Winter Weather
Dear Beloved of God,
At its monthly meeting this week, the Session approved a recommendation from the Stewardship Committee concerning winter weather. We made this decision to best care for our membership, property and stewardship of the budget. 

If there is snow or ice, de-icer will only be used on the public sidewalks. Sand will be used on church walks to limit damage to the concrete. 

Worship will be by Zoom only. The worship leadership team will decide if we will try to come to the sanctuary to conduct the service or do it from home. However, the congregation will participate via Zoom only. Should we cancel in-person worship, a message will be sent out via email and on Facebook. 


Worship Service - In-person and on Zoom!
Sunday, January 9, 2021 at 11AM
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 898 4794 6230
Passcode: 201166
ZOOM Sunday School for Children Resumes January 9
Children of all ages are invited to Zoom Sunday School, each Sunday morning from 9:45–10:15. Please join us for songs, Bible stories, prayers, crafts, and more!

As word spreads about Zoom Sunday School, we’ve been blessed to have participants from as far away as Washington State and Costa Rica. We will be joined at least occasionally in the new year by Sid (aka Luke Van Marter), who no doubt will continue to make us smile as he completely misunderstands the day’s Bible lesson.

Teachers are Eva Stimson, Jerry Van Marter and Bev Machin. Please contact Eva or Jerry if you are interested in being part of the teaching team in 2022 or if you want to be added to the list to receive the weekly Zoom invitations. 

If you have any questions or comments, please call or email Eva Stimson or Jerry Van Marter.
Join Spirit of Sophia and Paula D'Arcy on January 29th
Learning to balance your own self-care and growth with the needs of a thirsty world.
A Virtual Mini Retreat for Women on Saturday, January 29th from 10:00 am to 12:15 pm EST
Cost: $55 (partial scholarships are available)

Join us to explore taking greater responsibility for being fully alive. What do I need to see about myself? What keeps my pain stuck and my voice at times silent? Am I able to say “yes” to life’s necessary pruning? Rumi teaches, “Stop looking the other way. Look inside yourself. You already have the precious mix that will make you well.”

We encourage you to take this Saturday and set it aside for you. If at all possible, plan to spend time in solitude after our time with Paula – perhaps using a spiritual practice that takes you deep within to reflect on the wisdom shared and what has risen up in you.
Actions from the January 2, 2022, CHPC Session Meeting
  • to approve minutes from the November 28 meeting and the December 12 congregational meeting
  • to approve for Marsha Berry, Jack Marcum, and Don Mead for installation as Elders, Soni Castleberry for installation as Deacon, and Shannon Langley for ordination and installation as Deacon, all to be held on January 23
  • to approve that if it snows the Worship Service should meet by zoom
  • to have no impediments to David’s ministry and take his request for $2000 for 2022 out of the organ fund
Scheduling visits with Peggy
Dear Friends,

To schedule a visit with Peggy, click the link below:

If you are uncomfortable signing up online, please call the church office.
Newsletter Submissions Deadline
Please have all newsletter submissions turned in every Wednesday by noon. Use this link for submissions and follow the prompts. Thank you!
Please continue to visit the CHPC website to stay connected with our faith community!
**Be sure to scroll down on the website's homepage to access all the available links**

**To access the site menu, click the 3 horizontal lines on the right side of the homepage**
Deacon of the Month
Soni Castleberry is our Deacon of the Week. If you or someone you know is in need of a kind gesture, please reach out to Soni at [email protected] or call 502-417-6481.
Elder of the Week
Jack Marcum is our Elder of the Week. He can be contacted by phone at 502-403-8247or via email at [email protected].