Westport Woman's Club
Board of Directors 2018-2019
President Christina McVaney;
1st VP Special Interests
Kim Reichert;
2nd VP Finance
Maria Fraile;
3rd VP Ways & Means
Karen Kleine &
Donna Pellittieri;
Cheryl Bliss;
Barbara Szefc;
Communications Gloria Smithson;
Community Services Susan Hricik;
Curio Cottage Deb Fratino
; Grounds Cornelia Olsen
; House Sarah Menchaca;
Membership Robin Clark;
Parliamentary Advisor Sharon Jones;
Programs Leah Scherzer & Josephine Calcagni;
Rentals Ana Hitri &
Trish Leavitt;
Past President
Dorothy M. Packer
Dear Ladies,
Happy New Year!
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season.
At the beginning of 2019, I'd like to look back on the previous year and look forward to the coming year.
Looking back, o
ur fundraising since August has generated some impressive numbers:
- Gilbert & Sullivan: $2,300
- Clothing Sale: $7,100
- Sip & Savor: $4,100
- Starry Night: $4,200
In total we have raised $17,700.
Thanks to Karen Klein & Donna Pellittieri, our Ways & Means co-chairs, along with the chairs and co-chairs of all the fundraisers. We are lucky to have such driven and productive leaders in our club.
There are many more fundraisers scheduled in the new year including the Chocolate Making Fundraiser, our Fashion Show, our ever popular Art Show and our grand finale, the Yankee Doodle Fair (with perhaps a few more sprinkled in)!
There has also been a great response to our Annual Appeal which makes me happy to see that you all keep the WWC in your hearts and minds during this season of giving. It's not too late to contribute either financially or with your time.
I'm pleased to let you know that Dorothy Curran will be head of the nominating committee to find the new board for 2019-2020. As you know we can not keep the club going without a board and we can not keep a board without help from all of you, our membership. I hope that if called upon you will all give serious thought to giving back to this worthy club.
I wish you all a prosperous and joyful 2019 & I am looking forward to another great year for the Westport Woman's Club.
Christina McVaney,
, 203-292-8138
Thanks to Dorothy Packer, our Sunshine Girl for December.
Our Sunshine Girl for the month of January is Jo Luscombe,
pluscom2@gmail.com, 203-227-0393
Kim Reichert, 1st VP,
Condolences Our sincere sympathy to the family of long-time member, Marie Taylor, who recently passed away.
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (
Office Manager,
Elizabeth Greenawalt
Resident House Manager,
Lilibet Rojas
January 2019
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Holiday House
1:00 - 4:00 pm
9:30 am
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
18 |
19 |
10:30 am
1:00 - 4:00 pm
4:00 - 5:30PM
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
10:00 am
12:30 pm
1:00 - 4:00 pm
27 |
28 |
29 |
31 |
1:00 - 4:00 pm
As in the past,
the Westport Woman's Club does NOT hold Club Day in January
in order to avoid any inclement weather!
Keep your fingers crossed that the beginning of February will bring clear weather and that we can hold our Club Day on Monday, February 4, with no problem.
For the next several months, we will miss all you snowbirds who are planning to flee to warmer climates to avoid our typical southern New England winter with its freezing temperatures and unpredictable snowstorms.
Meanwhile, I wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season and the very best in 2019!
Kim Reichert,
Date: Thursday, January 17
Time: 1:00 pm
Where: Living Room
Our selection for January is "EXIT WEST," by Mohsin Hamid. This finalist for the Man Booker Prize and National Book Critics Award follows two young lovers fleeing from an unnamed city during civil war. The story unfolds in spare, unsentimental language, celebrating love, courage, family and the fierceness of the human spirit. The plot holds a surprise when it abruptly turns to the magical. Former President Barack Obama listed it among the ten best books he read in 2017.
This topic is especially pertinent in today's world of overwhelming refugee crises.
We are delighted to have Kathleen Malloy from the Westport Library leading the group for this meeting. Please join us to discuss this novel.
Books are available for pick-up at the Westport Library
Heike Martin,
(203) 227-2448
Pat Vezendy,
pvezendy@gmail.com, (203) 226-9869
Date: Tuesday, January 15th - weather permitting!!!
Time: 7:00 pm - Chat & Chew .... 7:30 pm - Game begins
Place: Kitchen/Bedford Hall
Cost: $5.00
Happy New Year!
Do you have the winter doldrums?
Come on out and play Bunco!
A couple of hours of food, friends, F-U-N !!!
No experience necessary!!!
Hope to see many new faces in the new year!
Date: Friday, January 18th (the 3rd Friday of January)
Time: 4:00 - 5:30 pm
Place: Club Kitchen
"Bring something to sip and nibbles to share; it won't be the same if you're not there!"
Our first BYOB Friday--both of this Winter and of 2019--ought to be a WARM gathering. Happily, because we meet in the WWC kitchen (we're "at home by the range") we can make that happen! Bring your favorite pot and ingredients: hot cider? mulled wine? Swedish
glögg? tea? toddy
" Of course, uncorking a bottle to celebrate the new year also is just fine! Just plan to Bring Yourself Over Briefly, to say hello (or linger longer), anytime 4:00 to 5:30 pm, and be sure to Bring Your Own Beverage of choice and nibbles to share. Whether you are new to the WWC or a Member since "forever," this is an easy and entertaining way to meet fellow members, share your holiday adventures, compare new year's resolutions, debate the reliability of the Farmer's Almanac, taste a variety of nibbles, or simply kick off the weekend. As always, we operate picnic/tailgate style, bringing our own simple set-ups and serving implements, then disappearing without footprints or fingerprints
Dorothy Curran,
, 203-246-0543
Date: Tuesdays
Time: 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Place: Living Room
 We play on Tuesdays from 1:00 - 4:00 pm - if there is a minimum of four players. Emails are sent out at the beginning of each week to members who are interested in playing. If you want to be included in these weekly emails, please contact me to put your name on that list.
All players are welcome, regardless of skill level and experience. You do not need to have your own Canasta cards and tray but, if you do, please bring them.
Lessons are given, also on Tuesdays from 1:00 - 4:00 pm, to members who would like to learn to play the game or haven't played in years but want to brush up on their skills. Please contact me if you are interested.
Donna Richardson,
donnarichardson4@yahoo.com, 203-354-8743
Next Meeting: Tuesday January 22
Time: 10:00 -11:30 am
Place: Living Room
Happy New Year's greetings
. Thank you all for your generosity and participation in the Children's Connections Toy Drive. You donated over 16 bags full of toys and $600 in cash donations. Great job Pattie Takita and Ladies. We also extend our continued thanks to Leah Scherzer in her heading and participation in WWC's Holiday Home Delivered meals for Christmas and New Year's Day.
While our focus in early 2019 is to continue the review of fifty grant applications received, we are also holding a drive to collect items for the CARE/Necessity Bags for women who are being housed in a safe house program seeking refuge as deemed by the Domestic Violence Crises Center. These personal items can be dropped off at the club house starting January 3 through Club Day, February 4. Items needed are: deodorant, soap bars/wash (Dial, Dove, etc.), toothpaste (5oz size is fine), tooth brushes, dental floss, tampons, hair brushes & combs, and shampoo (10-12oz) larger than sample size. The Director has also indicated that their clients could also use diapers in size 4/5/6. We will also collect "Change for A Change of Heart" at our February luncheon to subsidize purchasing material that may still be needed.
We will be hold two (2 )Community Services meetings in February to accommodate the need to review grants and to assemble the Care Bags in a timely manner.
Please note the meeting dates:
Tuesday, February 12 and Tuesday, February 26
The membership is always welcomed to join the meetings in our committee's outreach efforts.
Susan Hricik
The Curio Cottage will close on Monday,
December 24, and re-open on Wednesday,
January 2, 2019.
As the year draws to a close, we want to thank everyone for all of the support you have given the Curio Cottage by shopping, donating and volunteering.
Have a very Happy New Year!
Carol Brezovec, richardbrezovec@gmail.com, 203-221-7688
Susan Loselle,
Holiday House "Undecked"
Date: Tuesday, January 8
Time: 10:00 am
Place: Westport Woman's Club
Please let us know if you can help on Tuesday, January 8, at 10:00 am, to help take down the holiday decorations and put everything away.
Many hands make light work. Thank you.
Please RSVP to Vivian Rosenberg.
Leah Scherzer, Co-Program Chair, Leahsart41@gmail.com, 203-856-6189
The Food Closet of the WWC has been so fortunate recently to be the recipient of several very generous cash donations from club members, just in time for the holidays and the winter season. These charitable gifts allow us to purchase food items which are lacking from our shelves.
We want to thank Robin Clark for spearheading a Food Drive at the Westport National Bank; it has designated the Food Closet at our club to receive cans, boxes, and packages of food and also cash donations. Not only do the bank's employees participate, but some of its customers do too!
It should give you all a warm feeling to realize that you make it possible to give out the bags of groceries that we pack up and the Stop and Shop cards that we distribute with the food stuffs. Without any doubt, these certainly make getting through the winter months a little easier and more comfortable for some folks in our town.
As always, we appreciate the assistance that club members give to the Food Closet. Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Wendy McKeon,
Kim Reichert, kim.reichert@gmail.com, 203-227-4590
The Gourmet Group will not meet in January. The February meeting will be a restaurant outing, full details to be shared next month.
Date: Tuesday, January 22 Time: 12:30 pm Place: The Sinclair 1229 Post Road, Fairfield - The Brick Walk
Come join us this month as we visit
The Sinclair
, a brand-new restaurant on the Brick Walk in Fairfield. It is bright, beautifully-decorated, and serves a variety of American-style foods. It has received rav
e reviews on Yelp.
Please let me know by Friday, January 18, if you'd like to join us.
And, as always, I ask that you email or call me, as I may not remember if you tell me in person.
Bobbie Herman,
Time: 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Date: Wednesdays
Place: Living Room
Mah Jongg is played every Wednesday from 1:00 -4:00 pm. Emails are sent out at the beginning of each week to members who are interested in playing. If you want to be included in these weekly emails, please contact me to put your name on that list. All players are welcome, regardless of skill level and experience. You do not have to own a Mah Jongg set, but if you have one, please bring it.
You do not need to make a commitment to play each week; come whenever you are available.
Wanted: members who would like to learn this fun game. Lessons are given on Wednesdays, starting at 1:00 pm. Please contact me if you are interested or have questions.
Date: Wednesday, January 16
Time: 10:30 am
Do you like chocolate? One possible fundraiser in February is learning how to make Valentine's Day chocolates from the owner of Le Rouge, Aarti Khosla. It will be a fun girls' night out for all of us, we just need someone to coordinate it.
Thank you to Dorothy Curran for chairing our successful December fundraiser, Sounds for a Starry Night. It was a magical evening!
Our next meeting will be held on
Wednesday, January 16, at 10:30 am.
Please join us and bring any ideas you may have.
Karen Kleine,
, 203-858-4010
Donna Pellittieri, donnamaydolls@optonline.net, 203-216-0821