Westport Woman's Club Bulletin
Westport Woman's Club
Board of Directors 2018-2019
President  Christina McVaney;   1st VP Special Interests   Kim Reichert; 
2nd VP Finance   Maria Fraile;  3rd VP Ways & Means   Karen Kleine & 
Donna Pellittieri;  Secretary   Cheryl Bliss; Treasurer   Barbara Szefc; 
Communications  Gloria Smithson;   Community Services Susan Hricik; 
Curio Cottage  Deb Fratino ;  Grounds  Cornelia Olsen ; House  Sarah Menchaca; Membership  Robin Clark; Parliamentary Advisor  Sharon Jones; 
Programs Leah Scherzer & Josephine Calcagni; Rentals  Ana Hitri & 
Trish Leavitt;  YDF   TBD;   Past President   Dorothy M. Packer

Dear Ladies,
Let's hope with February just around the corner, we will be enjoying earlier sunrises and later sunsets.  Our winter has been mild so far, I hope it continues so we can all make it to our meetings and activities without worrying about road conditions.

I'd like to send out a heartfelt thank you to all who have responded to our Annual Giving Appeal by writing a year-end check or adding the WWC to their wills.  If you meant to contribute and still want to, Elizabeth would be happy to accept your donations in the office.  Of course, we appreciate all other kinds of contributions as well, like supporting our many fundraisers, working at the Curio Cottage, accepting a position on the Board, attending our Ways & Means meetings and, in general, participating in the Club in order to make it a vibrant community asset.

Thank yous also go out to our hard working Second VP of Finance, Maria Fraille, our  Treasurer, Barbara Szecf, and in the supporting role, Elizabeth Greenawalt, our Office Manager who got us through our annual audit.  According to our auditors, we're doing everything right.  Our fundraising efforts grossed 20% more in our 2018 fiscal year than the previous year!  On that note, please attend our Ways & Means meetings on the third Wednesday of every month at 10:30 am to help think of new fundraisers and help organize the ones that are on the calendar already and then attend our Community Services meetings on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 10:00 am to help evaluate grant requests.  This is OUR club, let's get involved!

Finally, I'd like to thank Vivian Rosenberg and her team of holiday elves who made our club look gorgeous for the holidays.  We're so appreciative of all the things you do every year to make our club magical for the month of December.

Happy Winter!

Christina McVaney, cmcvaney@yahoo.com , 203-293-5190
  In this Issue

Sunshine Girls
Thanks to Jo Luscombe, our Sunshine Girl for January.

Our Sunshine Girl for the month of February is Leah Scherzer, leahsart41@gmail.com, 203-226-3042
Kim Reichert, 1st VP, kim.reichert@gmail.com


Office Hours  
Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (  Lunch)
Office Manager,
Elizabeth Greenawalt
Resident House Manager,
Lilibet Rojas

February 2019

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

11:30 am
1:00 - 4:00 pm
10:00 am

1:00 - 4:00 pm
9:30 am

10 11 12 13 14
15 16

10:00 am

1:00 - 4:00 pm

1:30 pm
1:00 - 4:00 pm

9:30 am

Happy Valentine's Day

4:00 - 5:30pm

17 18 19 20 21 22 23


1:00 - 4:00 pm
1:00 - 4:00 pm
9:30 am

1:00 pm

24 25 26 27 28

10:00 am

1:00 - 4:00 pm

12:30 PM
10:30 am

1:00 - 4:00 pm
9:30 am

Date:      Monday, February 4
Time:     11:30 am
Where:   Bedford Hall

Please join us  Monday, February 4, for Club Day , hosted by our Curio Cottage group, headed up by Deb Fratino and Susan Loselle. 
Keep your fingers crossed for clear weather that day.  But, if by any chance, there is a storm, Christina McVaney will send out an email blast the night before or that morning to let you know that the luncheon is being cancelled.  If you do not hear from us, know that February Club Day is on and the WWC parking lot is plowed! 
Please be sure to make your reservation with Elizabeth by 1:00 pm, on Wednesday, January 30.
For our February luncheon, Aux Delices will be serving their tasty, fluffy Spinach and Mushroom Quiche.  The entree is going to be accompanied by a Little Gem Salad with Mandarin oranges, dried cherries, and sunflower seeds with a champagne vinaigrette dressing; bread and butter will be available.  Dessert is a Classic Lemon Tart.  Doesn't this sound like a yummy meal?
If you need to cancel a reservation, please do so by contacting Elizabeth by Wednesday, January 30, to avoid being charged.
I have wonderful news about prepping for Club Day which everyone will appreciate.  It will make the set-up so much smoother and easier from now on.  Be sure to keep your ears peeled during the announcement portion of our luncheon.
Hope to see you on February 4th!
  Kim Reichert , kim.reichert@gmail.com , 203-227-4590



Please join us on Club Day, February 4, when we will welcome Matt Storch, celebrity chef and owner of Match Burger Lobster restaurant in Westport, Match in Norwalk and Nom-eez in Bridgeport.
Matt grew up in Westport, but his travels around the world as a child sparked his interest in food.  He has cooked with the best.  To name a few, he has worked with Julia Child, James Beard, Todd English and other famous chefs.  He has been a guest on the Food Network where he was the winner of the popular competition, "CHOPPED." 
Matt enjoys giving back to the community.  He participates in fundraisers such as the Westport Farmers Market and can be seen cooking at the Food Rescue-Kitchen Crawl Fundraiser, as well as other similar events.

We're looking forward to an interesting presentation!
 Leah Scherzer, Leahsart41@gmail.com, 203-856-6189
Josephine Calcagni, calcagnijm@gmail.com, 203-222-0073


Date:      Thursday, February 21
Time:     1:00 pm
Where:   Living Room
"Killers Of The Flower Moon" by David Grann
                   (The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI)
Please join us as we discuss this haunting true-life compelling murder mystery about one of the most monstrous crimes in American history.  During the 1920's, after oil was discovered beneath their land, members of the Osage Indian Nation in Oklahoma became very wealthy.  Then, one by one, they began to be killed off.  As the death toll rose, the newly created FBI, under J. Edgar Hoover, took up the case in what became one of the organization's first major homicide investigations.
This book is available for you to pick up at the Library.

Heike Martin, heikem@optonline.net,  (203) 227-2448
Pat Vezendy,  pvezendy@gmail.com, (203) 226-9869



Attention Bunco Players!
February Bunco is CANCELLED!
Due to my traveling, and possible bad weather conditions, which we often experience in February, it seems logical to not plan on gathering for Bunco.
March Bunco will also be a date change as I will still be traveling.  Possible date - Tuesday, March 5. 
Please check March bulletin for further details and
thanks for understanding.

Wendy McKeon, XWAMX50@aol.com , 203-222-0038


Date: Friday,  February 15th (the 3rd Friday of February)
Time: 4:00 - 5:30 pm
Place: Club Kitchen

"Bring something to sip and nibbles to share; it won't be the same if you're not there!"

This February's BYOB Friday, the day AFTER Valentine's Day, will be a HEARTY gathering.  Come share your leftover chocolates and a measure of wine, water or cocoa as we defy winter's chill with good company and warm conversation!

Plan to Bring Yourself Over Briefly, to say hello (or linger longer), anytime 4:00 to 5:30 pm, and be sure to Bring Your Own Beverage of choice and nibbles to share.  Whether you are new to the WWC or a Member since "forever," this is an easy and entertaining way to meet fellow members, share your recent restaurant adventures, collect vacation travel trips, hear what Siri has to say about Alexa, or simply kick off the weekend.

As always, we operate picnic/tailgate style, bringing our own simple set-ups and serving implements, then disappearing without footprints or fingerprints.

Dorothy Curran, dorothyecurran@aol.com , 203-246-0543


Date:  Tuesdays
Time:  1:00 - 4:00 pm
Place:  Living Room

We play on Tuesdays from 1:00 - 4:00 pm - if there is a minimum of four players.  Emails are sent out at the beginning of each week to members who are interested in playing.  If you want to be included in these weekly emails, please contact me to put your name on that list.  

All players are welcome, regardless of skill level and experience.  You do not need to have your own Canasta cards and tray but, if you do, please bring them.

Lessons are given, also on Tuesdays from 1:00 - 4:00 pm, to members who would like to learn to play the game or haven't played in years but want to brush up on their skills. Please contact me if you are interested.

Donna Richardson, donnarichardson4@yahoo.com, 203-354-8743


Next Meetings (2): 
Tuesday, February 12 and Tuesday, February 26
Time: 10:00 -11:30 am
Place: Living Room

HOLIDAY MEALS were delivered to senior shut-ins on a very breezy yet sunny January 1st.  A great way to start the new year, sharing and visiting.  Thank you Leah for organizing this outreach and Gloria for also being there and capturing some of this day in photos.

Our next outreach is underway: Our CARE/NECESSITY BAGS project for Domestic Violence Crisis Center victims.  It seems best that the procurement of articles will be done by our own volunteer Community Service "Angels" team.  We can then monitor the necessity items requested  (brands, size and type) more accurately and purchase them in a timely situation.

We ask our WWC membership to support our shopping financially by donations given to Elizabeth in the office.  If by check, please make the check payable to WWC and note in the memo "DVCC" or Community Services.  We will also collect at February Club Day and until
February 12.  We plan to deliver the Care Bags the last week in February or sooner.

GRANTS: We will have reviewed 40 grants by February Club day with 16 more to review in February.  
I again thank our Committee for their commitment, compassion and diligence to this task.

Susan Hricik susanswhim@yahoo.com , 203-226-1372


 The first Wednesday of every month 12:30 - 3:00 pm
 The third Wednesday of every month 12:30 - 3:00 pm

Or, can we add your name to our substitute list?
Please contact Susan Loselle.

Carol Brezovec, richardbrezovec@gmail.com, 203-221-7688
Susan Loselle, seloselle@gmail.com, 203-454-4171

Date:  Tuesday, February 12
Time:  1:30 pm
Place:  Westport Woman's Club
On Tuesday, February 12, at 1:30 pm, the Garden Department will be making small arrangements in honor of Valentine's Day. Garden members should bring a small container no larger than 4 inches in diameter as well as small garden clippers to cut flowers.

Since these workshops are very popular, reservations are imperative!!! 

If you are planning on participating, please RSVP by Saturday, February 9, to Vivian Rosenberg
Vivian Rosenberg, Garden Chair, vivianrose1@gmail.com , 203-227-4419
Leah Scherzer, Co-Program Chair, Leahsart41@gmail.com203-856-6189


We are reaching out to any members who might like to contribute to the WWC Food Closet, but don't necessarily want to "hunt" for the various foods that we request.
We are always in need of  canned fruit , so the next time you are going to go shopping, perhaps you could include a few of the following canned items on your grocery list:
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Fruit Cocktail
  • Pineapple
  • Apricots
  • Mandarin Oranges
  • Apple Sauce (in jars)
We appreciate those of you who help to keep our shelves well stocked so we can continue to include these tasty choices in our food runs.  Please bring your contributions on the next Club Day or drop them off anytime in the bin outside the office.
Wendy McKeon,  xwamx50@aol.com 203-222-0038 
Kim Reichert, kim.reichert@gmail.com, 203-227-4590


Date:  Tuesday, February 19
Time:  TBA
Place:  TBA

The Gourmet Group's meeting on Tuesday, February 19, will be a restaurant outing.   Details are being finalized and will be sent by email to all Gourmet Group members. 
If you plan to attend, please RSVP by email to Lisa Allison by Sunday, February 10 , so that we can make your reservation with the restaurant.

Lisa Allison ( Liallison@optonline.net )
Barbara Gladnick ( Bagladnick@optonline.net)



This month's dining adventure takes us to MARTEL  -- a favorite, which we've visited several times to the delight of all who attended.
DATE:         Tuesday, February 26
TIME:         12:30 pm
ADDRESS: 2316 Post Road, Fairfield
Martel offers "French and American bistro fare,"  including salads, sandwiches, light entrees as well as a $16 prix fixe.  It has received rave reviews on Yelp.  Their menu may be found at -- http://www.martelrestaurant.com/lunch2

Please let me know by Friday, February 22, if you'd like to join us.  And, as always, I ask that you email or call me, as I may not remember if you tell me in person.
Bobbie Herman, s angazure1@aol.com, 203-255-1577 


Time:  1:00 - 4:00 pm
Date:   Wednesdays
Place:  Living Room

Mah Jongg is played every Wednesday from 1:00-4:00 pm. Emails are sent out at the beginning of each week to members who are interested in playing.  If you want to be included in these weekly emails, please contact me to put your name on that list.  All players are welcome, regardless of skill level and experience.  You do not have to own a Mah Jongg set, but if you have one, please bring it.
You do not need to make a commitment to play each week; come whenever you are available.
Wanted: members who would like to learn this fun game. Lessons are given on Wednesdays, starting at 1:00 pm. Please contact me if you are interested or have questions.

Audrey Rabinowitz, bxiteb4@aol.com ,  203-227-6010


Next Meeting:
Date:   Wednesday, February 27
Time:  10:30 am

Please join us as we plan our Winter and Spring fundraisers and bring any ideas you may have. 

Please note our next meeting will be held on  Wednesday, February 27th at 10:30 am 
the week after our usual meeting time.

Karen Kleine,
kkleine3@gmail.com , 203-858-4010
Donna Pellittieri, donnamaydolls@optonline.net, 203-216-0821


Date:  Wednesday, February 6
Time:  10:00 am

We would like to welcome everybody to the new season of Yankee Doodle Fair...our first meeting would have happened already on January 9, by the time everybody reads this.

Our first order of business is procuring raffle prizes for YDF.  Our first, second and third prizes are always in by February 15, so we have enough time to get the necessary permits from the State.  So if you have a connection to get the WWC some awesome prizes for 2019, please come to the meeting and hook us up!

Our sponsor packets for 2019 are in the office.  It includes an introduction letter and the different levels of sponsorships along with what the sponsors get for the various monetary amounts.  Please stop by and pick one up if you have a connection to a business in town and drop it off.  Let me know where you're going first so I can follow up or at least let other people know not to bother the same potential sponsor with another request.

See you ALL on February 6th!

Christina McVaney,  cmcvaney@yahoo.com , 203-293-5190
Kim Reichert, kim.reichert@gmail.com, 203-227-4590

44 Imperial Avenue 
Westport, CT 06880