We wish to express our most sincere sympathy to Rev. Bill Bowers and his family following the death of his wife, Jane Bowers, our long time District Missionary President, who entered into glory last night. Visitation will be this Thursday night at 6:00-8:00 pm and the funeral will be Friday at 11:00am. Both will be at Fort Worth Renovation Community (formerly Wedgwood) Church of the Nazarene located at 6301 Granbury Road, Fort Worth TX 76133.
Jane served 18 years as West Texas District NMI (and formerly, NWMS) President.
On April 16, 1991, Jane Bowers was elected President and took her new role upon the retirement of Mrs. Octava Fike at the end of that convention.
On April 7, 1992, Jane brought her first President’s Report to the District NWMS Convention. She thanked West Texas pastors, district council members, and local presidents for being willing participants of the Lord to provide helpful advice and encouragement throughout her first year. That year’s convention theme was, “Carry the Light.” Jane reminded attendees that we are Christ’s disciples, and we bear the responsibility of the great commission to go into all the world carrying the light. She thanked West Texas Nazarenes for carrying the light through giving to world missions.
It was during Jane’s reign as President, in 1993, that the Octava Fike Mission Scholarship was established in the previous District President’s honor. It was specifically for SNU students from our district who were preparing for a career in world evangelism. Jane said the new scholarship would encourage and assist young people in answering the call of God to mission service. The scholarship is still available today, to students who qualify.
During four of her years as District NMI President, Jane also served as the South Central USA (SNU) Region Representative to the Global NMI Council.
Previously, Jane served in other positions on the District Council such as NWMS Secretary and World Mission Radio Coordinator.
In 2009, Jane retired from the position of NMI President. At the April 2010 Vision Conference, Dr. Charles Jones presented her with a Distinguished Service Award from the District NMI Council in thanks for her many years of faithful service.
Jane’s family members were very supportive of her important work. They were involved in planning and executing many portions of the District NMI Conventions. Her mom, Mrs. Dorothy Roberts, directed Wednesday night Mission theme presentations to the congregation for several years. Husband, Rev. Bill Bowers, and daughters, Sarah and Susan, helped behind the scenes as well as during the worship sessions. Jane, Sarah, and Susan delivered beautifully harmonized trios as their voices blended so perfectly together. One year, Bill even built an amazing lighthouse prop to accompany the convention theme of “Jesus, Light of the World.” Jane’s family gave their full support of Nazarene Missions International in ways most of us will never know.
In 2017, the District NMI Council revamped the former “District 100% Church Award.” We renamed it, Bowers Blue Ribbon Church Award to honor Jane’s many years of service and countless contributions to this district. At that 2017 Vision Conference, we surprised Jane by presenting the framed, new certificate to her and her family. During that service, then-President Cheryl Crouch asked the representatives from the churches in the congregation receiving this new certificate to please stand. The audience burst into applause in appreciation for Jane and her family!
Jane Bowers has left an amazing legacy in helping the West Texas family remain a Missions-minded district. We thank her for her love of Nazarene missionaries and her faithful service to NMI, to the Church of the Nazarene, and to our Lord and Savior!