Legislative Alert!
SAPHE Bill Hearing on Monday

Great news – the Public Health Committee has scheduled a hearing for Monday May 10th at 10am! The Committee will be hearing the SAPHE 2.0 Bill at this hearing and the Coalition for Local Public Health is trying to mobilize 60 unique pieces of written testimony to be submitted to the committee in support of SAPHE 2.0, the bill that would create a 21st century local public health infrastructure in Massachusetts through significant state investment, workforce credential and performance standards, better data gathering, and more training opportunities. 
Some options for you to help pass this important bill:
1.    Tune in to the SAPHE 2.0 Budget Briefing (we’ll talk about the hearing, too) on Wednesday May 5th at 9am (link in next article)
2.    Write testimony in support of SAPHE 2.0 - S1386/H2329 (or revise your testimony from the Fall!)
3.    In addition to submitting your testimony to the committee, please also upload it to this google folder, or send to kkimani@mapublichealth.orgMPHA is compiling all written testimony to share with leadership.

4.Tune in to watch the Hearing LIVE on Monday May 10th at 10am at: https://malegislature.gov/
Because of everyone’s outreach and quick mobilization, we secured 103 co-sponsors on the local public health budget amendment in the House! That is 64% of House members, a truly incredible feat and strong show of the commitment and support Representatives have towards the local public health system. Unfortunately, the amendment was not adopted in the House budget. While disappointing, this is not at all unexpected – and it does not mean that we can’t win this funding in the final FY22 budget!
Understanding the Budget Process: Often times the House and Senate have specific budget issues that they lead on. In this case, the new local health line item was created by the Senate in the FY21 budget, and so it is likely that the House is looking to the Senate to include that funding again this budget cycle. The Senate will complete their budget in May, and then there will be a Conference Committee in June to work out the differences between the House and Senate budgets. If the Senate includes funding for local health in their version (which we are optimistic will happen), we will then work to mobilize all the co-sponsors and supporters in the House and the Senate to ensure that funding is included in the final FY22 budget. This is a long game, and we are only at the beginning.
What Can You Do Now?
1)    Check out the full list of House co-sponsors here. If your Rep co-sponsored the amendment, please use the template below to send them a quick note of thanks. A thank you goes a long way and helps you to continue to build a relationship with your Representative – and it keeps local health on their radar!
2)    Join us next Wednesday at 9am for a SAPHE 2.0 Budget Briefing on Zoom. At this briefing we will explain the nuance of the budget process, what the results of the House budget mean for our efforts, and fill you in on our budget strategy moving forward (and how YOU can help!) to win funding for our local public health system! Any local health advocate is welcome to join – so please spread the word!
a.    What: SAPHE 2.0 Budget Briefing for Advocates
b.    When: Wednesday, May 5th at 9am

Coming Soon: Registered Sanitarian Study Supports!

Are you interested in taking the Registered Sanitarian exam? WMPHA wants to help Health Department staff from Western Massachusetts attain this important credential. We are establishing a number of scholarships for the study course and the exam. If you are interested, contact Executive Committee member Bri Eichstaedt.
Western Massachusetts COVID Data Dashboard:

Local Public Health Trainings

Joint Coalition for Local Public Health Training Calendar:

Short Term Residential Rentals: Zoning, Building Codes, and State Sanitary Codes
Thursday, June 3, 2021 6-7:30pm
This webinar will include:
  • an overview of the current building and sanitary codes related to short term rentals;
  • best practices for licensure and inspection;
  • town regulatory options to address short term rentals (zoning & general ordinance); and
  • information on local option taxes for short term rentals.

Go here to register! https://tinyurl.com/4yrd3jve  

The WMPHA Executive Committee:

·       Sharon Hart, President
·       Geri Swanson, Vice President
·       Charlie Kaniecki
·       Brianna Eichstaedt
·       Glen Ayers
·       Phoebe Walker
·       Laura Kittross
·       Aimee Petrosky
·       Elizabeth Bell-Perkins
·       Randy White
·       Jackie Duda
Western MA Public Health Association | Website