What Are Your Motives?
All a man's ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the Lord. (Proverbs 16:2)

Do you feel you do what is right in the sight of God, but you also feel that God has forgotten you? Do you follow God's commandments, but you feel that God is not blessing you? Perhaps you are doing all the right things in all the right places at all the right times, but your motive is wrong.

A man's ways are his outward actions. He does things and judges himself by what he calls virtues, but God might be calling them vices. God looks more at the reason and the condition of the heart than at the thing that is done. Before you do a thing, ask yourself these questions:

  • "What is my motive?"
  • "What is my intention?"
  • "Will this act please God?"

If you can give honest answers to the above questions, then the measurement of your motive will match up with the same standard God uses.

Before you do a thing, remember to evaluate your motive because your motive for doing something is just as important as the act itself.

Rev. Margaret Minnicks

How Adam Knew What to Name the Animals

Most people know that God gave Adam the task of naming the animals even though Adam had never seen any animals before. So, how did Adam know what to name the animals? Also, how could Adam name all the animals in such a short period of time?

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Hobby Lobby owner is giving away his company

David Green, CEO and founder of Hobby Lobby announced that he is giving away his arts and crafts company that's worth more than $5 billion to a trust. He and his wife Barbara started the company in 1972 in Oklahoma City. Fifty years later, there...

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