June 2022 Building & Earth Newsletter
Welcome, Interns!
Dear Associates,

Please join me in welcoming the new internship class of 2022! We have over 20 interns that have joined our ranks for the Summer. We’re excited to have them aboard and we hope they have been made to feel welcome in our offices and jobsites. It’s always refreshing to have the intern class come in, not only because of the excitement new faces bring, but because they embody potential. Potential that represents the future of this company, future branch managers, lab managers, project managers, master inspectors, and senior technicians.
Leadership and experienced employees, I challenge you to remember what it was like when you first started. Were you taken under the wing of a seasoned employee? Good, it’s your time to be that person to the new faces around the office and pass down your knowledge. Did you have the opposite experience and found yourself learning everything on your own? Be the person to others that you wish you had when you were younger. A rising tide lifts all ships.
So, interns, what kind of company did you choose to spend your Summer with? You joined a company that started with 4 friends in 1999. We wanted to create a good place to work & to be the Benchmark for Excellence. We didn’t know too much back then but we knew we were willing to put in the elbow grease to make something long lasting. Fast forward to the present, we have grown to 18 office locations spread across 9 states. We are currently the largest we’ve ever been with 254 employees. We have 10 owners, we just broke into the top 500 design firms in the world at #474 and we just achieved two years of platinum-level safety (read more of that below). I’m telling you this to let you know you’ve joined a team that aims to communicate effectively, execute, and cultivate leaders & client relationships.
As this message of excitement concludes, know this internship class of 2022. Our eyes and the eyes of the company are on you. We watch your development with great eagerness. We hope you feel appreciated and acknowledged. Please know, that we are here to help in any way we can. Our hope is that when you conclude this internship, you’ll do so with a sense of accomplishment. We’re happy you chose us.

Deepa Bhate
CEO - Founder
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Current News
Highlight Article:
#474 ENR Rating: Top 500 Design Firms Globally
Building & Earth broke into the Engineering News-Record's (ENR) Top 500 Design Firms globally, this year. It was a goal set by management in the early 2000s! At the time, making this prestigious group was seen as formally "making it in the big leagues". Now, with this goal achieved, we aim our sights even higher. Thank you to everyone that has been working so hard lately but especially to the folks that have been with us since this goal's inception.

We're proud of how far we've come but we're just getting started.
Highlight Article:
Platinum Level Saftey
Building & Earth was recently recognized at the annual SAFE DAY luncheon sponsored by the Association of Builders & Contractors (ABC), Alabama chapter.  For the second year in a row, the company earned the Platinum Level STEP award. The STEP award is a national program that evaluates a company’s safety culture and recognizes achievement in safety performance. Building & Earth also received two other prestigious awards including Safest in the Industry, Gold Award Winner, and Innovation in Safety.  
It takes everyone in the company working together to achieve a high-performance safety culture. We appreciate everyone’s efforts to complete the monthly safety training, participate in safety talks, and being aware of hazards on jobsites and roadways. If you have any suggestions or recommendations to improve workplace safety, then talk with your branch safety committee member or supervisor.
Be the Benchmark - Execute
Birmingham Office: Weston Stidham
I’d like to congratulate Weston Stidham on his promotion to CMT Department Manager in the Birmingham office. Weston has done a great job of taking over the department. In addition to managing almost 20 technicians, Weston also manages several large, high-profile projects, including the UAB Medical West Hospital and the St. Clair County Jail. These projects require constant attention and long hours. I look forward to seeing Weston continue to grow in his career at Building & Earth.

-Joey Jones, P.E.
Birmingham Branch Manager
Be the Benchmark - Cultivate
Corporate / Birmingham Office: Lunch & Learn
Deepa Bhate (CEO-Founder), Jeff Cowen (President), and Joey Jones (BH Branch Manager) led a Lunch and Learn meeting with Cooper Construction. They discussed the benefits of our services and highlighted our successful history of providing "value engineering". Value engineering can be defined as an organized effort directed at analyzing designed building features, systems, equipment, and material selections for the purpose of achieving essential functions at the lowest life cycle cost consistent with required performance, quality, reliability, and safety.
Photos from Around the Offices
Cinco De Mayo!
Corporate / Birmingham Office
Auburn / Montgomery Office
Auburn / Montgomery Office teams joined today for Cinco De Mayo lunch.
Fun Straw Poll:
What extreme sport would you try first?
What extreme sport would you try first?
Free Climbing
Bungee Jumping
Ice Climbing
Wingsuit Flying
Volcano Surfing
Scuba Diving

Previous question: You are stranded on an island, you can choose only one of the following items to have with you...

Winner: Fire Starter
Want to earn some extra cash? Recruit people you know to join our team!
If you know anyone looking for employment, send them our way. If they work out, you will receive $2,000 over the course of their first year of employment. Yep, that’s right - $2,000!
Remember there is an extra $1,000 for recruiting an Engineering Technician willing to work on remote projects.
If you have any questions regarding recruitment or open positions, please reach out to Christina Gardner at 251-455-3484.
Did you know? WE ARE HIRING!
Follow this link to review all of our currently open positions:
Contact Christina in HR if you have any questions about any open positions.
Technicians – don’t forget about our Remote Technician Incentive Program. If you are a local technician and are willing to travel, you will receive a 15% increase to your regular hourly rate while working on remote projects. There are a lot of other benefits to working on remote projects! Please contact your manager if you are interested in this type of work.
Interested? Email Christina at [email protected].
Welcome Our New Employees
5545 Derby Drive
Birmingham, AL 35210