Dear Beloved of God,
We have entered the season of Lent. It is a special time of year when we reflect on our need for God’s grace and mercy. During Lent, we remember our sinfulness and the sacrifice Jesus made for us so that we can be set free from sin and death.
Lent, which means “spring,” is 40 days before Easter, excluding Sundays. In the Bible, the people of Israel wandered in the desert for 40 days before they entered the promise land. Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness praying and listening to God. We spend 40 days praying, fasting, reading the Bible, studying, and giving our time to help others.
Sometimes we talk about giving up something for Lent like chocolate or TV. Fasting can also mean taking something on like praying more often or volunteering to serve others. We make a sacrifice to be in solidarity with Jesus who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Consider what your spiritual discipline(s) will be this Lent. One option is a study on Forgiveness that will begin this Sunday, March 6th, 5:00 pm, via Zoom. It will be repeated for those who prefer to meet in person on Tuesday, March 8th, 12:15 in the Fellowship Hall. Call or email Faith to sign up. Materials and the Zoom link will be sent out in a separate email.