Loudoun's former Animal Services building located at 39820 Charles Town Pike in Waterford near the intersection of Rt 9 and Hamilton Station Road is being redesigned and renovated to become Loudoun's first ever Western Loudoun Service Center!
Design work is currently underway and renovations are anticipated for completion in time to open the Service Center by January 1st of 2023!
Once opened, the renovated facility is anticipated for use by:
DED is expected to maintain regular office hours at the facility to support Loudoun’s vibrant rural economy and will also conduct small business workshops, workforce services, educational and other programming. An on-site facility manager will handle scheduling, programming, and facility management. The Center is anticipated to be available as a meeting space for County Committee's and Commission's such as Loudoun's Rural Economic Development Committee, the Heritage Commission, and others.
As always, my office will keep you informed as additional information becomes available.