February 21, 2019

Dear Pastor/Friends,

I want to congratulate our Bowie congregation on the installation of their new pastor, Rev. Michael  Burton. Michael and his wife, Lindsey, and their daughter, Makayla,   were installed this past Sunday, February 17th. Prior to moving to Bowie, Michael was their interim pastor. Before that, he was the associate pastor with Chris Branigan at Renovation Community Church in Ft. Worth. The Burtons are pictured here with their new congregation and members of their family who attended the service. 

I praise the Lord for the wonderful Shepherds" Sabbath in Abilene! 
Dr. Sunberg was very well received and did an awesome job of  encouraging and inspiring us...even when the electricity went out! Chad Jones and the praise team were anointed. It was a great blessing for Susan and me to be with so many of                                                        our pastoral couples. I want to thank everyone who helped make it such a great weekend! On Saturday evening, we recognized retiring pastoral couple, Jimmye and Wendy Cole of Pampa. They've been, and will continue to be, a great part of our district family.

I want to thank Pastor Zack Smithson and Euless First Church. Recently Euless First Church donated a van to Pastor Premal Awasarmal for use in international student ministry at UTA in Arlington. The van is already being put to great use transporting students to Sunday worship and Friday                                                        evening fellowship/Bible study.     
We wish a very fond farewell to Pastor David and Kathy Kessell of Abilene First, who recently accepted a call to Virginia, where he will be the pastor of Winchester First Church of the Nazarene. I've known and loved the Kessells for about 15 years. They came to us from my former district in Ohio. They are a wonderful couple, and we will miss getting to see them often. I wish them the very, very best in their new assignment.  I know they will do well. Rev. David Menefee will be serving as our interim pastor in Abilene.

In addition to Abilene First, we have five other congregations that are currently praying for new pastors. Let's all join them in prayer. They are; Dumas Vida Nueva, Amarillo North Beacon, Denton Hope Community, Borger First, and Hurst Pursuit. Perhaps you could remember to pray for these congregations during your pastoral prayer this coming Sunday.

Finally, pastors, please take a moment to check the "Funding the Mission" update below to be sure that our records are correct.  I have heard this week from pastors assuring me that they are sending in their final allocation gifts. I can't thank you enough for your attention to this vital pastoral matter. Your efforts to be faithful (and in many cases sacrificial) in this regard are seen and greatly appreciated.  Let's finish strong.

For you and with you,

Pastor David Downs

Our district treasurer, Dan Davisson, has prepared the West Texas 2018-2019, "Funding The Mission" report as of February 21, 2019. Pastors, please pay close attention to your church's contributions so far this year. Please make every effort to encourage your people to faithfully maintain their giving for others.


The Lifelong Learning Registry provides Nazarene ministers the opportunity to record and report their efforts to develop and maintain a pattern of lifelong learning to enhance the ministry to which God has called them.
  1. Go to https://learning.nazarene.org/location
  2. When you arrive at the Website, you will be asked to choose your language.
  3. You will then be directed to a page that will have a "Sign Up" button to click.
  4. The sign-up page will then appear. Fill in the requested information and click on the "Register" button
  5. When you register, it will take you to a screen where you click on the "Add Record" button.
  6. When that screen appears, you will be asked to enter an Event Code.
  7. The Event Code for Shepherds' Sabbath: 41361
  8. Once you enter the event code, click on the "Submit" button. The number of hours will need to be filled in.
  9. Shepherds' Sabbath Life Long Learning Hours: 6.5        
* If you have already registered, login and use the above Event Code.
Earl Robertson
Assistant Superintendent

El registro para el Aprendizaje de Toda la Vida ofrece la oportunidad para que ministros Nazarenos registren sus esfuerzos de establecer y mantener un hábito en el aprendizaje a fin de capacitarse mejor para el ministerio al cual Dios le ha llamado.
  1. Visite la pagina web https://learning.nazarene.org/location
  2. Escoja el idioma: español.
  3. La página lo llevará al sitio de registro. Presione el botón "Regístrate".
  4. Llene la información requerida y presione el botón "Registrar".
  5. Cuándo usted se registre la página abrirá la pantalla de Unidad de Educación Continua. Haga clic en "Agregar Registro".
  6. La nueva página le pedirá el código de evento.
  7. El código para las platicas durante el retiro de pastores es: 41361
  8. Ya que escriba el código haga clic en "aplicar". Usted tendrá que agregar el número de horas del evento. Haga clic en "crear" en la parte baja de la página.
  9. Total de horas de aprendizaje: 6.5
* Si usted ya se ha registrado al Apredizaje de Toda La Vida solo tiene que ingresar a la página y agregar el código de evento.
Earl Robertson
Superintendente Asistente

Our District Kids Fest and Quiz will be held March 1-2, 2019 at Lubbock First Church.  Below is the Kids Fest Schedule. 

Save the Date!
ACTIVATE-kids camp will be July 15-19, 2019 at Arrowhead Camp
  • Scholarship applications due - May 1
  • Regular online registration - June 1 ($220)
  • Late online registration - July 7 ($260)
Our goal is to share 3 different promos with you over the next 6 months.  These are being created for you to share in your churches.  For this first one I did a simple power point and keynote slide show (both avaliable on the website) including pics from last year's camp and giving you this year's theme. "Even If,"  taken from the story in Daniel with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and the fiery furnace.  Hope these will bless you and your congregations as you begin to prepare them to send your kids to ACTIVATE 2019!

WTX Kids Director



Arrowhead Camp & Retreat Center offers a unique opportunity for young adults to serve in Christian camping. Our summer staff will serve in guest services, food service, and facilities. Our summer staff are not "gophers" they will serve as integral members of our team, both supervised and independently, serving guests and performing essential job functions. This is not "just a part-time job"; you will grow in your love for Jesus and your ability to serve others.

This job requires the ability to lift up to 50 pounds. You must be able to work in cool, warm and hot conditions. You must be 18 years of age and a high school graduate. This job requires that you live on-site for the duration of your employment.

Summer staff will receive $230 per week + food & lodging in a healthy spiritual community over a span of nine weeks. Summer staff may raise additional support for their role as a part of the ministry of Arrowhead. Applications are currently being accepted and will be received until all positions are filled.

2/1 Michael Scarlett
2/1 Terry Porter
2/1 Timothy Oh
2/2 Candy Alvarez
2/3 Amy Marcoe
2/5 Esther Lee
2/7 Deng Atak
2/8 Premal & Kavita Awasarmal
2/10 Leah Boice
2/13 Buay Gatkek
2/14 Beth Ann Jones
2/14 James & Judith Miller
2/15 Gerald Nikl
2/15 Penny Nichols

2/16 Becky Glidden
2/17 Ron Sullivan
2/18 Richard Jones
2/19 Erminia Cordero
2/19 Natalie Derbyshire
2/19 Parker Plaxco
2/20 Andrea Marquez
2/20 Natali Awasarmal
2/21 Josh & Melissa Cisneros
2/21 Paul & Esther Lee
2/21 Phillip & Linda Kennedy
2/23 Reath Gatkek
2/25 Charles Jones
2/25 Joan Johnson
2/25 Misael Alvarado
2/27 Lee Lennon

February  Alabaster Offering to Global Treasury Services
February 1-3   Shepherds' Sabbath Retreat, Abilene, TX
February 27 Vision Conference and District Assembly Planning Session
February 28  District Nominating Committee Meeting
Feb. 24 - March 2  Nazarene World Week of Prayer
March 2-3  Kids Fest and District Quiz Quiz, Lubbock First
March 12  Annual Pastor's Reports Due
March 15-17  Man Camp, Arrowhead Camp and Retreat Center
March 16  Arrowhead Camp Board Meeting, Arrowhead Camp and Retreat Center
March 23
District Assembly Finance Committee Meeting (Tentative)
April 10-12 Vision Conference & District Assembly, Lubbock First
April 28 SNU Sunday
May 9-10 SNU Board of Trustees Meeting, SNU
May 11 SNU Spring Commencement
June 9-14 Family Camp, Arrowhead Camp and Retreat Center
June 17-21 CRAVE Teen Camp, Arrowhad Camp and Retreat Center
July 15-19 ACTIVATE Kids Camp, Arrowhead Camp and Retreat Center
July 25-27 WOW Conference
January 24-25 District NMI Council Planning Retreat (Tentative)