League of Women Voters of NYS



"Action is agitating, organizing, educating, pleading, and persuading" -    Carrie Chapman Catt
League members must keep in mind that  THE LEAGUE SPEAKS WITH ONE VOICE.   

Members should remember that only the identified League spokesperson, usually the president, is responsible for getting the League position to the public.

League members are encouraged to express views individually and share the information obtained as a result of the League's study, position or information.  Once a League position is arrived at, that is the League position and the relevant board determines when, where and how to apply the position thereafter.

It is the prerogative of a member to take no action or to take contrary action as an individual.  Thus, as individuals, we all have the right to contact our public officials about matters of concern.  What we learn from League sources can always be used to inform a person's individual action. 

The LWVUS has suggested modes of action for individuals.  Click here to see that list.

If you want to get involved in the political discourse as an individual, here are some other pointers:

Gather the material you need for informed action. 


1. Check  in often with the LWVUS, LWVNY  (www.lwvny.org) and your local websites.  In particular, read the Facebook and Twitter feed on each to learn of recent activity, action alerts and what other leagues are doing.

Even if you do not have a twitter or Facebook account, and even if you do not want either, you can follow what the LWVUS and LWVNY is doing and saying by reading the posts on the website.

2. Sign up to receive updates from LWVUS. 

From Homepage (www.lwv.org)

Click on:  Thanks for marching
                                             You will find a list of actions an individual can take
                                    Click on:   Get involved
Sign up to become part of on line community.  Once you sign up, you should receive updates on league action on national front
                                     Click on:  Action alerts
                                              Pre-filled in info on how to let your opinion be heard

3. Check in with LWVNYS web site often.  There you will find:
    • Action alerts on state legislation
    • Facebook and Twitter feeds.  The LWVNYS site often shares and retweets information from local leagues.  By reviewing this material, you can see what is happening in areas close to you so you can join in local action.
    • Blog   Our Legislative Director, during the legislative session, posts a weekly blog with insightful and current information on what is happening in Albany.  By checking in with this blog, you can keep up with the issues which are most important to you.
4. Check into websites of organizations which share the Leagues concerns:
    • Women's March website and app

The organizers of the Women's March have developed a program called 10 actions for 100 days.  The first action was a post card writing campaign, the second is to organize and join Huddles which are meetings to bring together like minded individuals to familiarize themselves with the important issues and developments.   

    • Voices

This is an action app which contains alerts from various organization, including LWVNYC.  Once you indicate the organizations in which you are interested, you will receive information about the actions supported by those organization. Connects you to email and twitter accounts for your representatives

    • Websites and Facebook and twitter accounts of other organizations i.e. Planned Parenthood,  ACLU
      • All civic organizations are gearing up their action plans. 
    • We the People petitions on White House website
Take Action
  1. Join with your local league in its action efforts.
  2. Reach out to election officials on you own.
  3. General rule:
Personal visits and engagements are best
Telephone calls are second best
Tweets and Facebook

League of Women Voters of New York State
62 Grand Street, Albany, NY 12207
Tel: 518-465-4162  FAX: 518-465-0812
Website: www.lwvny.org
Facebook: League of Women Voters of NYS
Twitter @LWVNYS