Crime Trend Alert
Property theft continues to be the top reported crime in Westshore. F ollow these Tampa Police Department Crime Prevention Tips to reduce your risk of becoming a victim:
  • Close your vehicle windows and lock your doors.
  • Do not leave valuables in plain sight in your vehicle. Remove them or lock them in your trunk.
  • Do not leave your keys in the vehicle. Remove the valet key, these are often found in the owner's manual.
  • Park where your car will be frequently and easily seen.
  • Park in well-lit areas when possible.
  • Do not leave your garage door open.
  • Install and use a car alarm.
  • Never leave your vehicle unattended while the engine is running. This is State Law.
  • Secure your valuables in your office and don't allow unauthorized personnel access.
If you see suspicious activity report it to local law enforcement at (813) 231-6130 or a person of authority. In the event of an emergency, call 9-1-1.
Additional crime prevention tips  related to holiday shopping include:
  • Have your keys in-hand and ready to open your vehicle door before you exit the store or place of business.
  • Keep your purse closed and carry it securely under your arm. Never place your purse on a counter or leave it in your shopping cart.
  • Don't carry large amounts of cash. Never display the cash you carry. Use ATMs during the daytime.
At home:
  • Do not place gifts or other valuables where they can be seen by someone looking in from outside your home.
  • Keep your doors and deadbolts locked at all times - even when someone is home.
  • Don't advertise your new computer, stereo or TV by leaving the empty boxes at the curb.
When ordering packages online:
  • Consider sending the package to your workplace or a neighbor who is home during the day to accept the delivery.
  • Require a signature upon delivery to ensure someone receives it.
  • Have your Amazon order go to an Amazon Locker located at convenience stores throughout the Bay Area.
  • Request the delivery company hold your package at the closest pick-up facility. The company will contact you when it arrives.
  • Leave special instructions for drivers to leave your package in a specific location such as the back door.
  • Consider installing doorbell and surveillance cameras around your porch. The motion sensors will notice as someone approaches your porch, start recording and alert you of the approach.
Invite the Tampa Police Department to conduct 
"Operation Tag-It"  at your business location. During Tag-It, officers walk your property to identify potential crime opportunities and alert motorist via a tag on their windshield of UNLOCKED vehicles and VISIBLE valuables that could entice a thief. Please note, TPD will NOT open doors or enter vehicles.  Tags are also placed on vehicles with no visible valuables so that criminals are not alerted to which vehicles have valuables in them.

Contact TPD's Neighborhood Affairs Liaison Maryanne Hunsberger at (813) 354-6692 or for scheduling.
Trespass Affidavit Program
The Tampa Police Department implemented the  Trespass Affidavit  Program to help business and/or property owners control access to their property during non-business hours.

When an owner has identified a recurring trespassing problem at his or her business or property, the owner or legal representative may request this service. The  Trespass Affidavit  gives any Tampa Police officer the right to act as the owner's representative in warning anyone found in violation of the affidavit to leave, and to arrest violators if they refuse.  Click here for more information or to register today!
2018 Atlantic hurricane season mid-season forecasts (issued in August) compared to the actual number of systems that formed.
The 2018 Atlantic hurricane season included two billion-dollar hurricanes and a slightly above-average number of named storms, which overshot seasonal forecasts. 

To watch the the entire 2018 hurricane season in one stunning time-lapse video click here .
Westshore Emergency Access Card Program
In partnership with the Tampa Police Department, Westshore Alliance manages the Emergency Access Card Program, which is designed to assist emergency and rescue crews identify individuals authorized to enter the Westshore Business District following a disaster or emergency. Property owners can register up to three authorized personnel to receive reentry passes that allow them access to their building for the limited purpose of evaluating the safety and security of property before allowing tenants, other occupants, or the general public to return.  

We encourage property owners to register if they haven't already done so. Passes do not expire however, they are non-transferable. If you have a change in personnel, please contact  Shawn Fogarty at (813) 289-5488  or to request a new pass.  MORE
NEWS news
New Sidewalks in Westshore
As part of Westshore Alliance's effort to improve pedestrian infrastructure in Westshore, sidewalks have been installed on the north side of Laurel St. from Frontage Road to O'Brien St. and on the north side of Columbus Ave. from Himes Ave. to Dale Mabry Hwy .
The Himes Avenue Safety Improvement Project, a federally funded pedestrian and vehicle safety project on Himes Ave. from Kennedy Boulevard to Columbus Drive, is complete. The project added dedicated bike lanes throughout the corridor, enhanced crosswalks, decreased the speed limit from 40 to 35 mph, and replaced two-way left turn lanes with raised separator islands. MORE
More than 60 pedestrian projects featured in Westshore Alliance Action Plan
Bicycle boulevards, trails, sidewalks, and linear parks are topping the list of transportation priorities included in Westshore Alliance's newly published Transportation Action Plan.

More than 100 transportation improvements that Westshore residents and businesses will need in the next 25 years are identified in the plan. Pedestrian improvements throughout Westshore account for more than 60% of these projects. MORE
Want to stay up-to-date on the latest transportation and pedestrian improvements happening in Westshore? View our interactive map here and subscribe to the Alliance's Traffic News here.
Police Non-Emergency 
(813) 231-6130
Code Enforcement
(813) 274-5545
Animal Control 
(813) 744-5660
Solid Waste
(813) 348-1112
Crime Stoppers of Tampa Bay (800) 873-TIPS
Crisis Center 2-1-1
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