February 11, 2021
Westwood Village Rotary Club
Coming up on Feb. 18th - Linda Sundram
Linda Sundram is Chair of Rotary Camp Pendleton, a satellite of the Rotary Club of Carlsbad. This is the first Rotary Club chartered on a military base. She will share numerous Rotary projects that have provided extensive support to Marines based at Pendleton and their families. If you have friends or colleagues who have served in the military (especially the Marines), invite them to join us.
District 5280 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion February 27th 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
via Zoom
This is an important program and is based on Rotary International's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion goals. It will be informative and interactive. Registration is free and available on the District 5280 website on a first come-first serve basis. Attendance will be limited to 60 participants, in order to make the program as productive as possible. This is the second in a series of significant DEI programs that can help shape the future of Rotary and of the clubs in our District in significant ways.
District 5280 - 2021 Virtual Pageant of the Arts
The tradition of the District 5280 Pageant of the Arts will be carried on this year. The program will be fully virtual for the first time and will include five classes of competition: Art, Music/Vocal, Music/Instrumental, Speech and Dance. Eligible students can come from local high schools and after-school programs. Judging is expected to occur in early March. The finals will be held on April 17th. More information about plans and scheduling is to come. Please see Youth Services Chair Phil Gabriel with questions in the meantime.
Westwood Virtual Rotary Club Meeting - February 11, 2021
President Nancy McCready called the meeting to order precisely at 12:30 p.m.  A very special welcome to Carol Rosenstien, who is recovering from Covid 19.  And Carol certainly looks GREAT!  Beautiful as always.  Carol made an announcement that Music Mends Minds will be giving a special concert on February 21st at 2:00 pm. Please visit: www.musicmendsminds.org   for more information, or talk to Carol next Thursday.   
PP Dwight Heikkilia lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.   

PP Steve Scherer gave a beautiful Invocation about finding Peace in our Hearts.   

Our guests were introduced by President Nancy.  Honoree Susan Froomer and her guests, Lori Eisenberg and  John Riley - friends and volunteers of the Westwood Transitional Village.  We would like to welcome them anytime to our meetings.  
Our Song Meister,  PP Ed Gauld had a bit of laryngitis, so he made a beautiful poem out of the old favorite, MY FUNNY VALENTINE.  This was originally made famous by Frank Sinatra. 
President Nancy announced that yours truly, Marsha Hunt, was the Rotarian of the Month for January, 2021.  I was both humbled and honored by this…Thank You, Nancy. 
PP Steve Day introduced PPX2 Diane Good who told us about her friend and fantastic volunteer at the Westwood Transitional Village, Susan Froomer.  Susan is such a Dedicated and Reliable volunteer.  She does so much for the Westwood Village Transitional Village.  The children love her.  She is a born leader - in fact she was awarded the Leadership Award from the FBI by none other than James Comey. Steve then proceeded to present her with a Paul Harris Fellow award from our club in honor of Susan’s many years of leadership and volunteer work.   
As our Peace Chair, I made an announcement about the upcoming Peace Conference taking place on Zoom on February 21, 2021.  It will be generating from Istanbul, Turkey, District 2420 at  8:00 a.m. Pacific Time   It is Free to All, but we need to register to avoid Zoom hackers. Please put into your browser to register at: www.peace.rotary2420.org/register.html.There is all sorts of Information about the Conference. It will be very interesting.   
Set your clocks for 8:00 a.m. PT on Sunday, February 21st.
Our Guest Speaker was Father David Guffey, who is a Priest at the Congregation of Holy Cross at St. Monica's Parish in Santa Monica. In addition to preaching and presiding at sacraments, he is National Director of Family Theater Productions. Father Guffey also runs a film club at St. Monica’s Parrish -  “Faith In Film – Finding Grace in Cinema.”  Father Guffey says his all-time  favorite film is “It’s A Wonderful Life,”  starring James Stewart. At the film club, they discuss all sorts of films such as “Lawrence of Arabia” and in the next Zoom session they will discuss the French film, “Amelie.” To join the film club, get more information and even vote on the March film about Special Effects go to: www.stmonica.net/filmclub.    
The film club was originally started by Father Patrick Peyton from Ireland.  Father Payton coined the phrase, “The family that prays together stays together”.  The film club was started on Mother's Day in 1945.  The film club encourages people to make good choices and feed our hearts and minds.  Father Guffey told us the colorful story of Patrick Peyton. PRAY: THE STORY OF PATRICK PEYTON is an inspiring documentary about a poor, uneducated Irish immigrant who set sail for America in 1928 with nothing but his faith and dreams of becoming a millionaire. Arriving in Pennsylvania and unable to find work, he accepted a position as janitor at the cathedral, which rekindles his long-lost desire to become a priest and changed the course of his life.

Nearing ordination, his life took a radical turn when he was stricken with tuberculosis. Facing certain death, he sinks into despair. A visit from his mentor, who delivered a simple message to pray, lifted the darkness. Taking his advice to heart, Patrick prayed fervently to Mary, the Mother of Christ, for her intercession and he experienced a miraculous recovery. Feeling deep gratitude, he dedicates his life to telling all the world about the power of prayer and encouraged families everywhere to bring prayer into their homes. Never taking “No” for an answer, he convinced Hollywood’s biggest stars to help him spread the message, “The family that prays together stays together”, through the power of mass media including radio, television, and film. Father Peyton’s fame spread around the world and audiences in the millions flocked to his public prayer rallies. This is the story of a tireless missionary, an unlikely hero, and one of history’s greatest advocates for family prayer.  
For more information about Father Patrick Peyton, visit: www.praythefilm.com. Father Guffey concluded by giving us all a bit of advice when we want to get our message across to others….”Tell a Story – Don’t just give Facts.” 
Commentary and images by PP and Rotarian of the Month Marsha Hunt

WVRC 2020/2021 Leadership Team
President: Nancy McCready
Treasurer: Terry M. White
Youth/Vocational Service: Phil Gabriel
Peace: PP Marsha Hunt
Foundation: PP Steve Day
Global Scholarships: Chris Bradford
Webmaster: PP Ron Lyster
Merchant Minutes: PP Mark Rogo
District Governor: Bette Hall
Immediate Past President: Diane Good
Secretary: PP Diane Good
Community Service: Aaron Donahue
International Service: Nevin Senkan
Program Chair: PP Tom Barron
Membership: PP Mike Newman
Social Media: PP Aly Shoji
Windmill Editor: P Nancy McCready
Asst. District Governor: Michael Lushing