West Weekly
June 11, 2021
Faith is an oasis in the heart which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking.

District Superintendent

Rev. Bumkoo "BK" Chung

Mailing address:
West District
Eastern PA Conference UMC
PO Box 820
Valley Forge, PA 19482-0820
Sunday, June 20, is World Refugee Day
UMCOR’s work with refugees began in the 1940’s and remains a strong focus today. Together with ecumenical partners, UMCOR’s work is rooted in the biblical mandate to welcome the stranger.
Join us in honoring the strength and resiliency of those forced to flee from home after civil unrest or natural disaster. Commit to support the four rights of migrants: the right to stay, the right to safe passage, the right to welcome and belonging, and the right to return.
An ecumenical event – “Virtual Vigil for World Refugee Day” – is being held on Monday, June 14, 7-7:30 p.m. ET for faith leaders, asylees, and refugees. It will be a time to reflect, pray and listen to the powerful stories of those who have journeyed so far. UMCOR is a co-sponsor of this event. Please sign up here to receive the link to this vigil. 
Engaging the Community for Social Transformation
Jun 07, 2021 | Bryan Tener
A new monthly webinar series, Engaging the Community for Social Transformation, is set to begin Thursday, June 24, from 11 a.m. to noon CDT.
Are you seeking ways your congregation can more fully engage your community and work for justice? Are you getting stuck thinking about what steps to take, in identifying the issues, or wondering where to start? Events over the last year and a half have continued to highlight systemic inequality and poverty that are perpetuated by power structures of politics and economics. From access to adequate health care, to financial hardships, to racial injustice – the challenges that we face are daunting and can be overwhelming. But as followers of Christ, we trust in God’s lifegiving good news that is proclaimed in the cross and Resurrection and that makes itself known in tangible ways as lives and communities and creation are transformed to be more like the beloved community.
Local churches, non-profits, and community organizations can be excellent resources for finding best practices, discerning action steps, and offering wisdom in overcoming obstacles as we seek to partner with God and engage the community.
Our first webinar session features Dan Billingsley, Chief Strategy Officer at Community Service Council in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dan has twenty-two years of experience in the non-profit world with the focus areas of institutional advancement, leadership positioning, and public policy change in community services, education, and the arts as well as in diversity, equity and inclusion, mental health, and civic engagement. With a strong faith background, Dan offers insight from a non-profit lens on how the local church can engage the community and build relationships in ways that bring about tangible change.
The webinar series is offered monthly through the end of the year at 11 a.m. Central Time.
Dates are June 24, July 22, Aug. 19, Sept. 23, Oct. 28, Nov. 18, and Dec. 16.
All in the family: Historic, Main Line UM church transfers its property to AME church June 7
Jun 03, 2021 | By John W. Coleman
The oldest Methodist church in Delaware County and the third-oldest in the Philadelphia area will change hands on Monday, June 7, but remain securely in the Methodist extended family. Radnor United Methodist Church in Bryn Mawr, PA, established in 1778, will transfer its historic property to the neighboring Saint John African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church in Wayne.

Tools for Ministry recordings now online
26 of the 34 diverse, 90-minute courses, all provided via video conferencing on Zoom, were recorded. A page full of links to those recordings is now available on the conference website.

Preaching for Pentecost Recording now online
View and share this Zoom recording of this interactive Seminar on Preaching, Worship and Mission for Pentecost Season.  Download the flyer. 

Request For Clergy Photos
All clergy are encouraged to submit photos in for preparation for the Episcopal transition.
Link to submit clergy photos:

Messages for Retiring Clergy
Conference members are invited to join in posting short messages to e-gratitude boards for each of the 2021 retirees. Messages on the e-gratitude boards will be emailed to the retirees on June 30 (or July 30 for those retiring in August). Click here to access the list of e-gratitude boards.
COVID-19 Resource Center
Helpful Links:
Friendly Reminders and Updates
  • 2021 Church Budgets were due 12/31/2020 and 2020 Fund Balance Reports were due by 1/31/2021 (Please email to lromano@epaumc.org)

  • 2021 Laity Leadership updates are due. If you have not already sent in your updates please don't hesitate to complete and submit yours today. (Please email to  lromano@epaumc.org)

West District EPAUMC Calendar

● June 9: CDT Book Club: The Bible With and Without Jesus by Amy-Jill Levine.
● June 16: CDT Book Club: The Bible With and Without Jesus by Amy-Jill Levine.
● June 19: Basic Sexual Ethics Workshop, from 10 am – 1 pm on Zoom. “Where do I Draw the
Line: Maintaining Boundaries in a Digital Age”. Register.
● June 23: CDT Book Club: The Bible With and Without Jesus by Amy-Jill Levine.
● June 30: CDT Book Club: The Bible With and Without Jesus by Amy-Jill Levine.
● July 13: Bivocational & Small Church Network. Every other Month, on the 2nd Tuesday of Month, at 6:30 PM, on Zoom.
● August 6 - 8: Laity Academy

Mid-Atlantic UM Foundation – 2 Training Webinars
The Mid-Atlantic Foundation will offer two (2) vibrant & informative training sessions for local church leaders on important (and sometimes insufficiently understood) areas of property ownership & management:
  1. Cemetery Care
  2. Parsonage Practices: Selling or Renting

Please enroll appropriate leaders into either or both of these one-hour long ZOOM conversations.

Cemetery Care – Wednesday, June 16 at 6:30 pm
What does it mean to offer Perpetual Care? What should a local church do when it faces financial instability which renders it unable to provide adequate management? What are the Best Practices when closing a local church so cemeteries are not left orphaned?
Cemetery boards and local church Trustees, in particular, should attend.
Conference Chancellor Matt Morley will offer the primary presentation, emphasizing matters of legality.
Foundation Director Jack Brooks will be present to handle Q &A.
To register for this FREE event, click HERE

Parsonage Practices: Selling or Renting – Thursday, June 17 at 6:30 pm
When a church-owned parsonage is not occupied by a full-time pastor anymore, what are the possibilities for alternate use or supplemental income production? What are the Disciplinary restrictions on such use, as well as tax implications? What benefits may be anticipated?
What headaches might be incurred when we do things wrong?
James Brown, EPA Conference Treasurer, will lead this presentation. George Monk, a Mid-Atlantic Board member, will share recent experience from his own congregation at the Chevy Chase (MD) UMC.
Pastors, Board of Trustee members, Administrative Council chairs and other decision-makers in the congregation should attend.  Those who serve on District Church Location and Building teams will find this helpful, too!
To register for this FREE event, HERE
Mt. Gretna Bible Festival
Friday June 4th -Sunday August 29th
Plus a Special Concert on October 2nd
2021 Summer Programs - 7:00 PM
Freewill Offering will be received

Sunday, June 6, 2021 - Mennonite Children's Choir of Lancaster - Training children and youth to glorify Jesus Christ through excellent choral singing.

Sunday, June 20, 2021 - Andy Roberts Jazz Quartet - Mt. Gretna's own Andy Roberts will praise God with their original jazz song stylings.
Sponsored by JoAnn Thomas Show

Sunday, June 27, 2021 - New Holland Band - Patriotic and spiritual concert, directed by Dr. Kenneth Laudermilch.

Parking at Mt. Gretna Fire Co. & Mt. Gretna Roller Rink
Handicapped Parking at Mt. Gretna United Methodist Church Parking Lot

           All Programs will conform to strict CDC Guidelines - Changes to schedule may occur.
CDT Book Club: The Bible With and
Without Jesus 
by Amy-Jill Levine
June 9th - June 30th 11:00AM - 12:00 PM
The Eastern PA Conference Congregational Development Team (CDT) Book Club will sponsor a new weekly book study on Zoom—and its first led by a woman author—in June when it welcomes Amy-Jill Levine, University Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies, and Mary Jane Werthan Professor of Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt
... Learn More

Basic Sexual Ethics Workshop
Saturday June 19th

“Where do I Draw the Line: Maintaining Boundaries in a Digital Age”

The goal of this training is to increase awareness of the need for healthy boundaries in the clergy-congregant relationship especially in light of the new post-pandemic normal.

Presenter – Rev. Alice Fadiora, MDiv, LAMFT
 Alice Fadiora is a Marriage and Family Therapist in Princeton NJ who specializes in the integration of Spirituality and Psychotherapy.

Saturday, June 19, 2021 from 10 am – 1 pm via Zoom

Zoe Empowers Virtual Mission Trip
June 22nd - 26th
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Via Zoom
International mission trips are the heartbeat of some of our strongest, most transformational local churches - but in this past year of severe COVID-related restrictions, travel - and even making plans to travel -just hasn’t happened. Good news: you DON’T have to miss out on this ministry joy, completely! The Eastern PA Conference is partnering with ZOE Empowers, an organization which in 2021 introduced VIRTUAL Mission trips in order to introduce folks to its incredible, international program of serving children in poverty. ZOE’s entire approach is based on “Empowerment, not Hand-outs” – and it has demonstrated success among more than 100,000 children of the world, so far. A free, three-day visit to Rwanda, Kenya, and India awaits you on the mornings of June 22-24 (9:30-11:00 am each day). Registration is handled by the ZOE ministry team.  For information about the entire ZOE program, check out its website at zoeempowers.org.

United Methodist Women Present 2021 Mission u
July 22-30
Registration deadline June 15
Join us at Mission u, an annual United Methodist Women education program that offers study of biblically ground curricula for women, men and youth. The studies are intended to motivate, inform and enrich our commitment to be in ministry for a more just and equitable world, locally and globally.

Retirement Celebration for Bishop Peggy Johnson
Monday, July 26, at 6:30 to 8 PM
Eastern PA Conference leaders are planning a retirement celebration to bid a fond farewell to Bishop Peggy Johnson, after her 13 years of providing service and leadership here. The virtual farewell fete on Zoom is scheduled for Monday, July 26, at 6:30 to 8 PM, and will include greetings from members of the conference and the NEJ College of Bishops, among others.  

To attend the farewell webinar click on the Zoom link:
Webinar ID: 966 9511 7530. Passcode: 891085.   
Or join by telephone: US: +1 646 558 8656 

We are requesting the submission to communications@epaumc.org
of photos of our bishop from across the conference

In addition, we have created a Kudoboard where members and friends can post messages of gratitude for Bishop Johnson.  Please visit the online board at  Expressions of Gratitude from the Eastern PA Conference to read some messages and add your own. You can add a note of gratitude and/or a picture:  https://www.kudoboard.com/boards/x2ms73OK

Also, save the Date!
A Welcome Service is being planned for Bishop Schol on Saturday, Sept. 18, at West Chester UMC
Conference prayer meetings April schedule
The Eastern PA Conference’s half-hour prayer meetings, held on Tuesdays at noon by video-chat on Zoom, welcomes a new cadre of prayer leaders in March.

Upcoming Schedule of Prayer Leaders:

June 15: Rev. Dan Roth, Pastor of Summerfield Shalom Philadelphia
June 22: Judy Ehninger, CLM Coordinator
June 29: John W. Coleman, Conference Director of Communications

Here is the Zoom access information:
Meeting ID: 591 129 374. Or Call in: +1 646 558 8656
12 Preachers from Across the Conference will lead us. Come as you are able (it's ok if you can't make every week). Each week we will look @ the text for Sunday. We will also collaborate on sermon ideas, illustrations, liturgy and more. Hope you will join us.

Bivocational & Small Church Network
Every other Month, on the 2nd Tuesday of Month, at 6:30 PM, on Zoom

“This is a group designed exclusively for church leaders of smaller churches, welcoming part-time, bivocational, retired and all other small-church leaders, both clergy and lay,” said the Rev. Dawn Taylor-Storm, Connectional Ministries Director. “Small churches are the backbone of The United Methodist Church, and we want to provide a bimonthly small group for conversation that relates to the unique opportunities found in our small, vital churches.”

The Rev. Denny Emrick, who has long served small churches, asked for such a group and will facilitate the initial conversation, which may produce a monthly gathering for “prayer, dialogue, connection and resourcing for part-time, bivocational and small church leaders.”

West Classifieds
Lebanon: Hebron
Organist / Pianist / Keyboard Player, Lebanon, PA.
Hebron United Methodist Church in Lebanon, Pa., is looking to hire a part-time individual to play for a traditional worship service on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. The church has a beautiful pipe organ but will also consider an individual with strong skills on the piano or proficient using an electronic keyboard (must supply own keyboard).
Contact Pastor Bob Howard at 717-504-5245 or PastorBobHoward@gmail.com.

Gretna Glen
Seasonal Assistant Cook Needed
Looking to make a positive impact this summer? Enjoy cooking and serving others in a Christian community? Gretna Glen Camp & Retreat Center is hiring an assistant cook for our summer season. Mid-June though Early August. Hourly Pay based on experience. Options for 30-40 hours per week Monday-Friday.
Questions, Contact Apryl at 717-273-6525 or amiller@gretnaglen.org

Anchor Lancaster,
Director of Volunteerism and Kitchen Services
Anchor Lancaster exists to provide no cost meals, 52 weeks a year, 5 days a week to Lancaster's low-income, unsheltered and socially-excluded populations with love. Seeking Director of Volunteerism and Kitchen Services. View job description.

St. Mark’s UMC, Mount Joy
St. Mark’s United Methodist Church, Mount Joy, West District, seeks a visitation pastor to care for homebound and hospitalized members. Elders, deacons or licensed local pastors are preferred. Responsibilities include leading a prayer team and attending weekly staff meetings. The position involves 10 hours a week. For information, contact Pastor Helen Adams or Business Administrator Rob Stoner, 717-653-5493, email hadams@connectstmarks.com or rob@connectstmarks.com.

Worship Leader position available for a growing congregation in Gap, PA. Individual will be responsible for leading the Praise Team and providing accompaniment to songs during a blended worship service on Sunday mornings. PT position about 8-10 hours a week. Prefer keyboard player. Our vision is to Obey God, Love Jesus, Make a Difference. If you are someone who has wants to lead a Worship Service by using your musical talents call Jane at 610-781-2735.

Covenant United Methodist Church, Lancaster
Covenant United Methodist Church in Lancaster, PA, is hiring a part-time accompanist for its traditional service. This city church has a strong tradition of excellent music and hopes to find a committed and talented individual with proficiency in piano and possibly organ, who will serve as accompanist to the adult Chancel Choir as well as to vocal and instrumental soloists or ensembles throughout the year. Interested candidates may visit the church website at covenant-umc.com for the complete job description and for more information about the church. Letters of interest and resumes can be sent to office@covenant-umc.com.
West District Resource Center
Rev. Bumkoo Chung, District Superintendent bkepaumc@gmail.com

Ms. Lisa Romano, District Resource Assistant - lromano@epaumc.org

Mrs. Sue Grimm Mattox, District Lay Leader - 717-575-6414; sgrimm1028@gmail.com

Rev. Elaine Bortman, Chair of Committee on the District Superindency - elainebortman@yahoo.com

Mr. Craig Lenhard, Chair of Board of Church Location & Building - rvrguyd@yahoo.com

Rev. Tim Smith, Chair of District Committee on Ordained Ministry ts3707@gmail.com

Rev. Jason Perkowski, Chair of District Resource Team jbperkowski@gmail.com

Mrs. Lynn McCord, District Christ Servant Minister Coordinator,
717-615-5616, dpmlem1@gmail.com

Rev. Dan Lebo, Local Pastor's Registrar - dlebo23@gmail.com

Rev. Jacqueline Hines, Conference Secretary - conferencesecretary@epaumc.org

Mrs. Correen Russo, LUMINA - correen.lumina@gmail.com

Conference Office - 610-666-9090 / 800-828-9093

Baptism, confirmation photos sought for Annual Conference
With the theme “Come to the Water,” we will celebrate the ministry of baptism and confirmation in our Annual Conference in 2021. We would love to share photos, videos and stories of church baptisms and confirmations, if permitted by the families involved, as part of our celebration at Annual Conference and throughout the year. 

Request For Clergy Photos
All clergy are encouraged to submit photos in for preparation for the Episcopal transition.
Link to submit clergy photos:

1)  Elizabethtown: St. Paul’s (Liz Helm, coordinator), 398 N. Locust Street, Elizabethtown, PA. 717-367-1889 **call to make sure someone will be there**
2)  Lebanon: Covenant (Mariellen Lantz, coordinator), 346 N. 9th Street, Lebanon, PA. 717-272-0672
3)  Cleona: Immanuel (Jeanne Earnshaw, coordinator), 29 E. Maple Street, Cleona, PA. 717-926-2305 **call to make sure someone will be there**

Pulpit Supply List
If you would like to be added to this list, please contact the district office with your name, which category you're in, phone number and area you can cover. We have limited names for the Lebanon area, if you are interested, please contact us as soon as possible!

Willing Servants Needed for 2021-2022 Conference Year
Would you like to shape the financial life of our conference?  Do you have a passion for racial justice & reconciliation?  Can you use your gifts for long-term care of our clergy pension program?  Are you interested in serving on CCFA, Board of Pensions, Commission on Religion & Race, Camping Board or other conference teams?   If so, please fill out the information form at the link below. 
Contact: Maryann Griffith magteaches424@gmail.com 
or Tim Fisher jtfisher@outlook.com

The new Eastern PA Conference Global Ministries Team, which combines the work of three previous committees, has published an expanded Fall/Winter issue of Wellspring, the newsletter formerly published by the Conference’s Health & Healing Council. That council has now merged into the Global Ministries Team, along with the Conference’s former Missions Committee and Church and Society Work Team.  

West District Office - www.epaumc.org/districts/west