August 6, 2021
Welcome Back!
Dear Westmoor Families-

I'm happy to welcome everyone back to a new school year! This summer I was fortunate to take a long trip back to the Pacific Northwest for plenty of hikes, sun, and seafood! I hope that all of you also had time to relax and enjoy the summer.

I was hopeful that this year we'd come back to a more 'normal' school year however due to the rise of the Covid variant, we will continue to have a variety of mitigation strategies in place to ensure staff and students are safe. Below under School News, you'll find a lot of information detailing procedures and routines that will be in place. Many of them will be familiar as they were in place last year. I've also attached the District Opening Plan which was sent out Monday, August, 2 for additional information.

Class placements went out today for students. If you did not receive your email with your child's classroom teacher assignment please let us know.
Please mark your calendars for Meet the Teacher on August 18th. This year, Meet the Teacher will be done virtually for 1st through 5th grade students. Kindergarten Meet the teacher will be in person in small groups with 1 adut. Look for a schedule and Zoom links from your child’s teacher next week.

Take care,
School News
  • All students and staff will be required to wear face coverings that cover the nose and mouth while inside the building. Parents, please send your child to school wearing a mask. We also ask that you send a second mask for your child to put on after lunch.
  • All student desks have been placed 3-feet apart. We will continue using plexiglass dividers in classrooms provided by the district.
  • All parents must “self-certify” their student’s health before the student arrives at school, or boards the school bus every day. This simple self-certification survey will help ensure that everyone is taking part in the collective effort of keeping our students and staff safe. Please self-certify by 7:45 each day for each child.
Students may arrive at school any time between 8:15 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. This year, as soon as they arrive, students will enter the building and walk to their classroom. Children will have choice time at their seats until the school day begins.

All Students Enter through the Following Doors *Doors will close at 8:30- please come to door A if you are running late
  • Kindergarten walkers will enter through the main office (Door A)
  • 1st-grade walkers will enter by Cherry Lane (Door B)
  • 2nd-3rd grade walkers will enter by the playground (Door C)
  • 4th-5th grade walkers will enter by the gym (Door D)

  • If you are driving your child, cars enter the parking lot northbound on Cherry Lane and drop students off along the sidewalk next to the parking lot. Staff members will be present to greet students.
  • Student exit vehicle and go to the assigned entrance door
  • We ask that you please use the carline if you /drop off or pick your student up via car, we are pretty quick!

Please remember that if you are parking near Shannon Rd that you should park on the Northside of the road only to maximize visibility for all crossing students and families.

Any student arriving after 8:30 will need to be signed in at the front office. Please make every effort to ensure that your child is here on time to begin their day. We will give plenty of leeway in the first weeks of school as we all adjust to the new routines.

We will stagger our dismissal again this year to help maintain physical distancing.

  • 3:25- Walkers escorted to the playground and will exit through Door C
  • 3:25- Bus riders escorted to buses
  • 3:30- Car riders called for car line
  • 3:30- Kidcare students dismissed to the large gym

Please practice social distancing from others if you are waiting to meet your child(ren). If you choose for your child to play on the equipment after school, they must have supervision to stay on the playground.
  • Our goal is for students to eat lunch outside as much as possible. When the weather cooperates, classes will eat outside. In inclement weather, students will eat inside at 6 ft. distance with desk shields up.
  • Please send a yoga mat with your child to use when eating outdoors.
  • Students may go home for lunch as long as a parent or guardian signs the release form with the main office and communicates the plan with the teacher in advance. Please contact Tracy Ferraro if you would like to request a form.
  • Marla’s lunches are set to start on Monday, August 23.
  • Students will have a 30-minute recess scheduled each day. This will provide a mask break for students while outside. Students will have other opportunities for masks breaks throughout the day.
  • Please send a healthy snack for your child, including fruit and vegetables.
  • As the number of children with food allergies increases, we strive to make sure that all students are included at Westmoor. To that end, your child’s teacher will notify you if there is an allergen that should not be brought into the classroom.
This year, in 1st-5th grades, we will again hold Meet the Teacher as a virtual event. Teachers will reach out with Zoom invitations to connect with parents and students for a virtual classroom tour on 8/18.
Kindergartener students and one parent/caregiver will be invited to come to school in person to Meet the Teacher during specific appointments on the morning of 8/18. Look for more information from kindergarten teachers soon.
Curriculum Night will be held virtually this year on 8/26 from 6:30-7:30. Parents can choose to attend one of two identical sessions with their child’s teacher, either 6:30-6:55 or 7:00-7:25. Teachers will share Zoom links in advance of those sessions.
On Friday we will have Spirit Days at Westmoor. Students and staff are encouraged to wear Westmoor spirit wear or the colors blue & white. Our Westmoor PTO coordinates spirit wear purchasing. Orders can be placed via the PTO website at the beginning of the year.
PTO News and Events

The Westmoor PTO Packet will be sent home in the Westmoor Weekly on 8/13

This packet contains information about:
  • How to Join PTO
  • Paperless PTO & School Directory
  • Marla's Lunch
  • Free Will Giving
  • Birthday Signs
  • Ordering Spiritwear/Yoga Mats
  • Amazon Smile
Westmoor School | Mary Sturgill, Principal | 847-498-7960 | Email | Website