Dear Ladies,
Happy New Year! I can't believe it's 2020 already!
I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season and have had a great December Club Day. I'm not sure if anybody noticed, but I was not there. I thank Kim for taking over for me at the last minute!
At the beginning of every year, I like to look back on the previous year and give thanks but also look forward to the coming year and all that it can be!
Looking back, our fundraising since August has generated good numbers:
Clothing Sale: $14,000
Sip & Savor: $4,200 (est.)
Starry Night: $3,200 (est.)
In total we have raised approximately $21,400.
We have an amazing group of ladies, very dedicated to our cause, working on our behalf! I'm so honored to be a part of this organization! Thanks to all our chairs and co-chairs of all the fundraisers.
I'm really looking forward to the next few months; the Fashion Show, the Art Show and Yankee Doodle Fair to round out the fiscal year!
Although we love our tried and true fundraisers, we want some fresh ideas for new fundraisers.
If you're a new member and have ideas for new fundraisers, or even if you're an old member and would like to get involved, please attend one of our Ways & Means meetings or contact Donna Pellittieri, our Ways & Means chair. We would love to hear from you.
I wish you all a prosperous and joyful 2020 and I'm looking forward to another great year for the Westport Woman's Club.
With best wishes to all,