Behavioral Health in Education Resources and Opportunities Technical Assistance Center (B-HERO)
To engage K-12 Behavioral Health Resource Coordinators in training, technical assistance, and opportunities to facilitate connections.  
All school personnel will develop the knowledge and skills to support the health and wellbeing of every student and family. 

This week’s “What Helps Us” is a compilation from members of the ND Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Network, a community of practice for teams of ND educators to share experiences, celebrate successes, and problem solve perceived barriers related to the systemic implementation of SEL. 
For five (and now six!) weeks, you’ve seen stories from ND school personnel who have shared “What Helps Us” to manage school-related stress. Sharing stories of healthy coping is an effective strategy for social norming healthy behaviors. Seeing and hearing from our peer group can help us validate healthy behaviors or “borrow” the healthy behaviors of others. As your school's BHRC, you can social norm productive stress management strategies too! 

Here’s how – see our

Movement can not only create changes in one’s physical state, but it positively enhances both emotional and mental states as well. Taking a few moments each day to increase your heart rate in a healthy manner, whether that is by walking with a colleague on a prep period, hitting the gym, participating in a yoga class, or doing some burpees and air squats at home can make a huge difference in your day. It is also important to note that you do not need to spend money to be able to enhance your overall physical and mental wellness.  
Extra Tip: Taking time to exercise after school is a good way to separate your work and your home life, but if you’re an early-bird, exercise might be able to take place of that morning cup of coffee! 

If you’re looking for a quick mini-workout at school, check out this guide here

For families, spending quality time together can be difficult while balancing all of life’s other activities. However, one way for families to spend quality time together and to promote healthy behaviors is to participate in group movements! Encouraging caregivers to keep themselves and their children moving by giving them some ideas for indoor activities can help grow relationships and can bring smiles to all family faces. 
For some fun ideas on creating movement while stuck inside, see this resource from Parents Lead: GettingMovement ( 
Parents Lead is an evidence-based prevention program providing parents and caregivers with supports for creating safe environments for children that promote behavioral health. It was developed with collaboration from the ND Department of Human Services, ND Department of Transportation, and the ND University System. For more information, visit 
As your school’s BHRC, you know the behavioral health needs of your students and school personnel, and how it impacts the school community every day. On behalf of your school community, please help us at the 
B-HERO Technical Assistance Center, provide you with evidence-based, informative, and most importantly, helpful resources and opportunities to support behavioral health needs by responding to the following Needs Assessment at your earliest convenience. Thank you! 
Link to Needs Assessment form:
2020-21 B-HERO Needs Assessment

Ready – Set – Share! 

The Behavioral Health in Education Resources and Opportunities Technical Assistance Center is a collaboration between the North Dakota Department of Human Services: Behavioral Health Division and the Central Regional Education Association. 
If you are no longer serving in the role of the Behavioral Health Resource Coordinator, know the name/email of the educator who is serving as the BHRC, or have transitioned to another school since Spring of 2019, please inform Melissa Spelchen via email at [email protected] at your earliest convenience. 
Project Renew provides FREE & anonymous support services.
Call 701-223-1510 to talk with a trained counselor.