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This Week At Westminster

Prayer List


As we grieve the overwhelming losses--of life, homes, communities--in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, as we seek comfort and way of compassionate response, let us join our hearts in this prayer:

God of grace and compassion, 

In these overwhelming moments of loss and devastation, we come to you with weary hearts that are both heavy and hopeful. We hold in our prayers and hearts all those impacted by the hurricanes, conflicts, and other disasters, and we implore for your mercy, peace, and healing to embrace our siblings all over the world. By your grace, bring comfort to those who are grieving, give strength to the exhausted, and provide shelter for those who have lost everything.

May your Spirit move in this, your creation, bringing peace amid the turmoil, and breathing hope into the places that feel broken. May your Spirit continue to be the quiet but constant reassurance that you are with your children and creation, even in the darkest moments, guiding us toward healing and restoration.

As we continue to see the news, we lift up the brave souls who are working tirelessly to rescue and assist. Give strength and wisdom for the tasks ahead. And stir our hearts, dear God, to step in with compassion, helping our neighbors, near and far, with kindness, love, and compassion.

In all of these disasters, we place our trust in your everlasting promises of your presence and care. Restore what has been shattered and lead us toward a path of renovation, peace, healing, and the renewing power of your always present Spirit.

We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

-Rev. Edwin González-Castillo, PDA Director

This week we pray for:

Jean Brazee

Prayers for long-time member Jean, who has just been moved to the Danbury memory-care unit. The family asks that we pray for her to be as happy as is possible in her new surroundings. We also pray for her family in their love and care for Jean. Danbury advises about a month's time for new residents to acclimate, and we will be kept updated about when we can visit Jean. Cards to family and Jean can be sent in care of daughter Kay Wagner at the following address:

1243 North Honeytown Road

Wooster, Ohio 44691

Stephanie Spangler, spouse of Barbara Mykannen

Continued prayers for healing for Stephanie, who is recovering after a knee-replacement surgery.

Barna Ferenczy, cousin of Pastor Enikö

Continued prayers for healing and peace for Barna (Brown, living in Hungary). Barna is still receiving treatment at home and is awaiting further testing.

Barbara Mykkanen

Continued prayers for Barb who started a new immunotherapy cancer treatment.

Dave Gillespie's sister Patricia and brother-in-law Marvin

Continued prayers for comfort and strength for Patricia and Marvin. Patricia is the full-time caretaker of her husband as Marvin is grappling with a sudden decline in his health.

Deb Hostetler

Continued prayers for healing, peace of mind and strength for Deb. We also hold husband Gabe and their children in our love as they support Deb on this journey.

Brandy, Eric Miller's niece

Continued prayers for Brandy as she prepares for complete mastectomy at the end of October.

Jim Taggart

Continued prayers for healing for Jim.

Chris Stewart

Continued prayers for healing for Chris, who is recovering from heart surgery at home.

Tom Ewing, Erica Ewing's dad

Continued prayers for healing for Tom. He has resumed his cancer treatment.

Tom Battles

Continued prayers for Tom and Elaine in this new season of life with Tom living in a nursing home.

We also pray for:

  • those healing from medical procedures, and who are dealing with ongoing health concerns and difficult personal situations in our midst;
  • all in our midst who create space for welcome, laughter, friendship, healing and wonder;
  • all who live in the midst of conflict and war - in many places across the world; we continue to pray for those caught in the conflict and violence between Lebanon and Israel, and for the people in Gaza;
  • communities in Florida, George, Tennessee and western North Carolina, grappling with the devastation and grief in the aftermath of Helene;
  • authentic conversations about difficult topics, bridging chasms between us;
  • our nation as we face another election--may we be united in working for the common good;
  • God's love to grow within each of us, spilling over into every aspect of our lives, every interaction with humanity, with creation, that we might see glimpses of you reflected all around us.

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, October 1

  • Wooster Area Interfaith Partners - 9:00 am - Trinity UMC

Thursday, October 3

  • Dance and Exercise - 8:30 am - The Meeting Place

Sunday, October 6 - World Communion Sunday

  • Choir Rehearsal - 9:00 am - The Meeting Place
  • WPC Worship with Communion - 10:00 am - Mackey Hall
  • Wooster Friends Meeting - 10:30 am - The Meeting Place
  • NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner - 5:30 pm - Greystone Event Center (50 Riffel Rd.)

Monday, October 7

  • Scout Troop 61 - 6:30 pm - Mackey Hall

Tuesday, October 8

  • Cultural Connections Series: Ukraine - 11:30 - 12:25 pm - OARCD/Science Building 175
  • Citizens' Climate Lobby Event - 6:30 - 7:30 pm - Public Library Conference Room (see flyer below for details)

Thursday, October 10

  • Dance and Exercise - 8:30 am - The Meeting Place
  • LWV Candidates' Night - 6:30 pm - Shisler Conference Center/OARDC

Sunday, October 13

  • Choir Rehearsal - 9:00 am - The Meeting Place
  • WPC Worship - 10:00 am - Mackey Hall
  • Wooster Friends Meeting - 10:30 am - The Meeting Place
  • Homeward Bound Luncheon - 11:45 - 1:00pm - Fellowship Hall, Trinity UCC

Madeline in Klaipeda, Lithuania

We continue to hold Madeline in our prayers during her semester abroad.

Here is an update from Madeline from her recent trip:

I went on my first solo trip September 20-21! I went to Kaunas which is the second capital of Lithuania and the second largest city after Vilnius (the current capital). Unlike Klaipeda, where I study, old town in Kaunas was bombed less during world war 2 so I got to see some very historic churches that have important roles in Lithuania. Under Soviet rule the only Lithuanian seminary was in Kaunas and was part of the Lithuanian resistance. There's also a river in Kaunas with a lovely walking path where I took lots of pictures of ducks and flowers.

Solito Book Discussion

In preparation for our upcoming "Humanizing Migration" workshop, on Wednesday, October 16th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Church House Lounge we will host a book discussion facilitated by Barbara Tartir. The novel Solito was written by a young poet who tells the story of his migration from El Salvador to the United States at the age of nine in a "gripping memoir" (NPR) of bravery, hope, and finding family. 

You may purchase Solito on Amazon or borrow from the public library. The church also has several copies for you to purchase. 

We look forward to seeing you at the discussion and at the workshop!

Save the Date: "Humanizing Migration" Workshop

Westminster is sponsoring a "Humanizing Migration" workshop on Saturday, October 19th, from 9:30am to 2:30 p.min Mackey Hall with Central American lunch provided. Free admission for this timely, informational day with our area immigration-agency leaders and special guest, Dora Rodriquez, Director, Salvavision in Tucson, Arizona. 

Please plan to attend and support this day devoted to shifting perspectives and narratives around immigration issues. 

You can register at: https://wpcwoo.org/humanizing or office@wpcwooster.org

NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner - Sunday, October 6

CFAES Cultural Connections: UKRAINE

Citizens' Climate Lobby Event

Homeward Bound Luncheon

On Sunday, October 13th, 11:45 - 1:00 pm, the Trinity Mission Team with Susanne Feltner will be hosting a fall informational and fund-raising luncheon for the new Homeward Bound Shelter. 

Wyn Jones a volunteer for the shelter and Doug Jones a board member of the Homeward Bound Shelter will provide the program in the newly remodeled Trinity fellowship hall. A light lunch will be provided and donations for the Homeward Bound Shelter will be accepted.  

Join this informational session to learn ways in which you can support the new shelter mission.

To Submit a Prayer Request:

If you would like to submit a prayer request for yourself or someone else, please fill out this anonymous form. You are also welcome to email Pastor Enikő directly, or call her at (330) 263-2208 during her office hours (Tuesday–Friday, 9am–5pm).
Congregational Care

Session members and our Congregational Care Ministry team continue to provide calls, cards, and emails to our Westminster Presbyterian Church family. You are the eyes and ears who help the church meet the needs of our faith community. Please contact the church office by email or phone (330-263-2398) and make the needs of our church family known.
For Spiritual Growth

Daily Scripture
Lectionary readings provide a disciplined way to read through the Bible. Read today's Daily Lectionary reading and find previous and future readings. Click here.

World News in Prayer
World news This Week in Prayer is (normally) compiled and posted every Thursday. World in Prayer is a ministry of the Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist Lodi, California, USA, and is written by a team of writers representing different denominations throughout the US, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Click here.

The Our Bible App
Check out the Our Bible App platform — a progressive Christian devotional resource centering the voices of marginalized communities and people of faith. Click here to visit the homepage and download the app to your smartphone.
Prayer Request and Privacy Laws

Please note, that because of government privacy laws, hospitals and care centers no longer are allowed to notify churches that a person has been admitted (even if the person lists their home church at admission). The only way that the church staff will know if someone is hospitalized is if a family member or friend lets us know. We'd rather get 20 calls about the same person than none! Thanks for your help in making Westminster a caring community. Contact the Westminster Office by phone 330-263-2398 or email to notify the church if you or someone you know is hospitalized or otherwise in need of our prayers!
Westminster Presbyterian Church
353 East Pine Street Wooster, Ohio  330-263-2398

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CHURCH DIRECTORY: If you would like a current digital or paper copy or if you know of an update to be made, please contact the office.