Dear Friends & Supporters,

Welcome to the Colorado River Basin, a place we consider home. It is a landscape where every stream and wash eventually makes its way to the Colorado. Covering seven states in the U.S., two in Mexico and the lands of more than thirty tribes, this arid region is home to 40 million people that rely on its water every day. This map illustrates the geographic focus of our work and the major projects we are currently invested in.

Keep reading to learn about our programs and projects from the Colorado River headwaters to the Delta. We hope to keep your resolve to steward natural resources strong this season. Donate today to support our work. Life returnsdrop by drop.
Our Home: Colorado River Basin
Explore the map in English: Look here!

Explora el mapa, Nuestro hogar: la cuenca del río Colorado, en español: ¡Mira aquí!
Highlights: Recent Water Deliveries to the Delta
For over 160 days between May and October water was delivered to the Colorado River in Mexico connecting the river and the sea. The flowing water brought joy all along its historic path. Celebrate with our new bilingual video: Hooray!
Women in Resilience
We're proud to support a woman-led team at Tucson Water with our brand new Women in Resilience award, a technical assistance grant made possible thanks to Planet Women. Green Stormwater Infrastructure improvements are coming soon to a Tucson park. Flex it!
Photo: Blue Baldwin
What Sustainability Staff Can Do
Sonoran Institute celebrates the crucial steps the City of Longmont, Colorado has taken—from attending the Growing Water Smart workshop, adding staff focused on sustainability, to making sure their goals match the changing climate. Get inspired!
Photo: City of Longmont
Water for the Santa Cruz River Ecosystem
Pima County received approval to permanently allocate water to sustain river flows benefiting plants and aquatic wildlife. With this decision, we are one step closer toward our goal to make sure that water flows in the rivers of the West for generations to come. Learn more!
Life Returns Drop by Drop!
Our community-focus, diverse team, and collaboration on both sides of the border make us uniquely able to restore flowing rivers, healthy landscapes and thriving communities throughout the Colorado River basin. Share now!
Sonoran Institute • 100 N. Stone Ave., Suite 1001 • Tucson, AZ 85701