Whale Spouts - September 2020
Seeking Spiritual Vitality in Everyday Living
Greetings my beloved friends,

As I sit down to write this newsletter, I feel as though I should have some pearl of wisdom to share; something that might make a smidgen of sense out of all that is swirling around us. However, as much as I have would like to, I don't have such a pearl to share.

I am weary just as we all are. In fact, you may have noticed that there was no August Whale Spouts last month. I decided I just didn't have it in me. And, now as we are ready to step into fall, I still don't have much to offer other than to say, "we are in this together."

Some days you will have it together. Some days I will have it together. Some days none of us will seem to have it together. But every day... every single day... we can hold tight to the reassurance that God is still God and we are still God's beloved. And, now that I think of it, that is a pretty powerful pearl to hold onto!

I am including in this newsletter several soul care opportunities to help us remember that God is still God and we are still God's beloved. This fall, my focus will be on spiritual direction and honing the Jonah Retreat (both of which you can read more about below.) If you are interested in additional options this fall, please check out the retreats below that are being offered by several beloved friends and colleagues.

Be still and know that God is still God. That is good news indeed!!!

With strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,

Sharon Seyfarth Garner
Director, Belly of the Whale Ministries
- weekly or monthly options available -

A frequent image that is used for spiritual direction is 3 chairs - one for you, one for me and one for God. Together we turn our "direction" toward God, seeking God's presence in your everyday life.

Especially in the midst of all the pivots, changes and unpredictability of the moment, meeting regularly with a spiritual director can be a powerful source of soul stability and care.

I meet with directees either monthly (as part of ongoing direction) or weekly (as part of the 32-week adaptation of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises). If you are looking for an intensive experience of spiritual growth and discernment, check out The Ignatian Adventure which is the book that I typically use as our guide through the Spiritual Exercises.

I am currently meeting with folks on-line only. Although I miss meeting in person, these virtual visits have the added benefit of being available to anyone anywhere - across the country or even the world!

This fall, I have space in my schedule to meet with a handful of new directees. If you would like to learn more with regards to scheduling or fees, check out my website or send me an email. I will gladly answer any questions you may have and we can make arrangements for a free consultation if you are interested.

It would be an honor to share this journey together with you.
- January 2021 opportunity -

The Jonah Retreat is an invitation to find safe space amidst the storms of life where you can pray, reconnect with God and gain the strength to be who God is calling you to be. Last summer (2019) a group of 10 folks shared in The Jonah Retreat as part of a 3 day/3 night silent, in-person gathering. This summer (2020) a group of 30 folks shared in The Jonah Retreat as part of a 3 week on-line gathering. Both experiences caused my soul to sing and re-affirmed the power of diving deep into the story of Jonah as a way of claiming who you are called to be and where you are called to go.

This fall, I have decided to dedicate time to honing the The Jonah Retreat materials as a 7-week individually directed retreat that I will begin offering this January (2021). It will involve weekly readings, abundant prayer resources (including newly developed prayer mandalas for contemplative coloring), journal prompts and a private weekly session of spiritual direction. The cost will likely be around $350 for the full retreat. I anticipate only having space for 5 folks. I know it is way in advance, but if you are interested in receiving more information about the January 2021 opportunity, email me and let me know so that you can be the first to receive the details as they emerge over the next few months.

Photo credit - Speed Bump by Dave Coverly, March 31, 2020
- offered by people I cherish -

Finding Purpose Today - Diane McGregor is leading this one-day retreat (two available dates in October) designed for women to explore how to live with gratitude and purpose as you move toward the next chapter of your life.

Holy Listening: with Breath, Body and the Spirit - Whitney Simpson is leading a 40 day on-line retreat based on her book, Holy Listening. It includes resources for yoga, journaling, lectio divina, aromatherapy, a community of support and more. It's starts LIVE on September 1 - so hop on board quickly if you're interested!

Protestant Prayer Beads Workshop - Kristen Vincent, author of A Bead and a Prayer, is leading several one day online workshops (September and November) that explore the history and use of prayer beads within the Protestant tradition.

Check out this powerful resource being offered by the General Commission on Religion & Race of The United Methodist Church. "Join us this September for 30 days of anti-racism. Each day we will engage in an activity that helps us to become more anti-racist in the ways we think and act. Share your progress with a picture or a reflection using #30DaysAntiRacism." Click here to learn more.
POSTPONED - Flourish 2021
an experiential contemplative retreat
February 19-21, 2021

I am so very sad to announce that we have made the difficult decision to postpone our offering of Flourish 2021. With careful consideration of the the current pandemic uncertainties, we decided to err on the side of "abundant caution" and hold off on this exciting event until we can safely gather in person. We will be in contact with all those who have registered to issue a full refund.

Connect with Belly of the Whale Spiritual Direction & Retreat Ministries on Social Media