Worship Service on Zoom and In-Person

Sunday, March 5, 2023, at 11 a.m.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 810 1459 2324

Passcode: 973913

To view recent Sunday sermons, click here.

Reception for Faith Grady

Sunday, March 5, 2023

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Henry Young Fellowship Hall

Lenten Weekly Devotional

Click the button below to see this week's devotional, written by Rick Roderick.

Weekly Lenten Devotional

Lenten Study for Adults and Youth

During Lent, Peggy will be leading a study on Living in Community. We will meet on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84644745803 at 5:00 p.m. March 5, 12, 19, & 26. The study is part of the PC(USA) Follow Me adult series.

The church is a living community committed to gathering together across differences, feasting and listening together, uplifting those in need, and supporting those who depart. This vision of believers worshiping God together as they learn to live a life worthy of the gospel is strong evidence that life in community is intrinsic to being a Christian. 

What does it mean for us at CHPC to live in community, particularly in the last few years, and moving forward? How can we learn from Scripture and each other how to live in community better? Join us each Sunday in March and invite a friend. Let's practice being community together. 

Zoom Sunday School for Children

Children of all ages are welcome to join us from 9:45 to 10:15 a.m. on Zoom for Bible stories, music, conversation, and visits with our crazy friend Sid. Will Sid continue to “fundamentally misunderstand” the Bible stories about Jesus as we move into Lent and Easter? Join us and find out!

Zoom Sunday school is led by Eva Stimson, Jerry Van Marter, and Bev Machin. Please contact one of them if you are interested in joining the leadership team. Contact Jerry Van Marter to get on the list to receive weekly Zoom invitations and curriculum materials.

David Paul Gibson on Vacation

Our Director of Music, David Paul Gibson, will be out of town March 6-10, but will be available by phone call, text or email. He will be present for the March 12th service. 

Committee Meetings March 8

You can be “in the room where it happens”

Presbyterians are known for doing things “decently and in order”—and that means committees! Much of our mission and ministry at Crescent Hill Presbyterian Church starts with the work of these four committees:

Worship (Sunday morning worship, music, special services)

Stewardship (budget, building and grounds)

Nurture (Christian education, spiritual growth, community-building)

Outreach (our witness in the community, nation, world)

These committees usually meet on the second Wednesday of each month, at 6:45 p.m., on Zoom. We meet together for the first 15 minutes to share calendar items and prayer concerns, then break into committees. Anyone is welcome to join us and share your ideas for our life together.

Here is the Zoom link for March 8 committee meetings:


Youth Group in March: Bowling! 

Sunday, March 12, from 4 to 6 p.m., youth group will gather at Ten Pen Strike and Spare (200 Ten Pin Ln, 40207) for some pure and simple fun together! 

IF youth can be dropped off and picked up, that'd be great-- however we're always happy to give rides as long as we know in advance-- so email or text Rebecca if a ride to bowling would be helpful. Specifically, it'd be easy to give rides for any kids needing to get back to church/Crescent Hill/Clifton neighborhoods after bowling since all 3 youth leaders live in that vicinity, so let me know that too. But no matter what, we're always happy to help with any/all transportation needs if you just reach out and let us know.

Bring a water bottle if you want one, $5 towards the bowling costs, and maybe another $5-10 if you want drink/snacks. Church will cover the cost of lane rental and a little extra cost per person on the shoe rental/per person cost (Sundays are a weekend rate). 

***If money is ever a problem, please don't hesitate to reach out and let us know your youth might not be able to contribute. Suggestions of family/youth contributions towards an activity is NEVER meant to be prohibitive, and we will gladly cover your cost if you can't! No worries at all-- just let us know and we're happy to do that.***

Rebecca, Chris, and Luis are so grateful for this awesome community of youth!

From the Pastor

Dear Beloved of God,

February was a busy and meaningful month. Thank you to everyone who participated and donated to the activities we had - Super Pooper Bowl, Annual meeting, and Build-a-Bed. You made these events successful!

Now we are in the midst of Lent. I hope you are taking advantage of the resources on our website to enhance your spiritual journey through this sacred season. Mark your calendars now for Sunday, March 26, 2:00 pm. David and the choir will be presenting another recital that is sure to be excellent as others have been in the past.



March Birthdays

3 - David Gibson

5 - Jane Elkin Thomas

7 - Henry Young

8 - Auden Jeffrey Thiele

11 - Eva Stimson

12 - Bill Gee, Shannon Langley

13 - Lengulula Kashama

17 - Katherine Griswold

19 - Kathryn Jarvis, Andrea Trautwein

22 - Christy Bott-Baird

23 - Lydia McNinch

28 - Ethan Myers

29 - Dawn Pendleton

29 - Carey Alan Thiele

Appointments with Peggy

If you would like to schedule an appointment to meet with Peggy, please contact the church office at 502-893-5381 or email office@crescenthill.church.

Westminster Weekly Submissions Deadline

Please have all Westminster Weekly submissions turned in every Wednesday by noon. Use this link to send submissions to the church office. Thank you!

Please continue to visit the CHPC website to stay connected with our faith community!
Westminster Weekly Archives

Deacon of the Month

Allen Bridgman is our Deacon of the Month. If you or someone you know is in need of a kind gesture, please reach out to Allen at j.allenbridgman@gmail.com or call 502-314-5884.

Elder of the Week

Harrie Buecker is our Elder of the Week. She can be contacted by phone at 502-592-6347 or via email at harrielynne@gmail.com. Don Mead will begin Elder of the Week duties on March 5. Contact him at mead@msu.edu or 231-649-3800.
