When you drop your kids off to college, especially for the first time, it's likely they will experience some homesickness and anxiety about starting a new adventure. That is totally normal and to be expected. However, for some, college is when signs of mental illness begin to appear for the first time. What is normal and what are warning signs for more serious mental health conditions?
What to Watch For
While depression and anxiety can begin in the early teen years, other mental health disorders like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and eating disorders often begin to appear in the early 20's. For those predisposed to a mental illness, a variety of factors can trigger it including, stress, lack of sleep, and alcohol/substance use. Know These Warning Signs
Empower Them
Before they leave, encourage them to prepare themselves mentally. Work with them to plan ahead for coping with general stress and difficult situations, help them find resources on campus or nearby that they can turn to if they need help. Most importantly, let them know it's ok to ask for help! While it's easy to feel like an "F" will ruin your life when you are 18, remind them to keep things in perspective. It's easier to retake a class than fix mental health issues that spiral out of control.
Do you know about all of the free resources and webinars CT Clearinghouse offers? Check out their recent newsletter to find out about upcoming events, new materials and new books in their library. Also read about the award-winning Let's #MentionPrevention campaign! Read newsletter now.
This Connecticut 988 & Crisis Services Key Stakeholder Survey will help the agencies learn from you as a key stakeholder about your current knowledge of 988, past year use of and/or referral to Connecticut Adult Crisis Services and Youth Crisis Services, as well as gain your perspectives on efforts moving forward. We ask you to answer this survey from your unique professional and/or personal perspectives.
The survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete, depending on your optional comments. Results from the survey will guide the development of the 988 Plan. Take survey now.
Job Opening:
Director of Social Services
The City of Stamford Department of Public Safety, Health and Welfare is recruiting for the position of Director of Social Services. Qualified candidates are encouraged to apply.
The Director of Social Services is responsible for overseeing the City of Stamford multi program social services division. The incumbent reports to the Director of Public Safety, Health and Welfare (DPSHW) and develops the vision and strategy of the Social Services Division in conjunction with the DPSHW and internal and external stakeholders. Apply now.
CT Association of School Based Health Centers Annual Conference
Registration Begins August 15th!
Building Bridges: Reuniting Communities Through School Based Health Services
Coalitions in Action—Woodbury-Bethlehem Advocates for Substance Abuse Prevention – Using Libraries to Start Conversations with Youth
Woodbury-Bethlehem Advocates for Substance Abuse Prevention (WB-ASAP), based in Woodbury, Connecticut, is a nonprofit community-based organization focused on reducing substance misuse by promoting healthy lifestyles through education and prevention. The WB-ASAP Addiction & Recovery Resource Center at the Woodbury Public Library includes a variety of titles, biographies, non-fiction, and graphic novels. “The library began through the Woodbury-Bethlehem Parent Connection, which was started to help parents in our community deal with members of their family who were dealing with substance use disorders,” said Project Director and Co-Chair of WB-ASAP, Jeff McKenna. “A lot of times, parents are looking for support to share their feelings and stories with others and not feel alone. Upon having discussions about what books and movies members of the Connection were watching and how it helped them, momentum picked up to the point where the Coalition had so many similar resources in hand that they wanted to share them with a larger audience. Read full article.
Alcohol consumption linked to nearly 750,000 cancer cases
CBS News Doctors are sounding the alarm over research showing a link between drinking alcohol and cancer. More than 700,000 new cancer cases were linked to alcohol consumption in 2020 - a time when many Americans reported drinking more.
Peer Counseling Addresses Barriers to Student Mental Health
When Dr. Sarah Lipson, a Boston University Professor and Associate Director of the Healthy Minds Network, worked in higher education as residential life staff, she soon found that mental health problems on college campuses were more prevalent...