Whale Spouts
Belly of the Whale
Spiritual Direction & Retreat Ministries
monthly newsletter

February 2022
Greetings beloved,

As I wrap up this month's edition of Whale Spouts it is a crisp, blue-sky day with several inches of snow still on the ground and more to come later in the week. I took a refreshing walk earlier this afternoon and snapped this pic of a frozen Lake Erie with Cleveland in the distance. So beautiful!

As those of us in the northern hemisphere continue on through winter cold, it is worth noting that Lent will soon be upon us. I would love to have you join me for Praying with Jonah - a 6-week Lenten spiritual renewal retreat. This retreat is "pay-what-you-can" in hopes that all who feel a Spirit-nudge to participate will be able to do so. Check out the details below and sign up ASAP!

I have additional exciting news that I am bursting to share! I am able to offer Belly of the Whale's signature 3 day/3 night silent retreat at TWO amazing venues this year - the Jesuit Retreat Center in Cleveland, Ohio (an oasis in the city just minutes from the airport) and Bellwether Farm in Wakeman, Ohio (a beautiful, brand new retreat center with delicious farm-to-table fresh meals)!! These 3 day/3 night retreats have become some of my very favorite events of the year. They lift my spirit and fill my soul every time. I do hope you will be able to come join us!

Check out the details below for additional ways you can nurture spiritual rest, renewal and vitality in your every day life.

I continue to hold you in prayer as we persevere through these ongoing days of pandemic pivots, adaptations, challenges and ultimately hope. God is with us through it all - yesterday, today and tomorrow. Thanks be to God!

With strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,

Sharon Seyfarth Garner, Director

What is included in the retreat? You will receive 40+ daily emails (Ash Wednesday through Easter) and are invited to join the small group sharing sessions every Tuesday throughout Lent.

What time are the small group gatherings? Every Tuesday at noon Eastern, 11:00 am Central, 10:00 am Mountain, 9:00 am Pacific or 5:00 pm in London. :-)

What will the small group sharing sessions be like? We will begin with a short prayer, then divide into small groups (3-4 people) to share reflections from the week. We will reconvene for larger group sharing and a closing prayer. It will last approximately 50 mins.

What if I can't make it to the small group sharing? The small group sessions are completely optional; however, I do believe it will enhance your retreat experience if you attend as you are able.

What if I can come to some but not all of the small group sessions? That is just fine. Each week stands alone.

Will the group sessions be recorded? No. I want those gathered to be comfortable sharing openly without worry of being recorded.

How much does the full retreat cost? It is pay-what-you-can in hopes that all who feel nudged are able to participate. If you are able to give generously, that is much appreciated and will help sustain Belly of the Whale Ministries. If times are lean, consider this retreat a gift to help you through tough times.

I see the retreat registration is through Eventbrite, but I don't want to create an Eventbrite account? No problem. Feel free to email me directly and I will sign you up. You can send a check in the mail if you so desire.

I am overjoyed to be able to offer Belly of the Whale's Signature 3 day/3 night Retreat at 2 different outstanding venues this year. Choose which one best fits your schedule and gift yourself with 3 days & 3 nights of rest and renewal.

We will explore the book of Jonah, listen for God's whispers in the sacred silence, worship together, and dive into creative contemplative practices.

Click below for all the details about these amazing opportunities for soul care and spiritual renewal.

I love sharing my dad's poetry with you all and know that I have shared this one before, but it is such a special one to me that I hope you'll indulge me if I share it again this year...

A Valentine for Sharon

Love is a pink trombone
Love is a risk and a celebration
Love is a huge toll house cookie
of attractiveness confirmed
Love is a burst of glitter
Love is suffering unto life

Love, Dad
(Leonard H. Seyfarth)

Each January for the past 5 years, I have looked forward to what has become one of my favorite spiritual practices - listening for a word that will become my sacred companion in the year to come. In the past, my words have included: "trust in the slow work of God," fallow, dance, still and play.

This year, after much prayerful consideration, I have landed on the word "stretch" as my sacred companion. I have recently come to realize that I am perhaps a bit too comfortable with the social isolation of my covid cocoon. As an introvert, I have cherished the silence and limited social interactions. And, I am profoundly grateful for the privilege of a job that has allowed me the flexibility to work from home. (My spiritual direction practice has adapted remarkably smoothly to an on-line platform.) Truth be told, I could dwell quite comfortably in this cocoon for years to come.

However, I don't believe that I (or any of us, really) am called to live forever in isolation. To use a bit of John Wesley language, I believe that we are called both to personal piety and social holiness - to care for both our own spiritual wellness and to care for our communal well-being. That means that during the year to come, as we ever so slowly inch our way back toward more in-person interactions, I will need to be very intentional about stretching myself to be social again!

For my dear fellow introverts, this may all sound familiar. However, for my dear extroverted friends, I can only imagine that you are awaiting more social interaction with bated breath!

My prayer as we ease our way into whatever the coming year holds is that I will be able to stretch out of my comfort zone and forward toward whatever lays ahead. I wrote this little haiku as a word of encouragement to myself - a reminder to stretch ever so gently as I emerge slowly from this cocoon, spread my wings, and fly into whatever comes next.

May you also gift yourself with moments of grace, forgiveness, love and hope as you stretch into the year to come. God is doing a new thing for all of us. May we have eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to hope.

Peace, Sharon
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