Projects don't just take a monetary toll. Clients are paying in time and stress, too.
This is the cost that's usually focused on. But remodeling isn't a commodity. It is a service that almost incidentally produces a product. What a remodeling client is buying is a relationship.
Most remodeling clients are already busy people. Work, family, commuting, recreation, community involvement - all of thse consume time, leaving many folks no time to recover. Virtually no potential remodeling client understand how much time they will have to invest in the project. Why should they need to put in a lot of time?
Decision making, for one thing. So much time and effort goes into figuring out what one wants. Given that a remodeling client does not do this regularly and will be living with their decisions for years, it often seems there is never enough time to make all the needed decisions.
A cheap remodeling contractor will provide little or no help to their clients regarding prodcut selection. The less expensive one's remodeler, the more time one will spend on decision making.
Saving money comest at a cost. That is life. There is no free lunch.
Most folks don't like to be frustrated. They don't like living with the stress that comes from uncertainty and unmet promises. Even working with a very good remodeler, a client will experience some surprises and disappointment.
The less expensive one's remodeler, the more frustration and stress one will experience. Good things typically cost more than inferior things. Why? They are worth it.
In the end everyone pays the same "price." What varies is the proportion of money, time and frustration/stress that make up that price.