September 28, 2017
Dear Pastor/Friends,

September has been a very busy month. It began with our WT District 
Disaster Response Team answering the  call to support our churches and the  people on the South Texas District who were hit so drastically by Hurricane  Harvey. 

Our presence in Beaumont began on Labor Day and continues.  Many, many of our people have been involved.  Dr. Jeffery Johnson, South Texas District Superintendent, has expressed on several occasions, his district's appreciation of our support.  Certainly, I am grateful for Cal, and Marcia, and the dozens of volunteers and large offerings which have been received.  Pictured here is the group that was working in Beaumont last week.  Thank you!  
What a blessing it was on September 10th to install Rev. Genell Knisley as the new pastor in Grassland.  She is coming to us for South Dakota where she was pastor of the Huron Church.  She is pictured here with her husband, Jim. The Grassland congregation is very excited about the future.  We are delighted to have Genell and Jim on the West Texas District!

On October 15-16 the newly reorganized Cactus Nazarene Ministry Center Board met in Cactus with CEO, Dr. Shawn Fouts, and Board Chair, Pastor Michael Page.  The highlight of the discussion centered around the rapidly approaching arrival of Dr. Stephanie Deihlman and her husband, Andy. Dr. Stephanie is wearing pink just left of center in this picture. Andy is wearing orange, just behind her. This will be a tremendous blessing for the people of Cactus, who have, until now, had no medical facility in town.  The closest clinic is in Dumas which is 15 miles away... and most of the residents of Cactus have no car.  Please join us in prayer for this sacred endeavor.
This past Sunday afternoon, Korean congregations from our district, Louisiana, and Oklahoma gathered at Carrollton Church of the Nazarene for the inaugural service of the Watered Garden Korean Church of the Nazarene, our newest congregation, under the leadership of Pastor Timothy Oh and his wife Rachel. I want to express how grateful I am for Pastor Todd O'Conner and the Carrollton church (which is a member of the North/East Texas District, though they are actually located within the boundaries of our district) for the wonderful way they have welcomed Pastor and Mrs. Oh.  The Watered Garden congregation is excited about spreading the good news of holiness among Carrollton Koreans!  Please notice the header photo at the top of this newsletter to see the entire group.
Just three weeks ago Susan and Kai and I completed our sixth year on the West Texas district.  I want to take this opportunity to express what a blessing it is for us to have the privilege of being your friends and partners in ministry.  I was in Kansas City for meetings last week and someone asked me how I liked my current assignment.  As I reflected a moment before answering, I realized that I have never enjoyed an assignment more than this one.  We have been so royally received by the wonderful pastoral families and great laity of our district.  Of course, you know how much I cherish our district's compassionate ministry heritage...and I am especially energized by the diversity we enjoy. I am a truly grateful man.  And, I want you to know that Susan and I truly love the people of the West Texas District family.
Very Highest regards,
Pastor David Downs

The West Texas Disaster Relief Team is committed to continue providing relief efforts to those affected by the recent hurricane in South Texas. Our churches are also supporting Nazarene Disaster Response in Puerto Rico and Mexico.  To support these efforts, please visit

T o schedule a church team to work in South Texas, please contact our Disaster Relief coordinators, Cal Callender or Marcia Nikl.

In This Issue
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Our district treasurer, Dan Davisson, has prepared the WTD 2017-18 "Funding The Mission" report as of September 20, 2017. Pastors, please pay close attention to your church's contributions so far this year. Please make every effort to encourage your people to faithfully maintain their giving for others.

You Can Now Submit Your Budget Payment Online!

Visit and click on the tab GIVE


Pastors, if you have any individuals wishing to apply for a new district license, please contact Earl Robertson immediately with their name and contact information.

Earl Robertson

Dr. Kevin Harney - Organic Outreach 
October 9, 2017     9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Live Stream from your personal computer

October NMI News

Disaster Relief: Thanks to our WT Disaster Response Team who continue to serve, and to many churches who have donated money and CCKs to help Texas and Florida flood victims! Let's continue to pray.

Most recently, Dominica - an island we sent our W&W team to just last year, and where our district pastors Steve & Amanda Pettit served as missionaries - has been devastated by a hurricane. If your people want to give, please direct them to Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM) where their dollars have the most impact.

Spanish Resources: Numerous Spanish resources are available on the NMI website, including the International Mission Education Journal, the mission education lessons for adults and children, and all of this year's NMI missions books. Mission education materials are available here. Other Spanish resources may be found here.

WMB Reaches Refugees: Sixty-five radio programs reach listeners in refugee camps in northeastern Africa. Nazarene broadcaster Gabor says, "The refugees lack peace, so we produce programs about peace. They lack love, so we talk about love. They lack hope, and we talk about hope." World Mission Broadcast (WMB) provides Nazarene radio, television, and Internet program production, airtime, and follow-up strategies. To learn more about WMB, click here.

Book Recommendation: "This is such a captivating story that I felt like I was riding alongside Howie Shute during his ambitious journey across Ethiopia to bring the Good News to an unreached people. You will be encouraged and challenged as you read the stunningly surprising plot of how God reached the Mursi people." Debra Voelker, Wash. Pacific DP

{Click here to learn about this and other NMI missions books}

Deputation: David and Erika Campos, missionaries to Haiti, are in West Texas! This sharp young couple does a great job sharing about the impact our support has on the mission field. Please check the schedule carefully. If you have any problems or need to make changes, contact the missionaries directly at and also copy Amy Spigelmyer (incoming Deputation Coordinator) at . Thanks to Ana Carrier, Jackie Miner and Amanda Petit, also, for helping coordinate the tour.
Remember - missionaries do NOT expect, or even necessarily prefer, a service in your sanctuary. They want a chance to get to know your people, share their stories, and say "thanks" for years of support. That can happen in a home, at a restaurant, in a skating rink, at the park... get creative! And please include your children and teens.
David & Erika Campos (Haiti) 
Sunday, Oct 1 AM  Amarillo First*, Am. Turning Point, Am. African Community
                        PM  Amarillo Valleyview
Monday, Oct 2  Amarillo North Beacon*, South Georgia
Tuesday, Oct  3  Borger First*, Borger Trinity, Stinnett (added after assembly)
Wednesday, Oct 4  Hereford First
Thursday, Oct 5  Wellington*, Dodson, and Clarendon (added after assembly)

Cheryl Crouch, WT NMI President

Upcoming SDMI Events:

To Register:
Contact Lubbock First Church
at 806-794-1675


Bundle Up Cactus: Cactus Winter Coat Drive

Saturday, November 18, 2017 is our annual Bundle Up Cactus winter coat drive. Last year we were able to provide 600 children and youth with a warm winter coat. Our goal this year is 1000 coats. But we need your help to reach this goal. 

As you are purchasing coats for your children and/or grandchildren we encourage you to think about the children and youth of Cactus who may face another cold winter without a coat unless we all get involved. As you replace last years gently used coats consider mailing them to Cactus Nazarene Ministries to provide for a child or youth in our community. We will also be distributing hats and gloves to children and youth in need. 

So, as you purchase new coats purchase an extra hat and pair of gloves or mittens and send them along with your coat donation. We encourage churches to make this an annual coat drive and mail their congregations donations all at once. We will receive donations for this incredible event until Saturday, November 11, 2017. If you would like to come and serve we invite you to join us on the 18th for an amazing day of service to our community. Thank you in advance for your generous donation.

For more information, and for the latest CNM updates, visit:

Youth Pastor's + Youth Leaders: 
You are invited to attend the annual Youth Summit at SNU 
October 9-11 
Register online and get more information here:


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Renewed Life Church is hosting Grief Share ...

It's never too late to jump in and everyone is welcome!

Experiencing loss is difficult... any type of loss and at some point in life we will grieve. Loss means many different things to many different people like the loss of a loved one, a job, a marriage, a major move, a fire, etc. Renewed Life Church recognizes this deep need for healing and support and if you or someone you know has experienced loss please share and encourage being a part of this group! We all need to know that we are loved and not alone. Please share this valuable resource!  

RLC Grief Share begins 
Monday, September 25th, 2017 at 6:30 pm  at 
1301 W. Green Oaks Blvd., Arlington, Texas 76013 . The workbook is $20 and we have them for purchase on site. If money is an issues, please let us know.

Please contact Pastor Greg Key ( 817-903-7327 ) or Pastor Lori Key ( 817-217-7929 ) for more information.

It's time to get out of debt. Imagine what you could do if you had no debt!  Are you living in debt?  How is that working for you? Ready to be free from financial strain! 
It's not too late to jump in and get free! 
RLC Financial Peace begins 
Monday, September 11th, 2017 at 6:30 pm 
 at 1301 W. Green Oaks Blvd., Arlington, Texas 76013. The kits are $110 and we have them for purchase on site. If money is an issues, please let us know.

Please contact Pastor Greg Key (817-903-7327) Pastor Lori Key (817-217-7929) or Mike Welling, Facilitator 817-673-5516 for more information.

The Awakening:A National Prayer Conference

Thursday- October 19, 2017
Friday- October 20, 2017
Saturday- October 21, 2017

Lamar Baptist Church
1000 W. Lamar Blvd.
Arlington, TX 76012

Cost: There is no cost for this event.
We are offering this conference at no cost to you. Although, we do ask that you register early to reserve your seat. The current venue can seat approximately 1500 people and when we reach capacity we will have to close registration.

The 75th Anniversary of Arlington First Church of the Nazarene will be celebrated on November 4-5, 2017, in Arlington, Texas.  Plans include a golf tournament, open houses at both our previous and current locations, Saturday evening banquet, and special Sunday morning worship with choir.

Please access the full weekend schedule and register online NO LATER than October 20th at, and click on the 75th Anniversary.

All former and current members and attendees of Arlington First Church are encouraged to participate in this special weekend celebration.

October 9 - Pastor's Forum
October 9 - 11 - Youth Ministry Summit, SNU
October 13 - 14 - Senior Adult Retreat, Lubbock First
October 14 - Immigration Seminar, Arlington Jesucristo Vive
October 19 - 21 - Awakening Prayer Conference, Arlington
October 27-28 - Discovery Weekend
November - Thanksgiving Offering for World Evangelism Fund to GTS
Nov. 17 -19 - NYI Fall Retreat, Arrowhead Camp
Dec. 27 - Jan. 2 - Commission Unto Mexico
January 19-21 - Shepherds' Sabbath, Abilene, TX
February - Alabaster Offering to GTS
February - SNU College Days
February 4-18 - Rob & Cindy North (Kenya) on Deputation
February 22 - Vision Conference and District Assembly Planning Session
Feb. 23-25 - District Man Camp, Arrowhead Camp
March - Kids Fest
March - Extravaganza at SNU
March 2-4 - PK Retreat, SNU
March 12 - Annual Pastor's Report Due
March 17 - Arrowhead Camp Board of Directors Meeting
April 11-13 - Vision Conference & District Assembly, Fort Worth First
May 19 - June 3 - W&W Trip to Papua New Guinea


10/1 Jeremy Lee 10/15 Hailey Cisneros
10/2 Luke Smithson 10/16 Lucas Fredlund
10/2 Michele Gibson 10/17 James Miller
10/3 Corrie Smithson 10/17 Clint & Lauren Grimes
10/3 Tony Jang & Grace Shin 10/19 Matthias Derbyshire
10/4 Ceresa Callender 10/20 Linda Kenedy
10/5 Jack Smith 10/20 Malakai Downs
10/6 Isaiah Smithson 10/21 Cecelia Boice
10/6 Regina Diaz 10/22 Adam Hasenbein
10/6 Sophia Mora 10/22 Shawn Fouts
10/7 Cailee Ann Parker 10/22 Zack & Corrie Smithson
10/8 Austin Frazier 10/23 Erika Mora
10/11 Joy Anderson 10/24 Robin Hollon
10/12 Gerardo Reyes 10/25 Rayna Diaz
10/13 Lori Dunlap 10/26 Phillip & Lisa Griffin
10/13 Anita Mensah 10/29 Heather Plaxco
10/15 Kara Hays 10/30 Kyler Kleeb
10/15 Thatcher Branigan 10/31 Allen Hughes
10/15 Steve & Michelle Holmgren 10/31 Sam McPherson



The district office personnel will be attending a workshop seminar at the Global Ministry Center in Lenexa, KS, from 10/3 - 10/5. The district office will be closed during those days, but if need to get a hold of us, you may do so on our cell phones.