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M. Colleen Klimczak, CPO

Certified Professional Organizer

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What Can You Do This Week to

Create Organizing Momentum?


Hello everyone:

Last week, I helped two clients make GREAT PROGRESS in their decluttering journey.

One client started a major house reorganization. The end product, in a few months, will be her current home with different purposes for many of the rooms. For example, a bedroom will become a home office and the current office will turn into a family room. But all we needed to do with our time together was TO START.

The other client removed, with a team, dozens of bags from a storage space to be donated, sold or recycled. This client is always willing to purge their items, but they required help to physically move the items. This client just needed TO FINISH.

What can you do this week, to get started or make progress on your Fall projects? IF you need inspiration or suggestions, read on!

And I will share this one more week: There are tasks to take care of in October, to get ready for colder weather, at least here in the Midwest. Check out these two resources:


Talk to you next week!


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See you all next week! Have a good one! Peace-Colleen