


Westmoreland Windows Weekly E-News
Monday, March 20, 2 017
In this issue . . .
Television Needed

The refugee support group is looking for a good television for a refugee who is working full-time and unable to attend ESL classes so would benefit from watching television to help with English acquisition. 

If you have a TV to donate, please contact Nancy Pielemeier at  Thank you!


Be sure to visit our Sermon Archives to read or listen to past sermons.  


Lift Your Spirits with the Volunteer Corps!


Many of us on the Volunteer Corps board have been inspired by our spirited, lively, warm and wonderful Volunteer Corps members.  We know you will be too!  


Invite Alex, Kayla, Libby, Mary and Sarah over to share a meal with you and your family.  They are all doing incredible work with social service and social justice groups in our region.  The Volunteer Corps is an intentional community of four young adults living a simple lifestyle in our former parsonage on Western Avenue, just a block from church.  Sarah Levine is the contact person for Westmorelanders who want to invite the volunteers over for meals or other social events. Contact Sarah at: or 802-275-8487.
Sunday Flowers

The flowers on the chancel add much beauty to our worship. Individuals or families may sign up for any given week to provide flowers with a dedication included in the Sunday bulletin.

Please contact Judy Fogt and let her know that you are interested.  The cost is $55.

You can mail your check the church office or drop it in the collection plate with a notation that it is for chancel flowers.
You are Needed in Church School 

Our children need kind, caring grown ups to lead in our Preschool, K-2nd, or 3rd-5th grade class for a few Sundays over the course of the year. It's fun and important, To volunteer, contact Alexis at or sign up at

Westmoreland Sermons on iTunes!   

You can subscribe to the Westmoreland Sermons on iTunes Podcast!  Search for "Westmoreland Sermons" or click the icon below.


Sign Up for Coffee Hour!

Coffee Hour is a time to welcome guests and to strengthen relationships within our church community. This ministry is vital to the life, spirit, and growth of our church. Beverages (coffee, tea, water, juice/lemonade) and tableware are provided by Westmoreland. Food is a welcome addition and is provided by Coffee Hour Host(s). Please sign up to host coffee hour (once per year is recommended) with your family or pair-up with another member of the church.  Click here to sign up!

Thanks,  Stacey Fannon
Quick Links
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SOME Empty Bowl Suppers

Please join us for dinner at one of SOME's Empty Bowls suppers:
  • March 20 at St. Ann Roman Catholic Church in Arlington, or
  • March 21 at The Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament near Chevy Chase Circle!
A $25 ticket lets you select and take home a beautiful handmade bowl crafted by local artists, and enjoy a delicious supper of soup, bread and dessert donated by local restaurants. The proceeds from Empty Bowls helps SOME continue to provide more than 1,000 meals each day to hungry and homeless District residents.
Questions? Ask Betsy Bennett,

To buy tickets, please visit click here.
Facing Key Issues Before A Crisis Occurs:
Gathering, Organizing and Sharing
Important Information

Tuesday, March 21, 7:30pm, Chevy Chase Community Center

The  Chevy Chase Civic Association and Northwest Neighbors Village will host a panel discussion that addresses preparing for the future. Nearly 2/3 of Americans do not have an advance directive and an estimated 70% do not have discussions about how to manage their loved one's affairs or uphold their wishes before a serious illness occurs or end of life approaches. At the event, Christine Bitzer, Assistant Director at Seabury Resources for Aging Care Management, Kay Bransford President and Chief Curator of MemoryBanc, and Stephanie Chong, NNV's Executive Director, will discuss the type of information to include in planning for your future, how to organize and store important information, and how and with whom to share your information.

Don't miss this free event: 7:30 pm at Chevy Chase Community Center (5601 Connecticutt Ave. NW).

Craft & Beauty Market Fundraiser
Briggs Center for Faith & Action ESL Program
Saturday, March 25, 9:30 am - 3:30 pm,
Westmoreland Social Hall
Please join us for this unique Craft & Beauty Market. 30% of all sales will be donated to the Briggs Center ESL Program. Students and teachers will offer the following services and handmade items for sale:
  • Hair Cutting & Braiding
  • Makeovers & Manicures
  • Pottery, Paintings, & Patchwork 
  • Kids Crafts & Face Painting
  • Alpaca Gloves
  • Beaded Jewelry
  • Vintage Clothing
  • Homemade Cupcakes
  • Snacks & Refreshments
  • CafĂ© Justo Coffee for sale
All Westmorelanders are invited to attend and/or participate. If you would like to provide a service, sell your homemade items, or if you have any questions, please contact Stacey Fannon at or 301-564-4330. 
Voices From The Holy Land 2017 Film Series Presents:  Open Bethlehem
Sunday, March 26, 2:30pm, National Cathedral

You are invited to attend the screening of "Open Bethlehem" next Sunday at the Washington National Cathedral and to participate in a discussion about justice and human rights in the Holy Land.  We are an official Sponsor of this timely film series.  "Open Bethlehem" spans seven momentous years in the life of Bethlehem, revealing a city of astonishing beauty and political strife under occupation. Drawn from 700 hours of original footage and rare archive material, Open Bethlehem follows the story of director Leila Sansour as she returns to her hometown as it is soon to be encircled by The Wall. Chronicling Sansour's campaign to stop occupying Israeli forces encircling Bethlehem, this fierce and poignant story maps a determined and ongoing effort to unite Christians, Muslims and Jews in the desire for free access to the Holy City.  Rev. Tim Tutt, Pastor of Westmoreland Congregational UCC will open the session with an interfaith Welcome Prayer.  Aziz Abu-Sarah, Cultural Educator working with National Geographics , will moderate the audience Q&A discussion after the screening. Leila Sansour, Producer of "Open Bethlehem" will attend and participate in the discussion.
Showing on March 26th at 2:30 at the National Cathedral's Perry Auditorium
Free Admission and parking
StillReading Book Group
Sunday, March 26, 4:30pm
We will meet on Sunday, March 26 at 4:30-6:00pm in the Parlor to discuss The Betrayers by David Bezmozgis.  Winner of the National Jewish Book Award, The Betrayers tells the story of Baruch Kotler, a one-time Russian dissident who served 13 brutal years in the Gulag after being denounced by a friend.  Fleeing to Israeli he has become a celebrated, but a political crisis causes him to seek refuge in Yalta-where he encounters the old friend.  Please join us for discussion and fellowship, including snacks of course!
Announcing New Church Photo Directory
After 11 years and many requests, the church has embarked on a new pictorial directory for our congregation.  Photo sessions will be held in the social hall April 20-22 and April 27-29 as follows:
Thursday, April 20, 2:00 - 8:30 PM
Friday, April 21, 2:00 - 8:30 PM 
Saturday, April 22, 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM 
Thursday, April 27, 2:00 - 8:30 PM 
Friday, April 28, 2:00 - 8:30 PM
Saturday, April 29, 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
The pictorial directory will make it easier to get to know other Westmorelanders and we need YOU to make it a success.  There is no cost to participate and each household will receive a complimentary 8x10 portrait and free pictorial directory.  You will also be able to purchase additional pictures for your personal use.  The photo sessions are open to friends and neighbors (although of course, they won't appear in the directory).  This is a chance for people you know to have lovely photos taken by professional photographers at our group discounted rates.
To sign up click here

Vickie Allin is coordinating this project.  However, we'll need volunteers to help with registration during the photo sessions.   If you can spare 3 hours of your time on any photo session day, or if you can help in other ways, please contact Vickie at church or by email:
Exhibition of Quilt Artistry by Ann Harwell
Now through April 23

The Westmoreland Arts Committee is announcing an exhibition featuring Fabric Artist, Ann Harwell. Her work is displayed in the Lee Hansley Gallery in Raleigh, NC, in Piedmont Craftsmen Gallery in Winston Salem, NC and in many homes. You might recall Westmoreland Arts Committee's winter 2015 exhibition of Ann Harwell's beautiful astronomy-themed quilts. This spring's exhibition will run until April 23, 2017, and features Ann's floral-themed quilts. Please enjoy the quilts with your eyes and not your fingers.
Are you Taking Part in Upcoming Marches?
There are four national marches planned in DC in the coming weeks that resonate with the values of Westmoreland and the UCC: 
  • March for Science on Saturday, April 22
  • People's Climate March. Saturday, April 29
  • Immigrants March on Saturday, May 6
  • LGBT March on Sunday, June 11
First, are you planning to take part in any of these four marches? If so, please contact Tim Tutt at or 301-229-7766. We are looking for people to organize Westmorelanders' participation in these marches.
Second, our Social Justice Committee is offering our building to church and school groups from across the country who may be coming to DC and who need non-luxury sleeping arrangements. Providing hospitality to marches is a way that Westmoreland can exercise the Christian virtue of hospitality and can encourage others to take part in the democratic process. Would you like to help host groups that may stay in our church? If so, please contact Caryn McTigue Musil, our SJA Chair at
The Gift of Stars for Westmoreland Children
There is a valley to the east of Bethlehem, where Ruth and Naomi gleaned fields and where shepherds watched their flocks by night.  This area has grown into a small town, now home to the closely knit Palestinian Christian community of Beit Sahour. In the 1990's, Beit Sahour led a creative nonviolent movement for their civil and human rights (watch the documentary The Wanted 18 ).  It is also where the stars, gifted to our Westmoreland children each year, are lovingly carved from the wood of nearby olive trees.

Adult Study - The Pastor's Class
Sundays, 9:00am, Library

You are invited to join me in the Library at 9:00 on Sunday mornings. As you may know I am in a doctoral program at Wesley Seminary, focusing on how the church engages (or not) in public life. I will lead this class based on material I am reading in my program. Each week I will bring paragraph, an idea, or an article for discussion. 
This Sunday, March 26, we will discuss the possibility of a Truth & Reconciliation Committee. South Africa created a Truth and Reconciliation Committee to investigate the injustices of apartheid. A Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Canada explores the injustices of the aboriginal school system.
March Children's Collection
Razors and Shaving Cream for Samaritan Ministry of Greater Washington
Samaritan Ministry of Greater Washington is a community partnership bringing together homeless people and others in need in Greater Washington, with support and volunteers from churches in a joint effort to improve the lives of all.
We will collect and donate the following for their clients: disposable razors (men and women) and shaving cream.

Want to be kept in the loop about UCC's refugee ministries? Sign up for their monthly newsletter here.
Want to take action on the justice issues you care about, including immigration and refugees? Join UCC's Justice and Peace Action Network (JPAN) here.

Want to help plan how Westmoreland will carry out our motion in Support of Extravagant Welcome to Immigrants and Refugees of All Faiths? Email Lori Mosher to get involved. 
Giving to Westmoreland
Look for information in the mail and via email about ways that you can support Westmoreland and our work in the world.
2017 Annual Giving
Gifts to support the ongoing life of our church -- music and worship, spiritual formation programs, fellowship events, staff salaries, and building maintenance.  Click here to pledge on-line to the Annual Fund. 
Capital Campaign
Gifts to our four-year campaign to build a new entrance, add a new elevator, add a gender neutral restroom, and make our kitchen functionable.  Click here to pledge on-line to the Capital Campaign. 
Children's Collection
Items collect by our children in worship each Sunday to give to local helping groups.
Special Offerings
The five UCC offerings (plus our own outreach offering) that go across the country and around the world to meet needs.