Worship Service In-Person and on Zoom

Sunday, October 16, 2022, at 11 a.m.

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Meeting ID: 898 4794 6230

Passcode: 201166 

To view recent Sunday sermons, click here.

Children’s Sunday School on Zoom

Children of all ages are invited to come Zoom with us from 9:45 to 10:15 a.m. every Sunday. We will gather for music, Bible stories, crafts, and more. Throughout the fall we will hear stories about Moses, Ruth, David, and other ancestors in the faith. Our crazy friend Sid is back too. Join us each week to see how Sid, once again, has fundamentally misunderstood the Bible story. 

Never a dull moment in children’s Sunday school! Teachers are Jerry Van Marter, Eva Stimson, Bev Machin, and Luke Van Marter (aka Sid). Please let us know if you would like to join our teaching team. Email Jerry to get on the list to receive weekly Zoom invitations and other announcements.  

Join Zoom Meeting


Dear Beloved of God,

Thank you to everyone who participated in our first congregational gathering on Sunday! We had a great turn out and meaningful conversations.

The questions that were asked and notes that were turned in are available for your viewing. This link, Congregational Gatherings, will take you to a folder where notes from each session will be filed.

Our next gathering is October 30, 12:00 – 2:30 p.m. If you have not already done so, you can register here: https://forms.gle/ot9YHJWwgjWZosgLA. You must register before noon on Thursday, October 27 for lunch and childcare.

By now you should have received a letter from Jack Marcum with a pledge card enclosed. Please prayerfully consider how you can support this congregation financially in 2023. Commitment Sunday is October 23.

Thank you for your continued support of Crescent Hill Presbyterian Church!



There will be a clean-up day on October 15 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. to take out large items for the bi-annual neighborhood junk day.

Youth Group Activities: October - December 2022

Sunday, Oct 16, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Pizza and neighborhood sight-seeing (Halloween on Hillcrest). We will meet at church at 5:30pm for very informal pizza light supper, and then we'll walk over and around and see decorations. Pick-ups at 7:30 p.m.

Optional/additional time: Sunday Nov 6, 12-2:30 p.m. for those available and interested in participating in the last conversation in a 3-conversation series at Crescent Hill Presbyterian Church about the future of the church, a time to vision what the church could be going into the future. Youth and youth leaders are invited to sit together. Box lunches are available but you do need to sign up in advance. Please let Rebecca know if you'd like to participate!

Sunday Nov 13, 2-5 p.m. Champs Rollerdome. Meet at Champs or if a ride would help, we're always happy to give rides or carpool. For those who are able, please bring $15 (includes skate rental), or $20 if you'd also like anything from the snack bar. If financial assistance is needed, let us know. However if you want to bring your own water bottle, we will also bring some snacks to keep in youth leader cars in the parking lot before/after skating because we're not allowed to bring outside food in, but we can do it before/after. 

Sunday Dec 11, 3-6 p.m. Marvel movie watching, with taco bar!! We will have some fun movie and taco time at church in the youth room. If desired, we can also brainstorm ideas of how to fix up the youth room, play some ping pong, or do some arts/crafts while watching. We'll decide collectively which movie to watch together. 

For any and all questions, call/text Rebecca Barnes or email [email protected]

"Earth's Embrace"

a Women's Day Retreat

Join Spirit of Sophia for "Earth's Embrace" - a women's day retreat at Hopscotch House, Louisville, KY, on October 22nd from 9 am to 5 pm. Maximum participants: 15. Sign up soon!

If returning to nature speaks to your spirit, join your intentions with ours. We will spend time with Christine Valters Paintner’s thoughts from “Earth, Our Original Monastery,” with music and listening, in contemplation and creativity. To learn more and to register: https://spiritofsophia.org/earths-embrace/

The Session has called a congregational meeting for Sunday, October 23 during worship for the purpose of hearing a report from the Nominating Committee.

Join the Conversation, Sunday at 5 p.m. on Zoom

In a series of sermons this fall, Peggy is exploring values that young people—and others—may be looking for in a faith community: authenticity, accountability, inclusivity, hospitality, impact, belonging, growthful, meaningful.

For those interested in making a deeper dive into these values, Mark and Peggy are leading Zoom conversations each Sunday evening through October 23, at 5 pm. They will be using the book Meaning Making, published by the Springtide Research Institute, but you do not have to read the book to join the conversation!

Zoom link for the conversations:


Coffee and Conversation

You are invited to stop by Henry Young Hall on Sunday mornings from 10:00 to 10:45 for coffee and conversation. Nothing formal is planned. This is just an opportunity to be together and maybe get to know one another better.

October Birthdays

Please remember these wonderful folks in prayer and, if possible, reach out to them with a card, phone call, text, email or however you choose to honor them. To double-check your listing, contact Soni Castleberry at [email protected] or phone or text at 502-417-6481. 

Oct. 1 – Ben Langley

Oct. 3 – Jack Marcum

Oct. 5 – Gabe Duverge, Lucy Steilberg

Oct. 8 – Martha Bettis Gee

Oct. 12 – Perry Chang

Oct. 14 – Maxwell David Welch

Oct. 19 – Ginny Brown

Oct. 21 – Crosby Jane Proctor

Oct. 23 – Brad Castleberry, Will Duverge

Oct. 24 – Sue Krause

Oct. 26 – Gayle Collins

Oct. 27 – Luiz Kemmerle

Oct. 28 – Elaine Trautwein

Oct. 30 – Jeff Thiele

Appointments with Peggy

If you would like to schedule an appointment to meet with Peggy, please contact the church office at 502-893-5381 or email [email protected].

Westminster Weekly Submissions Deadline
Please have all Westminster Weekly submissions turned in every Wednesday by noon. Use this link for submissions and follow the prompts. Thank you!
Please continue to visit the CHPC website to stay connected with our faith community!
Westminster Weekly Submissions
Westminster Weekly Archives

Deacon of the Month: October

Nelly Ngandu is our Deacon of the Month. If you or someone you know is in need of a kind gesture, please reach out to Nelly at [email protected] or call 502-881-1729.

Elder of the Week

Claudia Foulkes is our Elder of the Week. She can be contacted by phone at 502-939-4129 or via email at [email protected]. Harrie Buecker will begin Elder of the Week duties on October 16.
