February 4, 2021
Westwood Village Rotary Club
Coming up on February 11th - Father David Guffey
Father David is a priest of the Congregation of Holy Cross at St. Monica's Parish in Santa Monica. In addition to preaching and presiding at sacraments, he is National Director of Family Theater Productions. Father David also runs a film club at St. Monica's, which has a large and loyal following. He has a wealth of knowledge about films, both current and going way back into classic films of old. His subject will be Faith in Film/Finding Grace in Cinema. This will be very interesting both to film fans and those of faith.
District 5280 - 2021 Virtual Pageant of the Arts
The tradition of the District 5280 Pageant of the Arts will be carried on this year. The program will be fully virtual for the first time and will include five classes of competition: Art, Music/Vocal, Music/Instrumental, Speech and Dance. Eligible students can come from local high schools and after-school programs. Judging is expected to occur in early March. The finals will be held on April 17th. More information about plans and scheduling is to come. Please see Youth Services Chair Phil Gabriel with questions in the meantime.
Westwood Virtual Rotary Club Meeting - February 4, 2021
Two-Timer PP Diane Good greeted us at 12:30 P.M., immediately leading to rumors that current President Nancy has been banned from Zoom.  Exactly one minute later, however, she arrived, ringing a tiny fairy bell and welcoming us to the Warm and Friendly WVRC.

PP Tom Barron (our Program Whiz) led us, almost in unison, in our Pledge to the Flag.  A word to you Outliers: watch his lips and try to say the words at the same time.  Shucks, any first-grade class can get this right!

PP Steve Day (RI Foundation Chair) dug up some gardening tips for the onslaught of Spring that’s in the air:

Plant 3 rows of PEAS - Peace of Mind, Heart, and Soul
SQUASH Gossip, Grumbling, and Indifference
LETTUCE be Hospitable and Love One Another
WATER with Patience and CULTIVATE with Love

Let’s hope that Congress weeds their garden soon!

PP Songmeister Edwin Gauld gave us a smooth rendition of “Wild Irish Rose” (the Original, not the rap version) which proves him a Crooner, after all.
As Zoom Guests today, we welcomed DG-Elect Guity Javid and James Tran, representing UCLA Rotaractors and their Youthful Exuberance.
RI announced that February is Peace and Conflict Resolution month — just in time for Washington, it seems!  Our 2021 slogan is Serve to Change Lives. Career Day was announced as being on 3/13/21 and Virtual RYLA will be held on 4/23/21 (details later).

Chair PP Chris Bradford announced that District 5280 has funding for the Global Grant Scholarship (graduate study abroad) for Fall 2021.  PP Marsha Hunt was not present to accept her Rotarian of the Month Award.  Queen Marsha has been participating with the Macao and Hong Kong clubs lately and is soon to begin with the Russian Rotarians.  I guess that’s enough work for now!
PP Tom Barron introduced our Guest Speaker, Dr. Bob Miller, Chair of the Pasadena Rose Bowl Parade 2021-2022. He’s had a career in teaching and administration of the Los Angeles Community Colleges which currently has 230,000 students.  He has chaired Rose Bowl committees since 1984, reaching the zenith of the organization last year as the first Chair since WWII to cancel the Rose Parade.  As reward for this timely and correct decision, he is now in charge of the event for 1/1/2022!  He began his story and colorful slide deck with the first slide displaying the living Presidents of past Rose Parades.
He began his term in January of last year, which began normally enough. I was sure his planning had already begun many months earlier, of course, as he began to explicate the incredible Gordian Knot of planning and scheduling the Rose Parade.  By March, enter a pandemic viral respiratory disease - Covid-19 - with many asymptomatic carriers, triggering his call to the USC Medical School for help in determining the Public Health feasibility of the event.    
The word “feasibility” is not often used when planning the Rose Parade, which has been held on January 1 for 131 years, missing only ’42, 43, and ‘45 during WW II.  The television audience runs from 35 - 45 million viewers (only 19 million watch the Rose Bowl Game). 5000 band members are anticipating January 1 and practicing all year.  3000 professional decorators are looking forward to the job.  Dr. Bob “Grinch” Miller could smell the disappointment.
On the other hand, 700,000 participants and spectators from all over the world would be there, with 30,000 crowded into the grandstand on the first turn at Colorado Blvd.  Thousands of tubas, bugle, and clarinets would be blowing their hearts and lung contents down the boulevard. US marching bands and foreign bands began to call with their declines. American Honda, the sponsor for the past 10 years, was fearful of sponsoring an unhealthy event.  Doctors’ models of the event estimated 12,000 infections could be spread - but the numbers could easily be much worse.  They would know better by November, they said, but it was only March now.

A decision to cancel had to be made by July 1 due to all the lead times required for the event. Some floats cost $1,000,000. When to you start the fundraising?  The Parade Committee needed to raise $16,000,000. Band members need $2500 in travel expenses.  When do you start fundraising and buy the tickets?  Flowers need to be ordered and grown on non-cancel contracts from six months in advance. Participants were now calling with their cancellations.

My brain ached from the pressure after 15 minutes of listening even though we know what decision was reached in July. The Committee reimagined the event as a virtual one and kept their traditional 8:00 A.M. -10:00 A.M. TV broadcast schedule.  There was a 200-member virtual band conducted by Kermit the Frog.  Many performers and celebrities donated their time safely.  The Rose Bowl Game went to Arlington, TX while Los Angeles was in lockdown.  The
Teams were afraid of the spike in infections we were experiencing.  
The virtual event cost only $6,000,000 and $300,000 “profit” was donated. 25,000,000 midwestern TV viewers did not see folks enjoying warm weather in Pasadena and dream of relocating there. Not all bad!
Dr. Bob is already busy in his Chair role planning the 1/1/2022 Parade of the Roses. “Dream, Believe, Achieve” is the Theme and “Honor Dreams to Achieve” is the slogan.  Dr. Bob is working on license issues with Pasadena and finding new sources of Parade revenue beyond the Rose Bowl Game.
Though Covid-19 will have a role, next January’s Parade of the Roses will be a much more normal event, we pray.  I certainly admire Dr. Bob for accepting the Chair for another year —hopefully a much more rewarding one.  He made the right decision, just as we did to stop congregating at the Faculty Center.  We appreciate the new insight we have into the Rose Parade we received from him, even though we are sadder and wiser to hear the story.

YOD, Dwight

WVRC 2020/2021 Leadership Team
President: Nancy McCready
Treasurer: Terry M. White
Youth Service: Phil Gabriel
Peace: PP Marsha Hunt
Foundation: PP Steve Day
Global Scholarships: Chris Bradford
Webmaster: PP Ron Lyster
Merchant Minutes: PP Mark Rogo
District Governor: Bette Hall
Immediate Past President: Diane Good
Secretary: PP Diane Good
Community Service: Aaron Donahue
International Service: Nevin Senkan
Program Chair: PP Tom Barron
Membership: PP Mike Newman
Social Media: PP Aly Shoji
Windmill Editor: P Nancy McCready
Asst. District Governor: Michael Lushing