Building Health Care's Next Generation of Leaders
Have an article to contribute or words of wisdom for the Philosopher's Corner?
The WHCMAA would like to thank our sponsors for supporting the organization!
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to learn more about Kindred Healthcare.
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to learn more about Willis Towers Watson.
It's that time of year again. The WHCMAA has another great experience awaiting you at the annual Alumni Healthcare Conference.
now to save your spot at an event that includes the following keynote speakers:
- John Sculley, Chairman and CMO of RxAdvance, former CEO of PepsiCo and Apple
- David Blumenthal MD, CEO Commonwealth Fund, former National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
- Brian O'Neill, CEO and Founder of Recovery Centers of America (which has raised over $300mm from Deerfield Management to treat the substance abuse crisis in America)
And don't forget the announcement of the winners of the 2018 Achievement Award and the 2018 Outstanding Service Award, which will be made at the Alumni Dinner the evening before the conference.
Hope to see you there!
Z. Colette Edwards, WG'84, MD'85
Managing Editor
To learn more about Colette,
click here.
WHCMAA Adopts New Banner for Use in All Communications
We have exciting news! Effective November 2nd, 2018, WHCMAA will retire the four-image banner that has been used for most of the past decade. Going forward, a new WHCMAA banner will be used in all official Association e-mails and social media communications, including the Wharton Healthcare Quarterly. See a preview of the new banner above. This new banner is an image of the entrance to Colonial PENN Center, this building on campus houses the large majority of the Wharton Health Care Management faculty, staff, and the Department offices. These people and structures have had a significant impact on our lives and bind us into a community. The new banner will launch for the Wharton Healthcare Quarterly in the January 2019 issue.
(Thanks in advance for not blocking communications with the new banner going forward.)
The President's Desk
Remember the summer reading list? I always dreaded it. I'd procrastinate until two weeks before school, then reach for the list that read like the syllabus of a grad-level Classics seminar, and realize I was in trouble. Now that I'm an adult (for real, guys), I get to pick what's on the list, and this summer, one book stood out - Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Start-Up. It tells the story of Theranos, a start-up claiming its blood testing technology would disrupt the diagnostics industry.
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Not a Freudian Slip: Personalized Health Is Often Not Personalized or Health - Part 2
In Part 1 we defined personalized medicine, precision medicine, and personalized healthcare and revealed a critical missing element that could mean all the difference to the health of a person. A person's thoughts, beliefs, and lifestyle behaviors are factors not typically considered on an individual level in precision medicine or personalized healthcare. Could this element be the answer to helping people positively impact health outcomes?
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The Philosopher's Corner
This eclectic standing column features insightful musings, words of wisdom, life lessons, and stepping stones to business success. This month's philosopher is David Kibbe, WG'80. David is SVP, Network Development and Contracting, Cone Health.
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Affidavit: Healthcare and the Law
- Pennsylvania Supreme Court Significantly Narrows the Application of the Pennsylvania Peer Review Act
On March 27, 2018, in a highly controversial decision (
Reginelli vi Boggs) the Pennsylvania Supreme Court held that the Pennsylvania Peer Review Protection Act ("PRPA") would not prevent the disclosure of certain physician performance review files in an ongoing medical malpractice lawsuit despite arguments the files in question were precisely the kind of peer review documents the PRPA was intended to protect. The decision limits the protection available to Pennsylvania healthcare providers under the narrow peer review evidentiary privilege and is part of a national trend towards greater transparency regarding how healthcare is provided.
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Downloading Success: How Millennial Leadership Is Shaping Healthcare |
Millennials are reshaping leadership. Research is emerging about millennials' differing views on how to lead and what to prioritize when doing it.
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How easy is it for you to identify the specific qualities you would look for in a job candidate at your place of work? From sales to accounting, healthcare and teaching the skills vary greatly. Do any of the qualities you are thinking of include physical fitness? A few occupations still require an individual to be able to lift 20 lbs., walk 3-5 miles a day or even swim 1 mile. Yet physical fitness is rarely listed on the resume when job hunting.
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In the last few years, an increasing number of leading health systems have embraced an "Anchor Mission," recognizing the economic and racial inequities that drive poor health in their communities require concrete and extensive interventions deploying every tool at their disposal.
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Intimidated by the investment costs associated with achieving better health upstream? Don't know where to start? Here is how to address social determinants of health without adding a dime to your operating budget.
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Think of the best teams of which you've been a part - those on which you, personally, were highly motivated, felt a strong sense of positive connection, and generally looked forward to coming to work each day. You have more influence than you may realize over your own and others' well-being, motivation, and performance.
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In this series of articles, we will introduce a few tools and ideas for realizing "systemness" by defining and aligning strategy and leadership, integrating the clinical enterprise, and enhancing corporate services.
Culture can get in the way of progress, impacting the delivery of care, the collaboration between researchers and clinicians, the move to service lines, the creation of centers and institutes, and the performance of the enterprise as a whole. While healthcare leaders once saw culture as "soft" or even inconsequential, they are now coming to appreciate its central role in driving the changes they want to see happen.
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Previous articles in this series have examined the foundation of new payment models, including structure and characteristics of unique VBP arrangements, expectations around provider readiness, construction of high-performing networks, and critical business functions for successfully managing a defined population under VBP arrangements. Installment 2 of this two-part article includes a deeper look at how patients stand to benefit from these new payment models.
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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within are those of the authors and editors of the articles and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions or strategies of the Wharton School and/or the University of Pennsylvania, and/or their respective organizations. Publication in this e-magazine should not be considered an endorsement. The
Wharton Healthcare Quarterly e-magazine and WHCMAA make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information in this e-magazine and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use.