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But you must remain faithful to the things you have been taught. You know they are true, for you know you can trust those who taught you. II Timothy 3:14 NLT


Do you remember the popular slogan used by Farmers Insurance in one of its commercials: "We know a lot because we've seen a lot"? The purpose of this commercial was to let people know they could depend on this insurance company for every insurance concern they encountered because they had already covered several unusual events in the lives of their members.

The apostle Paul sought to let Timothy, his son in the ministry know the same thing about his life. As a young pastor, Timothy was discouraged about his new role so Paul encouraged Timothy to look at Paul's life - his teachings, his purpose for living, his faith, his love, his patient endurance and his suffering. If Timothy could see all that God had accomplished in Paul's life as a missionary, he could draw strength from knowing God could accomplish the same thing in his life as a young pastor.

Are you feeling discouraged today? Discouraged because you are wondering if God can take care of the new challenge staring and glaring at you today? Then take a moment to reflect on what you already know about your heavenly father - his love and care for you, his faithfulness in never leaving nor forsaking you through the various seasons of your life, and the promises he’s already fulfilled in meeting all of your needs. Then rest in knowing he can take care of whatever life brings your way today, because he already has!

Sharing the Word,


Prayer: Father, thank you for your faithfulness for it serves as a reminder that you will take care of me today, just like you did yesterday.  Amen.

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Jeaninne Stokes is Christian author and Bible-teacher and the founder of Inspiration for living ministries, a Bible-teaching ministry whose mission is to encourage and equip her readers through the Word of God as they seek to live a life of faith in every arena of their lives.  If you enjoyed today's devotion, please share it with others and encourage them to join her mailing list to receive a dose of inspiration for their faith journey. Also, visit her website to read more of her devotions and view her books and other inspirational products she offers and to set up a speaking engagement to come and speak at your church, conference or organization.


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