building and property. 

Work will include pouring cement pillars, renovating classrooms, repairing water damage, upgrading the sanctuary, as well as creating community spaces and additional parking.

We will also organize a children’s outreach event utilizing the JESUS Film children’s version, soccer balls, and more. 

Pastor Javier Paniagua will be at Lantana Church on Sunday, November 5 to answer questions and share more details about the project. Anyone interested in joining the team or learning more is invited to join us for lunch following the morning service. 


Contact Lantana Church's NMI President Kaye Wheatley to RSVP:


In addition to the opportunity to join this team, the San Pablo de Gracia Church has actually requested a second, additional team, either before or after we are there to finish the project. Please visit with Pastor Javier on November 5 if you are available to serve on a second team on a different set of dates and, especially, if you are available to serve as that team leader!




September                        Alabaster Offering - send to Global Treasury Services

September 9                     WTX Kids Council Meeting Lubbock First & Zoom

September 18-19               SNU Ministers’ Forum

November                      Thanksgiving Offering – send to Global Treasury Services

December 10                  District License Application Packets Due  

2023 Report Booklet
New: 2023 Where to Send Budget Allocations
[806 Airport Fwy., Suite 206, Hurst, TX 76054 ]  [817-479-8611]  [westexnaz.org]